PSCI 325 Conflict in the Middle East

Alternative Reading List


Andersen, Roy R., Robert F. Seibert, and Jon G. Wagner. Politics and Change in the Middle East: Sources of Conflict and Accommodation. 6th ed. Engelwood Cliffs N.J.: Prentice Hall, 2000.


Bickerton, Ian J., and Carla L. Klausner. A Concise History of the Arab-Israeli Conflict. 3rd ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1998.


Bill, James, and Robert Springborg. Politics in the Middle East. 5th ed. New York: Addison Wesley Longman, 2000.


Cobban, Helena. The Palestinian Liberation Organization: People, Power, and Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984.


Cohen, Michael J. The Origins and Evolution of the Arab-Zionist Conflict. Berkeley/ Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1987.


Cooley, John K. Unholy Wars. London/Sterling, Virginia: Pluto Press, 1999.


Du Pasquier, Roger. Unveiling Islam. Cambridge (UK): Islamic Texts Society, 1994.


Eaton, Gai. Islam and the Destiny of Man. Cambridge (UK): Islamic Texts Society, 1994.


El-Baz, Farouk, and R. M. Makharita, eds. The Gulf War and the Environment. Switzerland: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 1994.


Elmusa, Sharif S. Negotiating Water: Israel and the Palestinians. Washington D.C.: Institute for Palestinian Studies, 1996.


Elon, Amos. The Israelis: Founders and Sons. New York: Penguin Books, 1981.

Esposito, John L. The Islamic Threat: Myth or Reality? Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995. (Revised edition.)


Esposito, John L., and John O. Voll. Islam and Democracy. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996.


Fromkin, David. A Peace to End All Peace. New York: Henry Holt and Company, LLC, 2001.


Guazzone, Laura, ed. The Middle East in Global Change: The Politics and Economics of Interdependence Versus Fragmentation. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1997.


Hourani, Albert, Philip S. Khoury,  and Mary C. Wilson, eds. The Modern Middle East. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993.


Hunter, F. Robert. The Palestinian Uprising: A War by Other Means Revised and Expanded. Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1993.


Kandiyoti, Deniz, ed. Women, Islam & the State. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1991.


Kegley, Charles W. Jr., and Gregory Raymond. How Nations Make Peace. New York: St. Martin's / Worth, 1999.


Khoury, Philip S., and Joseph Kostiner, eds. Tribes and State Formation in the Middle East. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990.


Lake, Anthony. After the Wars: Reconstruction in Afghanistan, Indochina, Central America, Southern Africa, and the Horn of Africa. New Brunswick (US), Oxford (UK): Transaction Publishers, 1990.


Lewis, Bernard. Islam and the West. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993.


Lowi, Miriam R. Water and Power: The Politics of a Scarce Resource in the Jordan River Basin. Cambridge G.B.: Cambridge University Press, 1995.


Marsot, Afaf Lutfi Al-Sayyid. A Short History of Modern Egypt. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985.


Owen, Roger. State, Power, and Politics in the Making of the Modern Middle East. 2nd  ed. New York: Routledge, 2000.


Said, Edward W. The Question of Palestine. New York: Vintage Books, 1992.

Sharabi, Hisham. Neopatriarchy: A Theory of Distorted Change in Arab Society. New York: Oxford University Press, 1988.


Smith, Charles D. Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Conflict. Boston: Bedford/ St. Martin's Press, 2001.

Usher, Graham. Palestine in Crisis: The Struggle for Peace and Political Independence after Oslo. London: Pluto Press, 1995.


Vandewalle, Dirk, ed. North Africa: Development and Reform in a Changing Global Economy. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1996.


Vandewalle, Dirk, ed. Qadhafi's Libya 1969 to 1944. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1995.


Online Sources


Elizabeth Shakman Hurd (2006). "Negotiating Europe: the politics of religion and the prospects for Turkish accession."Review of International Studies, 32(3), 401.


Al-Qattan, N. (1999). "Dhimmis in the Muslim Court: Legal Autonomy and Religious Discrimination." International Journal of Middle East Studies 31(3): 429-444.


