Miscellaneous Examples from Class

(new stuff added at the beginning; scroll down for older stuff.)


nov 19

notes on lookahead




to find a blocking move for a gamestate


            make sure you AVOID any move that lets the opponent win

                        in the gamestate


to tell if a move lets the opponent win in a gamestate


            apply the move to the gamestate


            find the best move for that gamestate //RECURSION

            //this will be a move for the OPPONENT


            apply that move to the gamestate


            if the player who last played has won, return 1;


            return 0;


//NOTE that this approach assumes that your move finder checks for

//winning moves and takes them!!






to find best move for a gamestate:


            generate all moves


            use knockout plan to find legal move with highest score

                        in this gamestate


            return that move


to find score for a move in a gamestate


            apply the move to the gamestate //notes 7


            return the score for the resulting gamestate


to find score for a gamestate


            if the player who just played won, return 100


            if the game is a draw, return 0; //no legal moves


            find the best move for this gamestate //recursion!


            return -1 * the score for this move in this gamestate

            //because the score is for the opponent



another approach

struct evaluated_move


            struct move m;

            int value;



to find best move in a gamestate


            find best evaluated_move in the gamestate


            return the move part of the evaluated_move


to find best evaluated_move in a gamestate


            generate all moves


            if there are no legal moves

                        create a dummy move and set its value to 0 //draw



            if there is a winning move

                        set its value to 100 and return it


            use knockout plan to find move with highest value

                        in this situation


            create evaluated_move with this move and value


            return it


to find value of a move in a situation


            apply move to the situation


            find best evaluated_move in the new situation //recursion


            return -1 * the value of this move

            //because this is the opponent's move




oct 24

example code to troubleshoot


Sep 22

int x,z;


//x should now be 27 [the cube of 3],z should be 9 [the square of 3]

//which, if any, of the following definitions of foo() will work?

int foo(int a,int* b) //1





int foo(int a,int* b) //2


    return a*a*a;



int foo(int a,int* b) //3



    return int a*a*a;


int foo(int a,int* b) //4




    return a*a*a;




int foo(int a,int* b, int *c) //5



    return a*a*a;


int foo(int *3,int* b) //6



    return a*a*a;


int foo(int a,int &b) //7



    return a*a*a;


int foo(int a) //8


    return a*a;

    return a*a*a;


int foo(int *a,int* b) //9



    return a*a*a;




Sep 7 program for examining addresses of array elements

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


      int i;

      int addr;


      char eggplant[4];





      printf("the value is %d\n",eggplant[3]);

      printf("the address of eggplant is %d\n",(int)&eggplant);



      printf("type an address: ");


      for (i=0;i<25;i++)

                  printf("contents of %d: [%hX] as bits; [%d] as int; [%c] as character\n",addr+i,*(char *)(addr+i),*(char *)(addr+i),*(char *)(addr+i));



      printf("and after the assignment\n");

      for (i=0;i<25;i++)

                  printf("contents of %d: [%hX] as bits; [%d] as int; [%c] as character\n",addr+i,*(char *)(addr+i),*(char *)(addr+i),*(char *)(addr+i));




      printf("Type a subscript: ");


      printf("the address of eggplant[i] is %d\n",(int)&eggplant[i]);




      return 0;




Sep 3 programs for looking at structs and arrays in memory

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


      int i;

      int addr;


      int eggplant[4];





      printf("the address of eggplant is %d\n",(int)&eggplant);



            printf("type an address: ");


            for (i=0;i<25;i++)

                  printf("contents of %d: [%hX] as bits; [%d] as int; [%c] as character\n",addr+i,*(char *)(addr+i),*(char *)(addr+i),*(char *)(addr+i));


      return 0;





#include <stdio.h>

struct point


      int x;

      int y;


int main()


      int i;

      int addr;


      struct point p;




      printf("the address of point is %d\n",(int)&p);




            printf("type an address: ");


            for (i=0;i<25;i++)

                  printf("contents of %d: [%hX] as bits; [%d] as int; [%c] as character\n",addr+i,*(char *)(addr+i),*(char *)(addr+i),*(char *)(addr+i));


      return 0;




Sep 1: the program for looking at bits in memory

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


      int i;

      int addr;

      char okra='w';

      int eggplant=257;

      char broccoli='W';

      printf("the address of eggplant is %d\n",(int)&eggplant);

      printf("the address of broccoli is %d\n",(int)&broccoli);



            printf("type an address: ");


            for (i=0;i<10;i++)

                  printf("contents of %d: [%hX] as bits; [%d] as int; [%c] as character\n",addr+i,*(char *)(addr+i),*(char *)(addr+i),*(char *)(addr+i));


      return 0;
