Leafhopper Distribution Maps

Flexamia  stylata

Flexamia stylata map

map legend

Host-plant associations: Reported from Muhlenbergia wrightii; may occur on other Muhlenbergia species in the northern part of its range (Whitcomb & Hicks 1988a).

Range of collection dates:  unavailable for this species.

Elevation range (approximate):  unavailable for this species.

Sources of Distributional Data: Published accounts. Additional records from the collections of the United States National Museum and the University of Colorado Natural History Museum.

Comments: Flexamia stylata has also been reported from Georgia (Fattig 1955a), Kentucky (Young 1950a), North Carolina (Brimley 1938a), Ohio (Osborn and Knull 1947a), and Tennessee (Delong 1916a). Delong (1926d) indicated that those from Tennessee were not typical; none of these south-eastern records are mapped here until the specimens can be reexamined.

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Last updated September 2, 2011