Hygiene Notes

1894 - 1900
Copied from the Longmont Ledger microfiche files by Wanda Burch Armstead

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Jan. 5, 1894 J. A. Cochran is the new S. S. superintendent for the year 1894

The misses Nellie and Eva Cochran went over to Sunnyside last Thursday to be present at the marriage of their friend, Miss May Stryker.

Mr. Neikirk and family of Boulder were here Sunday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Virdin.

A number of young folks spent last Friday evening dancing at the residence of Charley Broughton.

Jan. 12, 1894 - Frank and Jim Burch are up in the mountains working their gold mine.

Most of the farmers had their ice houses filled before the thaw.

Frank Burch has gone to the mountains to try gold mining for a while.

Feb. 23, 1884 - J. H. Hatfield and family will pack their trunks and leave for Southern Missouri as soon as possible after their auction sale next week, Tuesday the 26th. (were they relatives of ours? Related to Hez) (This house was near Pella)

March 2, 1894 - J. H. Hatfields property sold for such a good figure Tuesday that he has given up going to Missouri and will try sunny Colorado for another year.

March 9, 1894 - School closed in the Goss school house last week Thursday.

March 16, 1894 - John Cochran has recently purchased another herd of sheep.

March 23, 1894 - W. W. Burch drove a nice lot of beef cattle to Denver last week, for which he received a handsome price.

April 13, 1894 - Miss Sadie Cochran spent the early part of this week with friends at Ward.

W. W. Burch, E. Birdsill and Geo. Howard have gone up to Blackhawk to do a little prospecting.

April 20, 1894 - Mrs. J. A. Cochran and Ole Oleson were called over to Boulder this week as witnesses in the Welch-Burton cutting affair that took place last summer at the Hygiene Home.

May 11, 1894 - J. B. Smith was elected president of the school board and J. A. Cochran, sec't .

May 18, 1894 - Plenty of wind last Wednesday.

Canada and Cochran are now running a vegetable wagon to the mountain towns.

May 25, 1894 - Sylvester Williamson and wife of Berthoud drove over here Sunday and dined at the Burch house.

June 8, 1894 -The St. Vrain river was a half a mile wide on main street in Hygiene last week Thursday.

The Hygiene Home has already commenced to fill up with guests for the season. Landlord Cochran will make it pleasant for all who come.

June 8, 1894 - W. W. Burch and W. P. Johnson went to Blackhawk prospecting before the flood and have not yet returned.

The new iron bridge across the St. Vrain washed away Thursday. It had only been in place a few months and now some of the boys that live on the other side of the river are anxious to have it rebuilt. Their lady loves live on this side and they don't like to wade the river, being afraid of getting their Sunday pants wet.

July 13, 1894 - Landlord Cochran has put up several tents in his grove, for the accomodation of his guests.

Three young people were baptized in Hygiene last Saturday by the Dunkard brethren.

July 20, 1894 - Miss Mollie Burch is visiting friends in Ward.

July 27, 1894 Your correspondent will bet a pretty that Hygiene will have a wedding before many moons pass.

Aug. 10, 1894 - J. A. Cochran took a load of apples to Greeley last week and swapped them for money.

Once more the matrimonial wheels have turned in Hygiene. Last Tuesday Mr. Frank Burch and Miss Nellie Cochran were made one by the Rev. A. Griffith. The ceremony took place at 2 o'clock at the Hygiene Home. There were no guests present excepting a few near relatives. The groom is a son of W. W. Burch, a prosperous farmer of this place, and the bride is a daughter of J. A. Cochran, proprietor of the Hygiene Home. May they live a long and happy life together, is the wish of your correspondent.

Aug. 17, 1894 - Mrs. Goodwin of Durango came up here a few days since, to visit her aunt, Mrs. J. A. Cochran.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burch entertained a number of their young friends last Wednesday evening at the home of Charles Broughton.

Aug. 31, 1894 - J. A. Cochran delivered a two horse wagon load of apples to his Ward customers last week.

Mrs. Hezekiah Burch left Saturday for her old home in Iowa, and Hez is a real good looking widower.

Mrs. J. A. Cochran and her sister, Mrs. Coleson, drove over to Greeley last Thursday.

Sept. 7, 1894 - School opened in the Goss schoolhouse Monday morning with a good attendance.

The Misses Delia Forbess and Sadie Cochran have gone to Greeley to attend the state normal.

Sept. 14, 1894 - Dick Burch had a smash up this week, with his engine, and had to go to Denver for repairs.

The B and M passenger engine killed one of W. W. Burch's best milk cows last Saturday and W. W. was just a little warm over it.

Sept. 21, 1894 - Sherman Hicks is under the care of Dr. Broughton, the natural healer.

Sept. 21, 1894 - W. W. Burch has started up his threshing machine after a weeks lay off.

Oct. 5, 1894 - At the annual meeting of the W.C.T.U. Thursday, Mrs. J. A. Cochran was elected president.

Oct. 12, 1894 - W. W. Burch has pulled in his threshing outfit for this season.

Oct. 19, 1894 - Miss Sadie Cochran came over from Greeley last week to see her mother.

W. W. Burch has been attending Court in Boulder this week.

Nov. 2, 1894 - Mrs. W. W. Burch spent last week visiting her sister in Ward, Colo.

W. W. Wright of Ward, has been delivering lumber in this town this week.

Nov. 9, 1894 - Hurrah for Hygiene!! She has gone Republican by a good round majority.

Nov 30 1894 H. H. and Dan Burch of Ni Wot and A. W. Cushman of Longmont passed through here last Monday for some point in the mountains. They were loaded for bear.

Dec. 7, 1894 - Mrs. Dr. Broughton was in Hygiene last week.

