Representation Most Valued:
1. Congress is a forum for articulating group interests
2. Emphasis is put on representation of minorities
3. Decentralized legislative structure is favored (subcommittees)
4. Legislative coalitions are formed after elections- likely to be a shifting pattern of dissimilar groups brought together through logrolling
5. Public Interest is defined as the sum of the many constituent interests
6. Constituency case work is considered an important part of an individual legislator's role
7. Administrative oversight is regarded as a process for advancing ideas and information and for representing interests of constituent groups
8. Chief criterion
for evaluating legislative performance is the number of groups and interests
considered on the legislative process.
Lawmaking Most Valued:
1. Congress is a decision maker that translates popular mandates into law
2. Emphasis is put on majority rule
3. Legislative coalitions are formed at elections. Congressmen are expected to follow party and presidential mandates reflected in elections.
4. Centralized legislative system under party presidential leadership is favored
5. Public Interest is defined in national terms as being more than just the sum of constituency interests.
6. Casework is relegated largely to staff so as to free the congressmen for important work.
7. Administrative oversight is regarded as a process of insuring that mandates of earlier legislation are being carried out.
8. Chief criterion for evaluating legislative performance is the efficiency with which electoral mandates are translated into policies.