Competing Through Information Technology
MBAC 6080
Kenneth A. Kozar
Spring, 1998
21st Century Organization
What IT offers?
- Informationalizing - Plumbing?
- Mass Customization - Dell, Saturn
- inven., order proc., MRP, work flow
- perceptions vs product? quality?
- Globalization - compress space and time
- China, Yugoslavia
- Convergence
Competing With IT
- Cust.-Driven/Value Chain/5 Forces
- Improved Decision Making
- Improved Environmental Scanning
- Improved Alliances
- Improved Communication
An Example - Flowers?
Ruth Owades founded Calyx & Corolla in 1989. It has grown to a $20
million dollar business. The business is now going global using the same
model of shipping directly from growers to customers.
Major Drivers
- Low Cost - Just in Time, Computer Integrated Manufacturing
- Closeness - Supplier/Customer
- Superior Product/Service Quality
Tracy, Michael and Wiersema, Fred. The Discipline of Market Leaders, Addison-Wesley, 1995.
Decision Making - User Needs
- Decision Models with Information Inputs / I->D->C?
- Both Internal and External Data
- Dialog / Interaction
The Decision Maker
- Detail vs Summary?
- Rational vs Intuitive?
- Administrator vs Leader?
Individual Differences? - Meyers/Briggs
- design for position or person?
- human needs?
Reports vs Decision Support Systems
- Ad Hoc Questions "Hmm, I wonder....?"
- Interactive "But, if ....?"
- Special data access "Who has that?"
- Models "What if we ....?"
- User-Centric Design
Expert Systems
- Why have them? (preserve knowledge)
- Different than Decision Support?
- Knowledge Base (facts/rules)
- Inference Engine (processes facts/rules)
- Who? User/Expert/Knowledge Engineer
Finding Opportunities - Business Objectives/Tactics
- The system boundary - Expand
- Think in terms of time, space, and intangibles
(S. Davis, Future Perfect)
- Think about who does what?
Expanding Boundaries
- Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) -- Inter-Organizational Systems
- Virtual Organizations
- Supplier to Firm to Customer/Inventories
- Supplier to Firm to Customer/Designs
Teamwork Technology - Groupware
- Communicating through Technology
- Different Time/Different Place to
- Same Time/Same Place
Meeting Support
- Simplest is keypad voting, can lead to:
- Big screen and linked terminals
- Anonymous input
- Private ranking and voting
- Everyone talking at once (electronically)
All Requires Change
- "Little Deaths"? - from denial to acceptance
- Fear of the unknown?
IS is hard to avoid.
It is hard to manage.
We could depend on a rabbit's foot?
Hope this makes sense - But remember if the world made sense,.....