Dr. Vincent McGuire |
of Colorado
Political Science 3011-300 |
American Presidency
Ketchum 120 |
Class Orientation: This course introduces students to the study of the
American Presidency. The power of the office of President has increased
dramatically over the last 200 years. However, the president remains remarkably
weak. In this sense the office is a paradox. Additionally, the perceived or
actual success or failure of a president is inextricably caught up with the
bureaucracy and other institutions of the American national government.
The primary focus of the class is on issues of theoretical
and substantive importance to the study of the presidency. More specifically,
the course focuses on the tension between the individual president, the
ideological character of the institution and the office that person occupies as
well as the historical development of the office.
Given the theoretical and substantive focus of this class,
students should be made aware that this is not a course on current affairs nor
history. It is a course in ideas. Nevertheless, current events will be
incorporated in to the class to illustrate theoretical points. Therefore, I
strongly encourage students to keep up with current affairs through the
newspaper, the radio, and/or the television news. By remaining current, students
will be able to make substantive contributions to class discussion, and aid
themselves in concretizing concepts that, at times, may seem abstract.
The Ethics of the Course: What are our aims, and how are we going to
achieve them? The central value of all education should be truth seeking. Truth
cannot be acquired if we do not eschew nihilism (saying ‘there’s no such
thing’), emotivism (believing what makes you feel good), or populism (to avoid
“weird” beliefs). The main constraints on how we pursue truth are a limited
rationality, mutual respect and civility. Limited rationality is being prepared
to give reasons and evidence for what you believe, reasons that are at least
understandable to your audience and do not pursue ends at all costs, ad nauseam.
Mutual respect is that each of us as human beings has a natural aptitude for
truth-seeking. Moreover, we are naturally social beings -- we need each other in
order to fully realize this truth-seeking aptitude. This does not require us to
blunt the edge of disagreement, or lapse into an easygoing relativism. Lastly,
civility is a mutual respect. It expresses itself in deference and humility.
Criticize the ideas, not the person! We will not accuse each other of evil
(e.g., racism, sexism, etc.) on the basis of sincere expressions of ideas.
[thanks to Robert C. Koons for this construction].
Course Requirements: Attendance is mandatory. All
students are required to complete the assigned reading before class, and
contribute to class discussion. There is a substantial amount of reading since
the reason you are here is to learn. Legitimate concerns will not be the amount
of reading, the heat, the hard chairs, skiing, etc. Please adapt to the
Grading: The class grade will be determined by three
in class essay exams (30% @), and participation (10%). N.B. All material handed
in for a grade must be identified only by the student’s ID#; no names shall be
placed on the paper. All exams must be taken to achieve a passing grade. Bring
an 8 ½ x 11 “Blue Book” to all of the in-class exams.
Required Readings: Students are required to purchase four books for this
course. These books are available in the UMC bookstore and the Colorado
Bookstore on the Hill:
Theodore J. Lowi, The Personal Presidency: Power Invested,
Promise Unfulfilled Cornell University Press 1985, ISBN 0-8014-9426-5 This
study analyzes the modern presidency and finds that while the American people’s
expectations of presidential success have increased drastically, the ability of
any president to fulfill those expectations has diminished.
Stephen Skowronek, The Politics Presidents Make:
Leadership from John Adams to Bill Clinton Harvard University Press, ISBN
0-674-68937-2 Skowronek posits the theory that the politics of any given
presidency are determined by the presidents’ place in the ‘regime cycle.’ The
cycle is begun by a regime originator, an articulator of the public philosophy,
and the regime deteriorates as a function of normal politics. Places the
chronology of the presidency within a theoretical framework.
Stephen Mayer, With a Stroke of the Pen: Executive Orders
and Presidential Power Princeton University Press, ISBN0-691-01204-0 Mayer
offers an alternate view to the weak presidency thesis. The use of executive
orders, outside the separation of powers scheme, has become a major managerial
tool of modern presidents.
Michael Nelson, The Presidency and the Political System,
7th ed., Washington, D.C. CQ Press 1998, ISBN 1-56802-496-7 A ‘reader’ with
contributions from experts in various fields including: approaches to studying
the presidency, presidential power, the presidency and Congress, the bureaucracy
and government.
Recommended, not required
Gary L. Gregg II The Presidential Republic, Executive
Representation and Deliberative Democracy, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers,
Lanham, Boulder, New York, London, 1997. ISBN 0-8476-8378-8
Richard Neustadt, Presidential Power and the Modern
Presidents: The Politics of Leadership from Roosevelt to Reagan revised
edition, New York: Free Press, 1990. ISBN 0-02-922796-8 Neustadt’s look at the
American President focuses not on the office, but on the individual as one among
many in a set of institutions. Employing a series of case studies, he shows how
presidents actually use the resources of their office to exercise power.
