Forms of Mediation


Ř                  Oral: “Orality

s                     Based on the ear (listening)

s                     Communal experience

s                     Time-oriented

Ř                  Written/print: Literacy

s                     Based on the eye (reading)

s                     Individual, privatized experience (according to many accounts)

s                     Space-oriented

Ř                  Electronic: “Secondary orality” (Ong)

Ř                  Plato’s The Phaedrus

s                     Writing is inhuman

s                     Writing destroys memory

s                     A written text is passive, unresponsive

Ř                  Technological determinism

s                     Social relations

s                     Consequences of technological determinism?

-        Technological change (of a particular kind) is inevitable: Ride the wave

-        Moral obligation becomes irrelevant

Ř                  What is technology? Common definitions:

s                     John Law

 “…a family of methods for associating and channeling other entities and forces, both human and nonhuman.”

s                     Ron Westrum

-        Technology is things.

“Devices,” ranging anywhere from a pencil to an ocean liner.

-        Technology is techniques.

Based on practical skills (e.g., recipes, instructions, formulas, rules).

-        Technology is abstract knowledge.

Based on complex systems of scientific and technical concepts (e.g., the design of a space shuttle or a nuclear power plant).