Other Problematic Actions by Administrators

An Overview of the Documents


I. The Case of Professor Patti Adler

          Here I have posted the following four documents:

1. "Should one protest when a colleague is badly mistreated" – Jim Murphy

       This first document is a letter written by a person named Jim Murphy who sent it on January 23, 2014, to a number of heads of departments and program directors at the University of Colorado at Boulder. commenting on what he felt was a lack of courage on the part of faculty who had been virtually silent in the face of the Adminstration's treatment of Professor Patti Adler.  This letter was forwarded to members of the Philosophy Department by Professor Graeme Forbes.

2. "Professor Patricia Adler and the University of Colorado" – Sarah Bright

       This article provides a very full summary of the Patti Adler Affair, and I have posted it here with the permission of the author.

3. The Report by the University's Boulder Faculty Assembly on the Treatment of Professor Patricia Adler.

In this report, a committee of the Boulder Faculty Assembly advanced very serious criticisms of various administrators, and of the University's Office of Discrimination and Harassment. Neither the Administration nor the
Office of Discrimination and Harassment has replied in anyting other than a cursory way to those criticisms, or admitted any wrongdoing in the matter.

4. "Levitt: At CU, Faculty Groups Have Become Administration Lackeys" – Paul Levitt

This is a guest opinion column in the Boulder Daily Camera, by Professor Paul Levitt, Department of English, University of Colorado at Boulder.

The Documents