Assistant Dean


Director of Evening and Credit Programs

Division of Continuing Education and Professional Studies
of Colorado at Boulder

Working with faculty, students and staff, the Assistant Dean advances the mission of the Division, which is to provide quality, innovative lifelong learning opportunities to a diverse student population by extending the educational resources of the University of Colorado at Boulder. The Division is a self-funded unit which reports to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. With an annual budget of approximately $20  million and about 20,000 yearly enrollments, the Division offers a wide variety of credit and non-credit courses.

One of the responsibilities of this position is to serve as the Assistant Dean and supervise the Online Credit, Student Services, and Enrollment Services areas of the Division. Each of these areas is led by a director or manager who reports to the Assistant Dean.

Another responsibility is the management and growth of the Evening Credit program, and the Extraordinary program. The Extraordinary program has administered by a program manager who reports to the Assistant Dean.

The Evening Credit is a $6.4 million program that currently includes 65-70 courses each Fall and Spring semester and 15-20 in the Summer semester. This position works collaboratively with campus departments to offer courses and secure qualified instructors.

The Extraordinary program offers courses outside of the regular University of Colorado at Boulder schedule. These courses are mostly offered at the request of the academic departments on campus or outside organizations with department approval. Offerings in this program range from semester long, on-campus, graduate-level engineering courses for local software developers to one-week intensive workshops for K-12 educators in environmental education.

This position reports to the Dean of Continuing Education and Professional Studies/Vice Provost for Summer Session, and Outreach and Engagement

Position Description

50% - Supervision

  • Supervise the Director of Online Credit.
  • Supervise the managing staff of the Enrollment Services unit.
  • Supervise the Director of Student Services.
  • Supervise the Extraordinary Program Manager.

35% - Program Management

  • Manage and develop the Evening Credit program. These courses are approved by their respective departments, colleges and schools.
  • Work with departments to secure qualified instructors.
  • Work with the departments to evaluate instructors and courses each semester by using multiple evaluation measures including Faculty Course Questionnaires and Peer Review by regular campus faculty.
  • Prepare and manage all program budgets all instructional and administrative salaries, operating expenses, university and Division overhead charges for the programs are paid for by their budgets.
  • Develop appropriate marketing strategies in cooperation with the Division's Marketing Director. Prepare appropriate and accurate catalog copy for Division's catalog, three times a year. Collaborate with staff and vendors to implement marketing plan, ad placements, etc.
  • Manage program logistics which include classroom facilities, media equipment, and the supplies/textbooks needed for students and faculty. 

10% - Program Development

·       Lead the Division’s efforts towards the creation of bachelor degree completion programs.

10% - Program Development

·       Liaison to OIT for Desktop Support and campus technology support.

5%- Other

  • Participate in other meetings for the Dean, as appropriate. Manage other special duties as assigned by the Division's Dean of Continuing Education and Professional Studies/Vice Provost for Summer Session, and Outreach and Engagement.