Section 006
Michael Tooley
TTh 12:30-1:45
Hellems, Room 277
ECON 205
Office Hours: TTh
Once we get over the introductory, background material on philosophy and ethics, and the critical thinking material, our classes will be a combination of lectures and discussion. It is very important that people come to class prepared to take part in those discussions. This means that do the readings in advance, and then think about the issues, so that when an opportunity arises in a lecture to set out your opinion on the issue in question, you are prepared to offer a thoughtful view, along with your reasons for thinking that your view is correct.
Class discussions will sometimes incorporate a mini critical thinking session, in which we briefly discuss some controversial issue. When this is the case, the topic to be discussed will be announced in the preceding lecture, and you should come to class prepared to advance a view on the issue, and a reason for your view.
Lectures and I-Clickers
One of
the enormous advantages of the use of i-clickers is that it enables
people to express opinions on topics where they might very well be
hesitant to do so if the result would be that everyone in the class
would then know what their views were on that topic, since many of the
topics that we will be discussing are quite controversial ones on which
people have strong feelings. The use of i-clickers eliminates concerns
that might otherwise arise from that fact.
should be noted, however, that the i-clicker program, as it is
presently set up, records all the answers that are given, so that there
will be a record of all of the answers on my laptop. But if you do not
register your i-clicker, that record will not be connected in any way
with your name. Consequently, my recommendation is this:
register your i-clicker, unless you are forced to do so because of
another class that you are currently taking. (Otherwise, if you have
already registered your i-clicker, just de-register it.)
Finally, even if you are forced to register your i-clicker because of
another class that you are taking where i-clickers are used in such a
way that they need to be registered – for example, for administering
tests – I will still not have any knowledge of who gave what answer,
since I will not be downloading the file that correlates names with
i-clickers that have been registered. But if you would prefer to remove
absolutely any possibility of your answers being known by anyone in the
case of some of the more controversial questions and issues that we
will be discussing, simply refrain from answering those questions.
Course Work
Your grade in this course will be based upon seven exercises, a two-part essay-writing exercise, and a final examination.
It is not a rare occurrence,
however, to wind up with a grade that is just very slightly below the
next higher grade. My policy in such cases is, other things being
equal, to bump up to the next higher grade students who were present in
class virtually all of the time, and who made contributions to class
discussions, while not doing so in the case of students who were absent
from class fairly often, or who made virtually no contributions to
class discussions.
Instructions Regarding
Please note the following very important points:
(1) All assignments are to be downloaded from the Philosophy 1100 website, which is http://spot.Colorado.EDU/~tooley/Philosophy1100Current.html.
(2) You should download Exercise 1, read through it carefully, and bring it to class on Thursday, August 29, so that we can discuss any questions that you have about that first assignment.
(3) All assignments are to be handed in at the class on the due dates listed below.
(4) The policy concerning late assignments is set out below.
(5) Whenever you hand in an assignment, you should bring a downloaded copy of the next assignment to that class, since that is when the assignment will be explained and discussed.
The Web Site for Philosophy 1100
My home page is http://spot.Colorado.EDU/~tooley/.
Course materials can be accessed either from my home page, by clicking
on the link “Current Courses”, or directly, by going to the
following, Philosophy 1100 Honors web site: http://spot.Colorado.EDU/~tooley/Philosophy1100Current.html
Those course materials include
the following: (1) the exercises, and essay assignments and
instructions; (2) a course syllabus; (3) a course overview; (4) lecture
material relevant to the exercises; (5) lecture notes on several
topics; (6) a final examination handout; and (7) some additional
readings for the course.
Contacting Me Concerning Urgent Matters
People tend to rely rather
heavily on e-mail. This is not a good idea in my case, since I
sometimes get absorbed in my research, and then I do not check my email
on a regular basis. In addition, many matters can be dealt with
much more quickly and effectively by a conversation. So please
contact me by telephone, rather than by email, especially if it
is a
matter of some urgency.
My home phone is (303)
541-0933, and you will almost always be able to reach me between the
hours of 10 a.m. and 10 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and on
weekends as well, and in the evenings on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
The Essay-Writing Exercises
First Essay: The writing of a 1200-1500 word essay , on a topic chosen from a list of topics. Full instructions, including a list of topics, can be found on our class website at (25%)
(a) Your basic thesis, your central supporting argument, and one important objection that you will address. (7%)
Due date: Thursday, October 31
(b) The completed essay. (17%)
Due date: Thursday, December 5
Final Examination
There will be a two and one-half hour, closed book essay-style examination on Wednesday, December 18th, at the time of 7:30 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. in ECON 205. (25%)
Policy on Late Assignments
Topics and Required Readings
1. Concerns Regarding this Course
If at any point during the semester you have any concerns about the exercises, lectures, discussions, or anything else in this course, please talk to me about those matters.