Kuran, T. (2004). "Why the Middle East Is Economically Underdeveloped: Historical Mechanisms of Institutional Stagnation." The Journal of Economic Perspectives 18(3): 71-90.


Keddie, N. R. (1984). "Material Culture and Geography: Toward a Holistic Comparative History of the Middle East." Comparative Studies in Society and History 26(4): 709-735.


Ottoman Empire.” The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed. New York: Columbia University Press, 2001–04. August 7, 2007.


Selby, J. (2005). "The Geopolitics of Water in the Middle East: fantasies and realities." Third World Quarterly 26(2): 329-349.


(2007). "Islam's Divide--and Us." Commentary 124(1): 41-45.


Field, J. A., Jr. (1972). "Trade, Skills, and Sympathy: The First Century and a Half of Commerce with the near East." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 401: 1-14.

·       Elizabeth Shakman Hurd (2006). "Negotiating Europe: the politics of religion and the prospects for Turkish accession." Review of International Studies, 32(3), 401. 


·       Al-Qattan, N. (1999). "Dhimmis in the Muslim Court: Legal Autonomy and Religious Discrimination." International Journal of Middle East Studies 31(3): 429-444.
Examines the legal status of non-Muslims as indicated in the rulings of sharia courts in Damascus in the 18th and 19th centuries.


·       Kuran, T. (2004). "Why the Middle East Is Economically Underdeveloped: Historical Mechanisms of Institutional Stagnation." The Journal of Economic Perspectives 18(3): 71-90.


·       Keddie, N. R. (1984). "Material Culture and Geography: Toward a Holistic Comparative History of the Middle East." Comparative Studies in Society and History 26(4): 709-735. Material culture here encompasses both technology and objects produced or adapted, often using technology, for human use. Geography is interpreted broadly to include changes over time in landscape and climate, due both to natural factors and to changes in human use.

·       Ottoman Empire.” The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed. New York: Columbia University Press, 2001–04. August 7, 2007.


·       Selby, J. (2005). "The Geopolitics of Water in the Middle East: fantasies and realities." Third World Quarterly 26(2): 329-349.
Most expert and public discourse on Middle Eastern water politics holds that water scarcities are of great, if often under-recognised, geopolitical importance. Contends that water problems should neither be understood in naturalistic nor in liberal -- technical terms, but instead as questions of political economy.


·       (2007). "Islam's Divide--and Us." Commentary 124(1): 41-45.
Addresses the rising division between Shiites and Sunnis within the Islamic community.


·       Field, J. A., Jr. (1972). "Trade, Skills, and Sympathy: The First Century and a Half of Commerce with the near East." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 401: 1-14.
Discusses American and Ottoman Empire agreements for trade beginning in the 1800's.


·       Al-Qattan, N. (1999). "Dhimmis in the Muslim Court: Legal Autonomy and Religious Discrimination." International Journal of Middle East Studies 31(3): 429-444.  
Examines the legal status of non-Muslims as indicated in the rulings of sharia courts in Damascus in the 18th and 19th centuries.  

·       Acker, V. G. (2004). "RELIGION AMONG THE KURDS: INTERNAL TOLERANCE, EXTERNAL CONFLICT." Kennedy School Review 5: 99-109.   Examines the impact of the unique religious composition of Kurdistan on Kurdish political identity.  

·       Bush, R. (2004). "Poverty and Neo-Liberal Bias in the Middle East and North Africa." Development & Change 35(4): 673-695.  
Examines the definition of poverty and the evidential base for the claims that the region of the Middle East and North Africa(MENA) has historically low levels of poverty and relatively good levels of income distribution.  


·       Yavuz, M. H. and M. G. Michael (2001). "The Kurdish nation." Current History 100(642): 33.  


·       Huneidi, S. (1998). "Was Balfour Policy Reversible? The Colonial Office and Palestine, 1921-23." Journal of Palestine Studies 27(2): 23-41.


·       Yaqub, S. (2006). "The United States and the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1947 to the Present." OAH Magazine of History 20(3): 13-17.  
Focuses on the role of the U.S. in the Arab-Israeli conflict.  


