B. New blood will bring change
C. Citizen legislators harken to the Founding.
2. > 50% Senators
had served only one or two terms
C. A Few Good
2. Will someone looking for a new job be less solicitous of special interests?
3. Will you get
better representation from representatives who are inferior in knowledge
and experience to bureaucrats, staff and lobbyists?
4. Will reps
be more responsive to constituent demands if the political costs of ignoring
the demands are reduced?
D. Some say
term limits will be good because representatives can do the right thing
regardless of constituent demands
E. Constituents
would know less about their representatives because:
2. Citizen
legislators will disagree at the same rate as professional politicians.
F. Term limits
would strengthen political parties
2. The result is
the electorate will resort to shorthand cues to vote
3. Lobbyists
would have less incentive to court individual members