Tara Ross, (2004) Enlightened Democracy: The Case for the
Electoral College, World Ahead Publishing ISBN: 0974670154
Gary L. Gregg II, Ed., Securing Democracy: Why We Have an
Electoral College Intercollegiate Studies Institute ISBN: 1-882926-65-x A
series of readings from a variety of experts on why the Electoral college is not
outdated but a brilliant concept and crucial to the workings of the
constitutional system but necessary in securing representative democracy.
James Taranto and Leonard Leo, Eds., Presidential Leadership: Rating the
Best and the Worst in the White House, Free Press; 2004, ISBN: 0743254333
Martin Fausold & Alan Shank, Eds., The Constitution and
the American Presidency State University of New York Press, 1991 ISBN
0-7914-0468-4. Fausold & Shank show the development of both the presidency an
the constitution via the way in which various presidents have viewed and altered
the document.
Richard J. Ellis, Ed., Founding the American Presidency,
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Lanham, Boulder, New York, London, 1999 ISBN
The Web: I have
set up various hyperlink to web sites which will greatly enhance your
understanding of American government and the presidency. My web page is listed
above. Log on and go to your syllabus. From there you can navigate to numerous
sites which relate to the topics we are discussing. In addition, there are links
to more esoteric topics.
Also of importance is subscribing to the class E-mail roster. This allows me to
contact you quickly and easily as well as helping you communicate with the
entire class for assistance with, e.g. notes, discussions, exam study groups.
For more
info visit: http://www.colorado.edu/ITS/emaillists/faq.html
Policies: All University policies are in effect for this course. The University
Honor Code (http://www.colorado.edu/academics/honorcode/Home.html) is the most
important policy in this class. It is taken, by me, with the utmost seriousness.
Familiarize yourself with these policies especially in regards to incompletes,
drops/add, withdrawal, etc. Students are expected to attend all classes, do all
reading prior to the class and take all exams at the appointed times. No make-up
exams will be given. No ‘extra credit’ is ever given.
If you have specific physical, psychiatric, or learning disabilities and require
accommodations, please let me know early in the semester so that your learning
needs may be appropriately met. You will need to provide documentation of your
disability to the Disability Services Office in Willard 322 (phone
If you have any problems with the college, the course, the material or me,
please come see me. If there is anything I can help you with please come see me.
I am here to help.
***Outline of Course Topics***
I. Introduction to Politics and American Government
A. Political Science
B. Roots of American Citizenship
C. The American Political Culture
D. Constitutionalism in America
E. The Madisonian System of Government
F. The Founders and Deliberative Democracy
1. The Constitutional Convention
2. The Modern Presidency
II. The Study of the Presidency
A. Approaches
1. Legal
2. Institutional
3. Power
4. Psychological
B. Methods
1. Traditional
2. Quantitative
3. Case Studies
C. Themes
1. Power: Bifurcation
2. Politics and the presidency
3. Development of the Office
III. The Individual Presidency
A. Presidential Leadership
B. The Psychological Presidency
C. Historical Development
1. Presidents in Political Time
IV. The Public Presidency
A. Presidential Elections
1. The Constitutional Convention
2. The Electoral College
3. Alternative Schemes
B. The Public and the President
1. Electoral Politics
2. Public Politics
a. Political
b. The Media
V. The Institutional Presidency
A. The Executive Branch
B. Presidential Politics
C. Legislative Politics
D. Congress and the Presidency
VI. Conclusion: The Presidency at Century’s End
Schedule of Class Lectures (approximate) Summer 2005
5/31 Introduction, class administration; The Study of American Politics.
6/1 The American Political System and Political Culture; Gary L. Gregg II The
Presidential Republic, Executive Representation and Deliberative Democracy;
Nelson Preface & Part I
6/2 Theoretical Schemes of the Presidency; Richard J. Ellis, Ed., Founding the
American Presidency; Rating the Presidents James Taranto and Leonard Leo, Eds.,
Presidential Leadership: Rating the Best and the Worst in the White House
6/7 Separation of Powers and Constitutional Theory; The Bifurcated President.
Lowi (entire book)
6/8 The Individual President; in Nelson: Tullis, “Two Constitutional
Presidencies” Quirk, “Presidential Competence,” Nelson, “The Psychological
6/9 Exam—in class, on Part 1
6/14 The Public Presidency; Elections; Tara Ross, Enlightened Democracy: The
Case for the Electoral College Gary L. Gregg II, Ed., Securing Democracy: Why We
Have an Electoral College
6/15 Electoral Politics Nelson Part III; The Presidency and the Public Nelson
Part IV
6/16 Skowronek, The Politics Presidents Make: Leadership from John Adams to Bill
Clinton (entire book) ; Parties and the Media
6/21 Exam—in class, on Part 2
6/22 No Class
6/23 Legislative politics; Executive Politics Nelson Part V; Presidential
6/28 The president, Congress and the executive; Stephen Mayer, With a Stroke of
the Pen: Executive Orders and Presidential Power (entire book)
6/29 Conclusion; Summary-Nelson Ch. 20 & 8.
6/30 Exam—in class, on Part 3
Page last updated: 05/31/05 visitors since August 27, 1999