Translations of Publications
"Hume e o problema
do mal,”a translation of “Hume and the Problem of Evil,” in Filosofia da Religião ,
org. J. Jordan, (São Paulo, Brasil: Paulinas, 2015), pp.
"Aborto e Infanticidio," a Portuguese translation of "Abortion
and Infanticide," in A
Etica do Aborto, edited by, and translations done by,
Pedro Galvao, Lisbon, Portugal: Dinalivro, 2005, 69-104.
La natura del tempo,
(Milano: McGraw-Hill, 1999). (This is an
Italian translation, by Michele Visentin, of Time, Tense, and Causation, with
a new preface and some revisions.)
A Japanese translation of "The Moral Status of the Cloning of
Humans," in Studien zur
Praktischen Philosophie (Jissentetsugaku-Kenkyu), 22,
1999, 53-97.
"Abtreibung und Kindstötung," a German translation of
"Abortion and Infanticide," with a new Postscript (1989), in Um Leben und Tod, edited
by Anton Leist, Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 1990,
A Japanese translation of "Abortion and Infanticide," in The Bases of Bioethics,
edited by Hisatake Kato and Nobuyuki Iida, Tokai University
Press, Tokyo, 1988, 94-110.
"Ett försvar för abort och spädbarnsavlivande," in Abortetik, edited by
Thomas Anderberg and Ingmar Persson, Doxa, Lund, Sweden, 1987,
115-44. (A Swedish translation of the complete text of
"In Defense of Abortion and Infanticide.")