Alastair Norcross

(Seen here declaring an end to major combat operations in the war on kantianism)


I arrived in Boulder in August 2007, after serving fifteen years in Texas (with ten months off for good behavior in the 1999-2000 academic year at the University of Arizona, in Tucson), first at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, where I was the Easterwood Professor of Philosophy from 1992 to 2002, and then at Rice University from 2002 to 2007. Before that, I taught at Hobart and William Smith Colleges in Geneva, NY, while finishing my Ph.D. at Syracuse University, home of the mighty Orangemen.  Before that, I received my B.A. in Classics from Oxford University. Before that, you don't want to know about (trust me). Despite its most strenuous efforts, Texas never managed to break me. I have never used the expression "y'all" (though I have mentioned it plenty of times, usually in exasperation). I have never been to a rodeo, worn cowboy boots, or owned a gun. I have never said, or thought, a good thing about George W. Bush. I do, however, still miss Ann Richards and Molly Ivins.

My research, which is primarily in ethical theory, is focused on the articulation and defense of consequentialist ethical theories such as utilitarianism. I have published articles in a wide range of philosophy journals, including The Philosophical Review,The Journal of Philosophy, Philosophy & Public Affairs, Philosophical Studies, Analysis, The Australasian Journal of Philosophy, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Social Theory and Practice, and The Pacific Philosophical Quarterly. I also work in several areas of applied ethics, such as euthanasia, abortion, and animal rights. I have edited (with Bonnie Steinbock) an anthology entitled Killing and Letting Die (Fordham: 1994). I am currently working on a book, in which I argue that consequentialist ethical theories should not be interpreted as theories of either the rightness or goodness of actions, but instead as scalar theories that evaluate actions as better or worse than possible alternatives.



Click to see a curriculumvitae. (with links to selected papers: updated sometime 2011)

Fall 2012 Courses:

PHIL 3100 (Ethical Theory) M,W,F 2:00-2:50

PHIL 5100 (Proseminar in Ethics) T 5:00-7:30

Fall 2012 Office Hours: T 1:00-2:15, W 1-2, and by appointment

CU Philosophy Department