Congress and the Presidency

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Schedule of Events and Reading Assignments

Week 1: Introduction-- Theory and Constitutional Foundations:
Madison, et. al., "The Federalist Papers"
Henry J. Merry, "The Constitutional System: The Group Character of the Elected Institutions" Praeger, 1986.

Week 2: Congress and the Presidency-- A Strained Relationship:
Charles O. Jones, "Separate but Equal Branches: Congress and the Presidency" Chatham House, 1995.
Louis Fisher, "The Politics of Shared Power: Congress and the Executive, 3rd Ed,
CQ Press, 1993.

Week 3: The Presidency: A Formal Assessment:
Theodore Lowi, "The Personal Presidency" Cornell, 1985.

Week 4: The Congress: A Formal Assessment:
Steven S. Smith, The American Congress (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1993).
Leroy Rieselbach, "Congressional Politics,"

Week 5: The Bureaucracy: A Formal Assessment:
Ken Meier, "Politics and the Bureaucracy: Policymaking in the Fourth Branch of  Government" 3rd Ed, Brook-Cole, 1993

Week 6: First Examination;
Presidential Research Paper Proposals Due.

Week 7: The Clash of Wills I-- The Constitutional Setting:
James A. Thurber, ed. Rivals for Power: Presidential-Congressional Relations (Washington, D.C.: CQ Press, 1996).

Week 8: The Clash of Wills II-- The Executive Branch:
John Hart, "The Presidential Branch" (1996)

Week 9: The Clash of Wills III-- The Bureaucracy:
Randal Ripley and Grace Franklin, "Congress the Bureaucracy and Public Policy," 5th edition, Brook-Cole, 1991.

Week 10: Presidential or Congressional Ascendancy?-- The President as Legislator:
  Jon R. Bond and Richard Fleischer, "The President in the Legislative  Arena" Chicago Press, 1990.
George C. Edwards, "At the Margins: Presidential Leadership of Congress," Yale, 1989.
President Papers Due

Week 11: Presidential or Congressional Ascendancy?--Congress as Administrator:
Lawrence C. Dodd, "Congress and the Administrative State"
Joel Aberbach, "Keeping a Watchful Eye: The Politics of Congressional Oversight" Brookings, 1990.
Committee Paper Proposals Due

Week 12: Presidential or Congressional Ascendancy?--The Public, Media, and the Ability to use Persuasion to Broker Power:
Sam Kernell, "Going Public: New Strategies of Presidential Leadership," CQ Press, 1997.

Week 13: Second Exam

Week 14: The Construction of Public Policy: Budget Battles
Lance LeLoup and Steven Shull "Congress and the Presidency: The Policy Connection" Wadsworth, 1993.
Daniel J. Palazzolo "Done Deal?: The Politics of the 1997 Budget Agreement" Chatham House, 1999.

Week 15: Conclusion and Review.
  Louis Fisher, "Constructional Conflicts Between Congress and the President, 3rd  Ed., Kansas Press, 1991
Robert J. Spitzer, "President and Congress: Executive Hegemony at the Crossroads of American Government"
  Committee Papers Due

Final Exam