Leafhopper Distribution Maps

Flexamia  pyrops

Range map of the cicadellid Flexamia pyrops

map legend

Host-plant associations:  Collected on Aristida gracilis (=Aristida longespica)(Crumb 1915a).

Range of collection dates: unavailable for this species.

Elevation range (approximate): unavailable for this species.

Sources of Distributional Data: Redrawn in part from Whitcomb & Hicks 1988. Additional records from specimens in the collections of the United States National Museum and the Mississippi Entomological Museum at Mississippi State University, and from unpublished records of the Indiana Department of Natural Resources.

Comments: This map relies in part on a previously published map for some of the county records (rather than on museum specimen label data); some of those records can't be placed with certainty and are therefore represented as unconfirmed.

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Updated June 1, 2009