·       Collins-Kreiner, N., Y. Mansfeld, et al. (2006). "The reflection of a political conflict in mapping: The case of Israel's borders and frontiers." Middle Eastern Studies 42(3): 381-408.  
Cites a study which explores the mapping of boarders in Israel and Palestine.  


·       Quandt, W. B. (1986). "Camp David and Peacemaking in the Middle East." Political Science Quarterly 101(3): 357.
Focuses on the Camp David Accords and peacemaking between Egypt and Israel.


Lapidus, I. M. (1992). "The Golden Age: The Political Concepts of Islam." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 524: 13-25.
Examines the present role of Islam in Middle Eastern politics as not a continuation but a reconstruction of the historical paradigms.


·       Allman, J. (1980). "The Demographic Transition in the Middle East and North Africa." International Journal of Middle East Studies 12(3): 277-301.
Examines evidence of demographic transition in the Middle East and North Africa.


·       Doran, M. (2002). "The Pragmatic Fanaticism of al Qaeda: An Anatomy of Extremism in Middle Eastern Politics." Political Science Quarterly 117(2): 177.
Examines the central doctrines of Islamic extremism. Relationship between al Qaeda's zealotry and its pragmatism; Use of the principle of realpolitik; Consequences of the complexity of the balance of power in the Middle.


·       Perry, G. E. (1992). "Democracy and human rights in the shadow of the west." Arab Studies Quarterly 14(4): 1.


·       Looks at how the Western world had disregarded principles of democracy and human rights in Arab countries.


·       Lapidus, I. M. (1992). "The Golden Age: The Political Concepts of Islam." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 524: 13-25.
Discusses the present role of Islam in Middle Eastern politics as not a continuation but a reconstruction of the historical paradigms.


·       Criss, N. B. (2002). "A Short History of Anti-Americanism and Terrorism: The Turkish Case." Journal of American History 89(2): 472-484.
Discusses the causes of anti-Americanism and terrorism.


·       (2007). "Islam's Divide--and Us." Commentary 124(1): 41-45.
Addresses the rising division between Shiites and Sunnis within the Islamic community.


·       Yacobi, H. and R. Shechter (2005). "Rethinking cities in the Middle East: political economy, planning, and the lived space." Journal of Architecture 10(5): 499-515. Urbanisation is an economic, political, and socio-cultural complexity, and so is its interaction with cityscapes. This review article is the result of a dialogue between an architect and an economic historian in response to the foregoing.


·       Land, T. (2006). "It's a mad MAD world." Middle East(373): 18-22.   Focuses on the mad rush for nuclear power in the Middle East countries.


·       (2007). "OIL SHOCKS: THREE DECADES OF INSTABILITY, 1970-2003." MEED: Middle East Economic Digest 51: 14-14.   Lists a chronology of significant events that happened in the Middle East oil industry in 1970 to 2003.


·       Appleby, R. S. (2002). "History in the Fundamentalist Imagination." Journal of American History 89(2): 498-511. Examines the fundamentalist reconstructions of the past as a way of understanding the distinctive world views among Christianity, Islam and Judaism.


·       (2007). "Islam's Divide--and Us." Commentary 124(1): 41-45. Addresses the rising division between Shiites and Sunnis within the Islamic community.


·       Quandt, W. B. (1986). "Camp David and Peacemaking in the Middle East." Political Science Quarterly 101(3): 357. Focuses on the Camp David Accords and peacemaking between Egypt and Israel.


·       Thompson, E. (2003). "PUBLIC AND PRIVATE IN MIDDLE EASTERN WOMEN'S HISTORY." Journal of Women's History 15(1): 52. Examines the uses of the terms public and private in historical studies of gender boundaries especially women in the Middle East.


·       Susan, W. (2004). "Universal Human Rights: The Contribution of Muslim States." Human Rights Quarterly 26(4): 799. Discusses that it is often supposed that international human rights standards were negotiated without active participation by Middle Eastern and Muslim states. That was not the case.


