House and Senate Committee Comparison«

Number of Standing Committees 19 16
Committee assignments per member About 5 About 7
Power or Prestige Committees Appropriations, Budget, Rules, Ways & Means Appropriations, Armed Services, Finance, Foreign Relations
Treaties and Nominations submitted by the president No Authority Committees review
Floor Debate Representative activity is somewhat confined to the bills reported from the panels on which they serve Senators can choose to influence any policy area regardless of their committee assignments (or expertise)
Committee consideration of Legislation More difficult to bypass Easier to bypass
Committee Chairmen Subject to Party and Speaker influence that limits their discretionary authority over committee operations Freer rein to manage committees
Committee staff Less assertive in advocating ideas and proposals More aggressive in shaping the legislative agenda
Subcommittee Chairmanships Representatives of the majority party usually must wait at least one term Majority Senators, regardless of their seniority, usually chair subcommittees
«Roger Davidson and Walter Oleszek, The Two Congresses and the American People, in Congress and Its Members Fifth Edition, 1996.