$TITLE Model M34: Closed 2x2 Economy with a public good SCALAR TAX Value-added tax rate; POSITIVE VARIABLES X ! Activity level for sector X, Y ! Activity level for sector Y, W1 ! Activity level for sector W1 (Hicksian welfare index), W2 ! Activity level for sector W2 (Hicksian welfare index), G ! Activity level for government sector, PX ! Price index for commodity X, PY ! Price index for commodity Y, PK ! Price index for primary factor K, PL ! Price index for primary factor L, PW1 ! Price index for welfare 1(expenditure function), PW2 ! Price index for welfare 2(expenditure function), PG1 ! Private valuation of the public good (consumer 1), PG2 ! Private valuation of the public good (consumer 2), PG ! Private valuation of the public good GOVT ! Budget restriction for government, CONS1 ! Income definition for CONS1, CONS2 ! Income definition for CONS2, LGP ! Level of government provision; EQUATIONS PRF_X Zero profit for sector X PRF_Y Zero profit for sector Y PRF_W1 Zero profit for sector W1 (Hicksian welfare index) PRF_W2 Zero profit for sector W2 (Hicksian welfare index) PRF_G Zero profit in government sector MKT_X Supply-demand balance for commodity X MKT_Y Supply-demand balance for commodity Y MKT_G Supply-demand balance for commodity G MKT_L Supply-demand balance for primary factor L MKT_K Supply-demand balance for primary factor K MKT_W1 Supply-demand balance for aggregate demand consumer 1 MKT_W2 Supply-demand balance for aggregate demand consumer 2 MKT_G1 Private valuation of the public good (consumer 1) MKT_G2 Private valuation of the public good (consumer 2) I_G Budget restiktion for government I_CONS1 Income definition for CONS1 I_CONS2 Income definition for CONS2 A_LGP Auxiliary for government provision; * Zero profit conditions: PRF_X.. 100 * (PL**(3/8) * PK**(5/8)) * (1+TAX)/(1.25) =G= 100 * PX; PRF_Y.. 100 * (PL**(5/8) * PK**(3/8)) * (1+TAX)/(1.25) =G= 100 * PY; PRF_G.. 50 * (PL**0.5 * PK**0.5) * (1+TAX)/(1.25) =G= 50 * PG; PRF_W1.. 125 * PX**(30/125) * PY**(70/125) * (PG1/0.5)**(25/125) =E= 125 * PW1; PRF_W2.. 125 * PX**(70/125) * PY**(30/125) * (PG2/0.5)**(25/125) =E= 125 * PW2; * Market clearing conditions: MKT_X.. 100 * X =G= 30 * W1 * PW1/PX + 70 * W2 * PW2/PX ; MKT_Y.. 100 * Y =G= 70 * W1 * PW1/PY + 30 * W2 * PW2/PY; MKT_G.. 50 * G =G= GOVT/ PG; MKT_W1.. 125 * W1 =G= CONS1 / PW1; MKT_W2.. 125 * W2 =G= CONS2 / PW2; MKT_L.. 50 + 50 =G= (50 * X * PX + 30 * Y * PY + 20 * G * PG)*1.25/(PL*(1+TAX)); MKT_K.. 50 + 50 =G= (30 * X * PX + 50 * Y * PY + 20 * G * PG)*1.25/(PK*(1+TAX)); MKT_G1.. 50 * LGP =G= 50 * W1 * PW1*0.5/PG1; MKT_G2.. 50 * LGP =G= 50 * W2 * PW2*0.5/PG2; * Income constraints: I_G.. GOVT =G= PL * (50 * X + 30 * Y + 20 * G ) * TAX + PK * (30 * X + 50 * Y + 20 * G ) * TAX; I_CONS1.. CONS1 =E= 50 * PL + 50 * PK + 50 * LGP * PG1; I_CONS2.. CONS2 =E= 50 * PL + 50 * PK + 50 * LGP * PG2; * Auxiliary constraints: A_LGP.. LGP =E= G; MODEL ALGEBRAIC /PRF_X.X, PRF_Y.Y, PRF_W1.W1, PRF_W2.W2, PRF_G.G, MKT_X.PX, MKT_Y.PY, MKT_L.PL, MKT_K.PK, MKT_W1.PW1, MKT_W2.PW2, MKT_G.PG, MKT_G1.PG1, MKT_G2.PG2, I_G.GOVT, I_CONS1.CONS1, I_CONS2.CONS2, A_LGP.LGP /; X.L =1; Y.L =1; W1.L =1; W2.L =1; G.L =1; PL.FX =1; PX.L =1; PY.L =1; PK.L =1; PG.L =1; PW1.L =1; PW2.L =1; PG1.L =0.5; PG2.L =0.5; CONS1.L =125; CONS2.L =125; GOVT.L =50; LGP.L =1; TAX =0.25; ALGEBRAIC.ITERLIM = 0; SOLVE ALGEBRAIC USING MCP; ALGEBRAIC.ITERLIM = 2000; * The following counterfactuals check that the original * benchmark is indeed an optimum by raising/lowering the tax TAX = 0.20; SOLVE ALGEBRAIC USING MCP; TAX = 0.30; SOLVE ALGEBRAIC USING MCP;