Study Guide for Exam #3

Final Version

To study for Exam #3, write out answers the following questions.  Be sure to answer the questions completely -- don't assume that the reader knows anything about the topic; don't assume that the reader already knows the details of the stories that are used in the arguments.  Answer these questions so that a friend of yours -- who knows nothing about philosophical ethics -- would go away knowing the answers to these questions.

1. (a) What is the fundamental project of axiology?
    (b) What is the distinction between intrinsic goodness and extrinsic goodness.  Define these terms and explain the distinction by means of examples.
    (c) What is intrinsic value?
    (d) Why would anyone care about doing axiology?

2. (a) State and explain Classical Hedonism (CH).  Be sure to explain the meaning of the technical terms in the theory.  Explain the main idea of the theory in your own words.

3. (a) Present Moore's Bestiality Argument against CH and provide the rationale for each premise.
    (b) Do you think Moore's Argument is sound?  Explain your view.

4. (a) Present Nozick's Experience Machine Argument against CH and provide the rationale for each premise.
    (b) Do you think Nozick's Argument is sound?  Explain your view.

5. (a) State and explain Desire Satisfactionism (DS).  Be sure to explain the meaning of the technical terms in the theory.  Explain the main idea of the theory in your own words.
    (b) Discuss the case of Stoicus.  Why is it a problem for hedonism?  Why might it lead someone to favor a view like Desire Satisfactionism?

6. (a) Present The Max the Masochist Argument against DS and provide the rationale for each premise.
    (b) Do you think this argument is sound?  Explain your view.

7. So, what do you think the good life is? -- what do you think makes someone's life go best?  Present and defend your own axiological theory.