Leafhopper Distribution Maps

Flexamia areolata

Flexamia areolata

Flexamia areolata range map

map legend

Host-plant associations: Eragrostis spectabilis (Whitcomb and Hicks 1988a); E. pectinacea (Osborn 1928b).

Range of collection dates: 14 June–4 October in Illinois (DeLong 1948a).

Elevation range (approximate): unavailable for this species.

Sources of Distribution Data: Published records, specimens in the collections of the United States National Museum, the University of Colorado Natural History Museum, the Mississippi Entomological Museum at Mississippi State University, and unpublished records from the Indiana Department of Natural Resources. Mr. Tom Murray provided the Massachusetts record (personal communication, 2007). 

Comments: Flexamia areolata has also been reported from Phoenix, Arizona (Ball 1899b), San Diego, California (Whitcomb and Hicks 1988a), and unspecified localities in southern Michigan (Hamilton 1994), New York (Buys 1924a), and South Carolina (Delong 1926d).

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Flexamia areolata, female, photo 1 of 5
Flexamia areolata, female
Flexamia areolata, female, photo 2 of 5
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Flexamia areolata, female, photo 3 of 5
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Flexamia areolata, female, photo 4 of 5
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Flexamia areolata, female, photo 5 of 5

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Updated July 16, 2010