Leafhopper Distribution Maps

Flexamia pectinata

Flexamia pectinata

F. pectinata range map

map legend

Host-plant associations: Side-oats grama (Bouteloua curtipendula) is the host (DeLong 1926d, Whitcomb & Hicks 1988a). Also reported from B. hirsuta (DeLong 1926d).

Range of collection dates: May–November for Ellis Co., Kansas (Blocker et al. 1972a). Dates not given.

Elevation range (approximate): unavailable for this species.

Sources of Distributional Data: Published records and specimens in the collections of the United States National Museum and the University of Colorado Natural History Museum. R. Henderson provided the majority of the records from Wisconsin (personal communication, 1998).

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Updated September 1, 2011