If you still have concerns after talking with me, or if you feel that the matter is one that you need to discuss with a third party, you should contact either Professor Wes Morriston, who is the Director of Undergraduate Studies in the Philosophy Department (, 303-492-8297), Professor Graeme Forbes, who is the Head of the Philosophy Department (, 303-492-7120).
2. Course Plagiarism Policy
Each student is expected to
submit his or her own original work for each exercise, essay, and final
The use of essays and other
material downloaded from the Internet is obviously a serious case of
plagiarism. But, in general, any substantial use of material from
any source must be clearly acknowledged, and any ideas should be
expressed in one's own words.
A first violation of this
plagiarism policy, or the University Honor Code, or the Honor Code
pledge shown below will result in a grade of zero for the relevant
piece of work, and, in accordance with University requirements, will
have to be reported. In addition, if that first violation is
especially serious – such as the copying of a whole document – the
result will be a failing grade for the course as a whole.
“On my honor, as a University of Colorado at Boulder student, I have neither given nor received unauthorized assistance on this work.”
Syllabus Statements Recommended by the Office of Academic Affairs
1. The Boulder Provost’s Disability Task Force Recommended Syllabus Statement
If you qualify for accommodations because of
a disability, please submit to your professor a letter from Disability
Services in a timely manner (for exam accommodations provide your
letter at least one week prior to the exam) so that your needs can be
addressed. Disability Services determines accommodations based on
documented disabilities. Contact Disability Services at 303-492-8671 or
by e-mail at
If you have a temporary medical
condition or injury, see Temporary Injuries under Quick Links at
Disability Services website ( and discuss your needs with your professor.
2. Statement Concerning Religious Observances
Campus policy regarding religious
observances requires that faculty make every effort to deal reasonably
and fairly with all students who, because of religious obligations,
have conflicts with scheduled exams, assignments or required
attendance. In this class, if you have a religious observance that
conflicts with a class or with the final exam, please contact me at the
beginning of the semester so that alternative arrangements can be made.
See full details at
3. Statement Concerning Classroom Behavior
Students and faculty each have
responsibility for maintaining an appropriate learning environment.
Those who fail to adhere to such behavioral standards may be subject to
discipline. Professional courtesy and sensitivity are especially
important with respect to individuals and topics dealing with
differences of race, color, culture, religion, creed, politics,
veteran’s status, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity and
gender expression, age, disability, and nationalities. Class rosters
are provided to the instructor with the student's legal name. I will
gladly honor your request to address you by an alternate name or gender
pronoun. Please advise me of this preference early in the semester so
that I may make appropriate changes to my records. See policies at and at
4. Recommended Statement from the Office of Discrimination and Harassment
The University of Colorado
Boulder (CU-Boulder) is committed to maintaining a positive learning,
working, and living environment. The University of Colorado does not
discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age,
disability, creed, religion, sexual orientation, or veteran status in
admission and access to, and treatment and employment in, its
educational programs and activities. (Regent Law, Article 10, amended
11/8/2001). CU-Boulder will not tolerate acts of discrimination or
harassment based upon Protected Classes or related retaliation against
or by any employee or student. For purposes of this CU-Boulder policy,
"Protected Classes" refers to race, color, national origin, sex,
pregnancy, age, disability, creed, religion, sexual orientation, gender
identity, gender expression, or veteran status. Individuals who believe
they have been discriminated against should contact the Office of
Discrimination and Harassment (ODH) at 303-492-2127 or the Office of
Student Conduct (OSC) at 303-492-5550. Information about the ODH, the
above referenced policies, and the campus resources available to assist
individuals regarding discrimination or harassment can be obtained at
5. Recommended Statement on Academic Honesty and Integrity
The Boulder campus has a student
Honor Code and individual faculty members are expected to familiarize
themselves with its tenets and follow the approved procedures should
violations be perceived. The campus has been working diligently to make
this process work better and to provide guidance on ‘gray areas’ to be
helpful to both faculty and students at the Honor website. The Honor
Council recommended syllabus statement:
All students of the University of
Colorado at Boulder are responsible for knowing and adhering to the
academic integrity policy of this institution. Violations of this
policy may include: cheating, plagiarism, aid of academic dishonesty,
fabrication, lying, bribery, and threatening behavior. All incidents of
academic misconduct shall be reported to the Honor Code Council
(; 303-735-2273). Students who are found to be in
violation of the academic integrity policy will be subject to both
academic sanctions from the faculty member and non-academic sanctions
(including but not limited to university probation, suspension, or
expulsion). Other information on the Honor Code can be found at and at