CHAPTER 1. On the Sociology of Deviance, Erikson

The Four Functions of Deviance:

1. Cohesion, Solidarity, & Integration

2. Boundary Maintenance/Definition

3. Social Change

4. Full Employment


Three Ways that Institutions Perpetuate Deviance  

1. Gather marginal people into groups

2. Teach them the skills and attitudes of a deviant career

3. Reinforce alienation from society


Individual Concepts:

Commitment Ceremonies

Self-fulfilling Prophesies


Ch. 2: Heckert and Heckert

An Integrated Typology of Deviance Applied to Ten Middle-Class Norms

 ~Integrating Normative and Reactivist Definitions of Deviance

4 Types of Deviance

1. Negative Deviance

2. Rate Busting

3. Deviance Admiration

4. Positive Deviance

~An Integrated Typology of Deviance Applied to Ten Middle-Class Norms

1. Loyalty

2. Privacy

3. Prudence

4. Conventionality

5. Responsibility

6. Participation

7. Moderation

8. Honesty

9. Peacefulness

10. Courtesy

Each of these types of deviance applied to these 10 norms:

Negative Deviance:

- Group Loyalty/Apostasy 

-  Privacy/Intrusion

- Prudence/Indiscretion 

- Conventionality/Bizarreness

- Responsibility/Irresponsibility

- Participation/Alienation 

- Moderation/Hedonism

- Honesty/Deceitfulness

- Peacefulness/Disruption 

- Courtesy/Uncouthness

Rate Busting:

- Group Loyalty/Fanatism

- Privacy/Seclusion

- Prudence/Puritanism

- Conventionality/Provincialism

-  Responsibility/Priggishness

- Participation/Dependence

-  Moderation/Asceticism

- Honesty/Tactlessness

- Peacefulness/Wimpishness

- Courtesy/Obsequiousness

Deviance Admiration:

- Group Loyalty/Rebellion

- Privacy/Investigation

- Prudence/Exhibitionism

- Conventionality/Faddishness

- Responsibility/Adventurousness

- Participation/Independence

- Moderation/Rougishness

-  Honesty/Tactlessness

-  Peacefulness/Revelry

- Courtesy/Irreverence

Positive Deviance:

- Group Loyalty/Altruism

- Privacy/Circumspection

-  Prudence/Discretion

- Conventionality/Properness

- Responsibility/Hyperresponsibility

- Participation/Cooperation

- Moderation/Temperence

- Honesty/Forthrightness

- Peacefulness/Pacifism

- Courtesy/Gentility


CHAPTER 3. Becker, Relativism: Labeling Theory

Three Variations in why People respond to Deviance Differently

1. Variation over time 

2. Who commits it/who feels harmed by it

3. Variations in consequences


CHAPTER 4: Natural Law and the Sociology of Deviance ; Anne Hendershott

Moral Order

    ~What does this say about society?

Moral Judgments

    ~What does this say about how we view the world?

    ~What are the implications of the culture of individualism vs. a common moral order?

Defining Deviance Down and Up

    ~Boundary definitions

Cultural Relativism

   ~ Experts vs. Common Sense

The Medicalization of Deviance

    ~deviance as sickness

Absolutist Perspective on Deviance:

    ~What is Natural Law?

1. Universally defined over time (at all times)

2. Universally applied in all places

3. Arise from objective sources such as nature or God

What does the conservative view have in common with these other radical views?  

Natural Law

Nature and Morality

Cult of Individualism vs. strong Common Moral Order

Social Order and Sacred Order

    ~When should deviance be viewed as a "sin" as opposed to a "sickness" and what are the implications?


Psychological Man vs. Christian Man

How do these two types relate to a value-free society? To the role of experts vs. common sense?