Points at which Delay or Defeat
May Occur in the House


                            B. refusal to report                              A. refusal to schedule hearings;

                             B. prolonged hearings;

                             C. refusal to report

                              A. demanding full requirements
                                               of  the rules

                               B. Reading the Journal;

                               C. Repeated Quorum calls;

                               D. Refusing unanimous consent to
                                             dispense  with further proceedings
                                              under the calling of the roll;

                              E. Prolonging debate;

                              F. Various points of order.


            1. Committee inaction

             2. Negative vote in committee

             3. Subcommittee inaction

             4. Negative vote in subcommittee

             5. Defeat of rule on the Floor

             6. Motion to strike enacting clause

             7. Final passage

Randall Ripley, (1978) Congress: Process and Public Policy, Norton