Music 3802
Study Guide #2
Chant and Secular Song in the Middle Ages

Assignment: Grout and Palisca, Chapter 2
            Read: 32-60
            Skim: 60-70

Study Questions:

1. What has happened to chant since the Second Vatican Council?--p. 33   2. What is the difference between the Office and the Mass?--p. 34-35

3. What are the two parts of the Mass? In general, how do they differ?--p. 35-36
      (and chart on p. 36)

4. What is the difference between Proper and Ordinary?--p. 37

5. Learn to read chant notation--p. 38-40

6. What political circumstances led to the first notation of chant?--p. 42

7. What are the three manners of performing chant?--p. 42

8. How are chants classified, based on the relation of notes to syllables?--p. 42

9. How is the accentuation of the text reflected in a chant melody?--p. 42-43

10. How are chant melodies divided into phrases?--p. 43

11. What are three basic forms of chants?--p. 44

12. How is a psalm tone constructed?—p. 44 How are psalms sung in antiphonal
      performance?--p. 45

13. What is the style of an antiphon? What are independent antiphons?--p. 46

14. What is the form of an Introit?--p. 46

15. What are the peculiar features of a Tract? How does it employ recurring melodic
      formulas*?--p. 47

16. What is the form of a Gradual? What is "centonizaton"?--p. 47

17. How do the form and general character of the Alleluia differ from the same ele-
      ments in older chants (such as the Tract and Gradual)?--p. 47

18. What Northern characteristics are observable in late chant?--p. 49

19. What is a trope?--p. 49 (Note the difference between the original and the ex-
      tended meaning of the term**)

20. How did the sequence develop from the Alleluia?--p. 49-50 What is the form
      of a typical sequence?--p. 50 What contributions did Notker Balbulus and
      Hildegard of Bingen make to the development of the sequence?--p. 50

21. How is liturgical drama related to a trope?--p. 52 How did liturgical drama ex-
      pand and develop in the later Middle Ages?--p. 53

22. Learn the church modes, to include the finals, tenors, and ranges of each--p.

23. What is the only accidental used in chant?--p. 56***

24. How does the system of hexachords account for all notes of the scale, to include
      both B-flat and B-natural?--p. 57-58

25. In general, how did notation change from the 9th to the 11th centuries? What
      advantage did the invention of the staff provide?--p. 59-60

*There is a similarity between this structure of the Tract and the structure of a psalm tone that has led some
      scholars to conclude that they are related. This point will be amplified in class discussion.

**Class discussion will further restrict the original meaning of this term.

***Class discussion will clarify the reasons for employing this accidental.