Philosophy 3480:  Critical Thinking

Exercise 2: The Concept of Validity

Due Date:   Monday, January 24

Proportion of Final Grade:  5%

        The evaluation of any argument involves two issues.  First, are the premises of the argument plausible - that is, likely to be true?  Secondly, do the premises provide satisfactory support for the conclusion of the argument?

        Arguments are traditionally divided into two sorts: inductive and deductive.  In an inductive argument, where the reasoning is good, the premises make it likely that the conclusion is true.  In a deductive argument, on the other hand, the reasoning is good only if the relationship between the premises and the conclusion is such that it is logically impossible for all of the premises to be true, and yet the conclusion false.

        Deductive arguments where the reasoning is good are described as valid arguments.  A valid argument, accordingly, is one where the truth of the premises suffices to guarantee the truth of the conclusion.

        Intuitively, then, what one can do to test whether an argument is valid is to ask oneself if one can imagine a world - which may be very different from the actual world - in which all of the premises of the argument true, and the conclusion false.  If one can, then the argument is invalid (or fallacious).

        In testing whether an argument is valid, it is important, when trying to imagine a world in which the premises are all true, and yet the conclusion false, not to add on to the premises, unconsciously, extra assumptions that one naturally associates with the premises in question.  For adding on such extra assumptions may suffice to guarantee the truth of the conclusion when the original premises themselves would not have not done so.

        Arguments can also be tested for validity in more formal ways.  One method, which we considered in class, and which is applicable to many arguments involving statements containing words such as "all", "some", none", "always", "never", and so on, is the method of drawing a Venn diagram.  If, in some cases, you are not confident about the result when you consider the argument in an intuitive way, you may want to make use of a Venn diagram to confirm your initial conclusion.

        For each of the following arguments, simply indicate whether you think that the argument is valid or invalid.  It is not necessary to justify your answer.

1.       All fish can swim.
          Some things that swim live in the ocean.
          Therefore, some fish live in the ocean.                                                              Valid ___   Invalid ___

2.       If the Bible is the Word of God, then everything in the Bible is true.
          Everything in the Bible is true.
          Therefore, the Bible is the Word of God.                                                        Valid ___   Invalid ___

3.       Ted Kennedy is a closet, John Birch Society member.
          No one who is not a Democrat is a closet, John Birch Society member.
          Therefore, Ted Kennedy is a Democrat.                                                          Valid ___   Invalid ___

4.       All Nazis were anti-Semitic.
          Hitler was anti-Semitic.
          Therefore, Hitler was a Nazi.                                                                           Valid ___   Invalid ___

5.       If Jesus did not rise from the dead, then our faith is in vain.
          But Jesus did rise from the dead.
          Therefore, our faith is not in vain.                                                                   Valid ___   Invalid ___

6.       Everyone who accepts the one true faith will go to heaven.
          Some women will go to heaven.
          Therefore, some women accept the one true faith.                                           Valid ___   Invalid ___

7.       Only if the burglars were sophisticated professionals could
          they have successfully dismantled the alarm system.
          The burglars were unable to dismantle the alarm system.
          Therefore, they were not sophisticated professionals.                                     Valid ___   Invalid ___

8.       All Republicans believe in private property.
          No Communists are Republicans.
          Therefore, no Communists believe in private property.                                  Valid ___   Invalid ___

9.       Anything placed in a safe container can be transported.
          Some explosives are not placed in a safe container.
          Therefore, some explosives cannot be transported.                                        Valid ___   Invalid ___

10.      Some vegetarians eat some dairy products.
          Cheese is a dairy product.
          Therefore, some vegetarians eat cheese.                                                       Valid ___   Invalid ___