·       Vesely, M. (2004). "Tool or weapon?" Middle East(348): 44-45. The issue, human rights advocates claim, is whether the Caterpillar company places any restrictions on the use of its equipment to prevent the Palestinian people's right to safety and property being violated


·       Esfandiari, H. (2004). The Woman Question. Wilson Quarterly, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. 28: 56-63. Deals with the struggles of women towards democratic rights in the Middle East region.


·       (2006). Time for the renaissance of medicine in the Middle East. Lancet: 959-959. Looks at the quality of medical care in Middle Eastern countries and the origins of the medical profession.


·       Akala, F. A. and S. El-Saharty (2006). "Public-health challenges in the Middle East and North Africa." Lancet 367(9515): 961-964. Reports on the reduction of poverty and improvements in public health, health services delivery, and socioeconomic development in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.


Al-Qattan, N. (1999). "Dhimmis in the Muslim Court: Legal Autonomy and Religious Discrimination." International Journal of Middle East Studies 31(3): 429-444.


Acker, V. G. (2004). "RELIGION AMONG THE KURDS: INTERNAL TOLERANCE, EXTERNAL CONFLICT." Kennedy School Review 5: 99-109.


Bush, R. (2004). "Poverty and Neo-Liberal Bias in the Middle East and North Africa." Development & Change 35(4): 673-695.


Yavuz, M. H. and M. G. Michael (2001). "The Kurdish nation." Current History 100(642): 33.


Huneidi, S. (1998). "Was Balfour Policy Reversible? The Colonial Office and Palestine, 1921-23." Journal of Palestine Studies 27(2): 23-41.


Yaqub, S. (2006). "The United States and the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1947 to the Present." OAH Magazine of History 20(3): 13-17.


Collins-Kreiner, N., Y. Mansfeld, et al. (2006). "The reflection of a political conflict in mapping: The case of Israel's borders and frontiers." Middle Eastern Studies 42(3): 381-408.


Quandt, W. B. (1986). "Camp David and Peacemaking in the Middle East." Political Science Quarterly 101(3): 357.


Lapidus, I. M. (1992). "The Golden Age: The Political Concepts of Islam." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 524: 13-25.


Allman, J. (1980). "The Demographic Transition in the Middle East and North Africa." International Journal of Middle East Studies 12(3): 277-301.


Doran, M. (2002). "The Pragmatic Fanaticism of al Qaeda: An Anatomy of Extremism in Middle Eastern Politics." Political Science Quarterly 117(2): 177.


Perry, G. E. (1992). "Democracy and human rights in the shadow of the west." Arab Studies Quarterly 14(4): 1.


Lapidus, I. M. (1992). "The Golden Age: The Political Concepts of Islam." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 524: 13-25.

Discusses the present role of Islam in Middle Eastern politics as not a continuation but a reconstruction of the historical paradigms.


Criss, N. B. (2002). "A Short History of Anti-Americanism and Terrorism: The Turkish Case." Journal of American History 89(2): 472-484.


(2007). "Islam's Divide--and Us." Commentary 124(1): 41-45.

Addresses the rising division between Shiites and Sunnis within the Islamic community.


Land, T. (2006). "It's a mad MAD world." Middle East (373): 18-22. Focuses on the mad rush for nuclear power in the Middle East countries.


Appleby, R. S. (2002). "History in the Fundamentalist Imagination." Journal of American History 89(2): 498-511.


(2007). "Islam's Divide--and Us." Commentary 124(1): 41-45. Addresses the rising division between Shiites and Sunnis within the Islamic community.


Quandt, W. B. (1986). "Camp David and Peacemaking in the Middle East." Political Science Quarterly 101(3): 357.


Thompson, E. (2003). "PUBLIC AND PRIVATE IN MIDDLE EASTERN WOMEN'S HISTORY." Journal of Women's History 15(1): 52.


Susan, W. (2004). "Universal Human Rights: The Contribution of Muslim States." Human Rights Quarterly 26(4): 799.


Vesely, M. (2004). "Tool or weapon?" Middle East(348): 44-45.


Esfandiari, H. (2004). The Woman Question. Wilson Quarterly, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. 28: 56-63.


Akala, F. A. and S. El-Saharty (2006). "Public-health challenges in the Middle East and North Africa." Lancet 367(9515): 961-964.