$TITLE TWOHOUSE.GMS: two households with different preferences * and different endowments endowments $ONTEXT Two household: differ in preferences and in endowments Household A: well endowed with labor, preference for labor-int good Y Household B: well endowed with capital, preference for capital-int good X Allows for tax to be redistributed unevenly between households Production Sectors Consumers Markets | X Y WA WB | A B ---------------------------------------------------------- PX | 100 -40 -60 | PY | 100 -60 -40 | PWA | 100 | -100 PWB | 100 | -100 PL | -25 -75 | 90 10 PK | -75 -25 | 10 90 ---------------------------------------------------------- The tax redistribution or sharing rule can also be interpreted as the relative number of households in each group, with all households getting an equal share of tax receipts $OFFTEXT PARAMETERS TX Ad-valorem tax rate for X sector inputs SHA Share of tax revenue given back to household A SHB share of tax revenue given back to household B; TX = 0; SHA = 0.5; SHB = 0.5; NONNEGATIVE VARIABLES X Activity level for sector X Y Activity level for sector Y WA Activity level for sector WA WB Activity level for sector WB PX Price index for commodity X PY Price index for commodity Y PK Price index for primary factor K PL Price index for primary factor L PWA Price index for welfare A(expenditure function) PWB Price index for welfare B(expenditure function) CONSA Income definition for CONSA CONSB Income definition for CONSB; EQUATIONS PRF_X Zero profit for sector X PRF_Y Zero profit for sector Y PRF_WA Zero profit for sector WA PRF_WB Zero profit for sector WB MKT_X Supply-demand balance for commodity X MKT_Y Supply-demand balance for commodity Y MKT_L Supply-demand balance for primary factor L MKT_K Supply-demand balance for primary factor K MKT_WA Supply-demand balance for consumer A MKT_WB Supply-demand balance for consumer B I_CONSA Income definition for CONSA I_CONSB Income definition for CONSB; * Zero profit conditions: PRF_X.. 100*(PL**0.25 * PK**0.75) * (1+TX) =G= 100*PX; PRF_Y.. 100*(PL**0.75 * PK**0.25) =G= 100*PY; PRF_WA.. 100*(PX**0.4 * PY**0.6) =G= 100*PWA; PRF_WB.. 100*(PX**0.6 * PY**0.4) =G= 100*PWB; * Market clearing conditions: MKT_X.. 100*X =G= 40*WA*PWA/PX + 60*WB*PWB/PX; MKT_Y.. 100*Y =G= 60*WA*PWA/PY + 40*WB*PWB/PY; MKT_WA.. 100*WA =G= CONSA/PWA; MKT_WB.. 100*WB =G= CONSB/PWB; MKT_L.. 90 + 10 =G= 25*X*(PX/(1+TX))/PL + 75*Y*PY/PL; MKT_K.. 10 + 90 =G= 75*X*(PX/(1+TX))/PK + 25*Y*PY/PK; * Income constraints: I_CONSA.. CONSA =E= 90*PL + 10*PK + SHA*TX*100*X*PX/(1+TX); I_CONSB.. CONSB =E= 10*PL + 90*PK + SHB*TX*100*X*PX/(1+TX); MODEL TWOHOUSE /PRF_X.X, PRF_Y.Y, PRF_WA.WA, PRF_WB.WB, MKT_X.PX, MKT_Y.PY, MKT_L.PL, MKT_K.PK, MKT_WA.PWA, MKT_WB.PWB, I_CONSA.CONSA, I_CONSB.CONSB /; * Check the benchmark: X.L =1; Y.L =1; WA.L =1; WB.L =1; PL.FX =1; PX.L =1; PY.L =1; PK.L =1; PWA.L =1; PWB.L =1; CONSA.L =100; CONSB.L =100; TX =0; TWOHOUSE.ITERLIM = 0; SOLVE TWOHOUSE USING MCP; TWOHOUSE.ITERLIM = 1000; SOLVE TWOHOUSE USING MCP; TX = 0.50; SOLVE TWOHOUSE USING MCP; * counterfactual: give a larger share of tax to household B * illustrates impossibility of making both types better off TX = 0.50; SHA = 0.25; SHB = 0.75; SOLVE TWOHOUSE USING MCP; * suppose that 80% of households are type A, 20% type B * and all individual households get an equal share * of tax receipts TX = 0.50; SHA = 0.80; SHB = 0.20; SOLVE TWOHOUSE USING MCP;