IAFS 4500-002 Midterm Exam Study Guide Spring 2022


I.                    Terms (5 pts. each/50 points): Ten of these terms will appear on the midterm exam. One point is given for definition and 4 points for both example (where appropriate) and most importantly significance to the study of Global Security and the relevance of WMD


1.                  Counterforce/Countervalue targeting

2.                  Maximum/Minimum deterrence

3.                  Inadvertant nuclear war

4.                  Détente

5.                  MAD

6.                  SALT I

7.                  SDI

8.                  “Looking Glass”

9.                  Preemptive War

10.              Limited Nuclear War

11.              “Firebreak”

12.              SS-20s

13.              SLBMs

14.              INF

15.              Glasnost

16.              Yom Kippur War

17.              PAL

18.              MX

19.              Nuclear TRIAD

20.              ICBM

21.              Secure 2nd Strike

22.              Force de Frappe

23.              NPT

24.              The “thaw”

25.              Cuban Missile Crisis

26.              Berlin Airlift

27.              Truman Doctrine

28.              Mr. “X” Letter

29.              National Security Act of 47

30.              Nuclear Winter

31.              “Bolt from the blue”

32.              Treaty of Tlatelolco

33.              ABM Treaty

34.              Kargil

35.              A.Q. Khan

36.              Chemical Weapons convention

37.              H5N1

38.              NEST

39.              Berlin Airlift

40.              Boost Phase