$TITLE: M11-1.GMS: steady state capital stock, comparative steady-states $ONTEXT "closure rule": instead of the capital stock being fixed (quantity closure), the stock adjusts to satisfy the steady-state relationship between the rental rate and the price of producing new capital (price closure): delta = depreciation rate rho = rate of time preference rental rate = (1 - (1 - delta)/(1 + rho))*(price of new capital) this is done via a subsidy to capital use that creates the wedge subsidy = (1 - delta)/(1 + rho) KFORWARD is (undepreciated) capital taken forward from previous period and K is new capital production, which can be used instantly. The steady-state condition is depreciation equal new capital formation (KFORWARD + K)*DELTA = K or KFOWARD = K*(1-DELTA)/DELTA Production Sectors Consumers Markets | X Y K W | CONS ------------------------------------------------------ PX | 100 -100 | PY | 100 -100 | PW | 200 | -200 PL | - 40 -60 -60 | 160 PK | -120 -80 60 | 140 SUB | 60 40 | -100 ------------------------------------------------------ $OFFTEXT PARAMETERS RHO Time preference parameter DELTA Depreciation rate TAU Effective capital use subsidy KTAX Tax on new capital production NEWCAP New capital stock after counterfactual (= 1 initially); RHO = 0.4; DELTA = 0.3; TAU = - (1 - DELTA)/(1 + RHO); KTAX = 0; NONNEGATIVE VARIABLES X Activity level for sector X Y Activity level for sector Y W Activity level for sector W (Hicksian welfare index) K Capital stock index PX Price index for commodity X PY Price index for commodity Y PL Price index for primary factor L PK Price index for primary factor K PW Price index for welfare (expenditure function) CONS Income definition for CONS KFORWRD Capital stock from previous period; EQUATIONS PRF_X Zero profit for sector X PRF_Y Zero profit for sector Y PRF_W Zero profit for sector W (Hicksian welfare index) PRF_K Zero profit for capital index MKT_X Supply-demand balance for commodity X MKT_Y Supply-demand balance for commodity Y MKT_L Supply-demand balance for primary factor L MKT_K Supply-demand balance for factor K MKT_W Supply-demand balance for aggregate demand I_CONS Income definition for CONS A_KFORWRD Auxiliary equation to determine the carry forward; * Zero profit conditions: PRF_X.. 100 * PL**0.4 * (PK*(1+TAU)/0.5)**0.6 =G= 100 * PX; PRF_Y.. 100 * PL**0.6 * (PK*(1+TAU)/0.5)**0.4 =G= 100 * PY; PRF_W.. 200 * PX**0.5 * PY**0.5 =G= 200 * PW; PRF_K.. 60*PL =G= 60 * PK * (1-KTAX); * Market clearing conditions: MKT_X.. 100 * X =G= 100 * W * PW/PX; MKT_Y.. 100 * Y =G= 100 * W * PW/PY; MKT_W.. 200 * W =G= CONS / PW; MKT_L.. 160 =G= 60*K + 40* X*PX/PL + 60*Y*PY/PL; MKT_K.. 140*KFORWRD + 60*K =G= 120 * X * PX*0.5/(PK*(1+TAU)) + 80 * Y * PY*0.5/(PK*(1+TAU)); * Income constraints: I_CONS.. CONS =E= 160 * PL + 140*KFORWRD *PK + PK * TAU * (120 * X * PX*0.5/(PK*(1+TAU)) + 80 * Y * PY*0.5/(PK*(1+TAU))) + 60* PK * KTAX * K; * Auxiliary constraints: A_KFORWRD.. 140*KFORWRD =E= 60*K * (1-DELTA) / DELTA; MODEL ALGEBRAIC /PRF_X.X, PRF_Y.Y, PRF_W.W, PRF_K.K, MKT_X.PX, MKT_Y.PY, MKT_L.PL, MKT_K.PK, MKT_W.PW, I_CONS.CONS, A_KFORWRD.KFORWRD/; X.L =1; Y.L =1; W.L =1; K.L =1; PX.L =1; PY.L =1; PK.L =1; PW.FX =1; PL.L =1; CONS.L =200; KFORWRD.L = 1; ALGEBRAIC.ITERLIM = 0; SOLVE ALGEBRAIC USING MCP; ALGEBRAIC.ITERLIM = 2000; SOLVE ALGEBRAIC USING MCP; * Raise the rate of time preference from 0.4 to 0.6: RHO = 0.6; TAU = - (1 - DELTA)/(1 + RHO); SOLVE ALGEBRAIC USING MCP; NEWCAP = K.L; DISPLAY NEWCAP; * Set rho back to 0.4, tax new capital at 0.20 RHO = 0.4; TAU = - (1 - DELTA)/(1 + RHO); KTAX = 0.20; SOLVE ALGEBRAIC USING MCP; NEWCAP = K.L; DISPLAY NEWCAP;