$TITLE Model M21_MCP: two goods, two factors, one household (same as M1_MPS.GMS) $ONTEXT This is the exact same model as M1_MPS.GMS but uses the MCP format. Production Sectors Consumers Markets | X Y W | CONS ------------------------------------------------------ PX | 100 -100 | PY | 100 -100 | PW | 200 | -200 PL | -25 -75 | 100 PK | -75 -25 | 100 ------------------------------------------------------ $OFFTEXT PARAMETERS TX Ad-valorem tax rate for X sector inputs LENDOW Labor endowment multiplier; TX = 0; LENDOW = 1; POSITIVE VARIABLES X ! Activity level for sector X Y ! Activity level for sector Y W ! Activity level for sector W (Hicksian welfare index) PX ! Price index for commodity X PY ! Price index for commodity Y PL ! Price index for primary factor L PK ! Price index for primary factor K PW ! Price index for welfare (expenditure function) CONS; EQUATIONS PRF_X Zero profit for sector X PRF_Y Zero profit for sector Y PRF_W Zero profit for sector W (Hicksian welfare index) MKT_X Supply-demand balance for commodity X MKT_Y Supply-demand balance for commodity Y MKT_L Supply-demand balance for primary factor L MKT_K Supply-demand balance for primary factor L MKT_W Supply-demand balance for aggregate demand I_CONS Income definition for CONS; * Zero profit inequalities PRF_X.. 100 * PL**0.25 * PK**0.75 * (1+TX) =G= 100*PX; PRF_Y.. 100 * PL**0.75* PK**0.25 =G= 100*PY; PRF_W.. 200 * PX**0.5 * PY**0.5 =G= 200*PW; * Market clearance inequalities MKT_X.. 100 * X =G= 100 * W * PX**0.5 * PY**0.5 / PX; MKT_Y.. 100 * Y =G= 100 * W * PX**0.5 * PY**0.5 / PY; MKT_W.. 200 * W =E= CONS / PW; MKT_L.. 100 * LENDOW =G= 25 * X * PL**0.25 * PK**0.75 / PL + 75 * Y * PL**0.75 * PK**0.25 / PL; MKT_K.. 100 =G= 75 * X * PL**0.25 * PK**0.75 / PK + 25 * Y * PL**0.75 * PK**0.25 / PK; * Income balance equations I_CONS.. CONS =E= 100*LENDOW*PL + 100*PK + TX*100*X*PL**0.25*PK**0.75; MODEL ALGEBRAIC /PRF_X.X, PRF_Y.Y, PRF_W.W, MKT_X.PX, MKT_Y.PY, MKT_L.PL, MKT_K.PK, MKT_W.PW, I_CONS.CONS /; * Numeraire (not necessary) PW.FX = 1; * Set initial values of variables: X.L =1; Y.L =1; W.L =1; PX.L =1; PY.L =1; PK.L =1; PL.L =1; CONS.L =200; ALGEBRAIC.ITERLIM = 0; SOLVE ALGEBRAIC USING MCP; * Solve the counterfactuals: TX = 0.5; LENDOW = 1; ALGEBRAIC.ITERLIM = 1000; SOLVE ALGEBRAIC USING MCP; TX = 0; LENDOW = 2; SOLVE ALGEBRAIC USING MCP;