Dick Burch has started out with his corn sheller.

John Cochran had business in Greeley several days last week.

Dec. 21, 1894- Mrs. E. Mosher of Ward has moved to Hygiene and occupies the house she bought of W. W. Wright.

W. W. and Frank Burch went over on the Platte last week on a goose hunt but "nary" a goose did they get.

Dec. 28, 1894 - A number of the Hygiene boys won a nice fat gobbler at Dick Burch's shooting match Monday.

Jan. 4, 1895 - The young people had a good time last Friday night at the residence of Charlie Broughton in an old fashioned "hop".

Two of Dick Burch's best cows went skating on the Oligarchy reservoir last week and the result was the ice broke and the cows went under and were drowned.

Jan. 11, 1895 - J. A. Cochran, the genial landlord at the Hygiene Home, had business in Ward this week.

Jan. 25, 1895 - W. W. Burch is putting up a feed mill on his premises, just for his own special benefit.

All our farmers here who are interested in a cheese factory at Hygiene are earnestly requested to meet at the Goss school house Saturday evening.

Feb. 1, 1895 - E.N. Quinn closed a 5 month term of school in this district last Friday and left the following day for Salt Lake City.

Feb. 22, 1895 - The young folks gave Bill Smith a surprise party last week Thursday Eve.

Will Smith and Kelly had a collision last week, one evening, and the result was a broken buggy and cart.

School will open again in this district next Monday, Feb. 25th.

Quite a number of young folks met last Tuesday evening at the Hygiene Home and spent several hours in a social way.

March 1, 1895 - W. W. Burch, W. B. Forbess and J. W. Goss transacted business in the capitol the early part of this week.

Frank Burch has recently put up a neat little residence near the Oligarchy reservoir and will, in the future, live at home.

March 8, 1895 - W. W. Burch has sold his feed mill to some Lyons party.

March 15, 1895 - A little baby boy came last Saturday to live with Frank Burch and wife.

Grandpa Dick Burch and B. T. Forbess drove to Boulder last Saturday.

W. W. Wright of Ward was in Hygiene this week after a load of hay.

It is now settled that Hygiene will have a cheese factory. Board of Directors are: S. A. Forbess, Hez Burch, John Dawson, J. A. Cochran and August Nelson. A lot has been purchased near the B & M R.R. and men and teams are at work on the basement. A building 24 X 32 will soon be completed. It is expected that everything will be in running order by the Ist of May.

April 5, 1895 - Hygiene has gone prohibition. Frank Horton was elected mayor and G. M. Forbess, town clerk.

April 19, 1895 - W. W. Burch has sold his barley to the Boulder Brewing Co, and received a satisfactory price for it.

May 10,1895 - The cheese factory at this place is expected to start up this Friday morning.

May 17, 1895 - The spring term of school closes today at the Goss School.

W.W. Burch moved Alpheus Bashor's barn this week.

The cheese factory is now running and doing a good business. About 5000 Ibs. of milk being used daily.

Dick Burch took a load of fat hogs to Boulder market last Wednesday.

July 12, 1895 - More rain this week and cold enough to wear an overcoat.

July 26, 1895 - Will Rannells of Iowa is here for a visit with his cousin, Mrs. J. A. Cochran.

Aug. 9, 1895 - Miss Ella Seaman of Longmont is spending a few days with the Burch family.

Aug. 16, 1895 - Mrs. J. A. Cochran visited a few days this week with Mrs. Blackburn near Ward.

Ni Wot News - County Commissioner H. H. Burch and wife and George Bader and wife have gone to the hills for an outing.

Aug. 23, 1895 - Niwot News - H. H. Burch started over the range Sunday with a surveyor and party to survey a road over Buchanan Pass.

Sept. 13, 1895 - The W. W. Burch threshing crew got a "hump" on them last Saturday. They moved their machine 3 miles, made 5 different settings, and threshed out 2325 bushels.

Sept. 20, 1895 - John Cochran has gone to Middle Park to kill a bear.

Oct. 4, 1895 - F. H. Burch and wife drove up to Sunshine last Sunday, ate their dinner and drove home the same day.

Oct. 11, 1895 - Dr. Broughton came from Boulder last week to straighten up some of the Hygiene sick folks.

Oct. 18, 1895 - W. W. Burch is at work this week threshing M. L. McCaslin's large crop of grain

Nov. 1, 1895 - George Dagel and Will Billmire, accompanied by their families, passed through here Monday on their way to Aspen, where they expect to remain during the winter.

Nov. 15, 1895 - John Cochran has gone to Denver to attend school the coming winter.

W. W. Burch pulled in his thrasher last week after having thrashed 87,527 bushels.

Nov. 22, 1895 - F. H. Burch and wife spent a few days this week in Jimtown.

Nov. 22, 1895 - Miss Fanny Burch left Monday for her former home in Iowa. Her brother, Hezekiah, accompanied her as far as Denver.

Dec. 20, 1895 - F. H. & J. A. Burch have gone up to Sunshine to dig for gold.

J. A. Cochran is the Sunday School Supt. for the U.B. Sunday School for the year 1896.

Jan. 3, 1896 - W. W. Burch is spending the holidays with his relatives in Iowa. This is his first visit back to his old home since 1862.

Jan. 10, 1896 - C. J. Broughton gave the young folks a regular old fashioned hoe-down last Friday evening. Blevins and Hollenbeck furnished the music.

Dick Burch is home after a two weeks stay in Cold Iowa.

F. H. Burch has moved his family into one of the cottages on Main Street, he having sold his former residence to Will Miller.

Jan. 17, 1896 - C. J. Broughton has purchased the D. Leedy farm, but it is understood that Mr. Leedy will not give possession for some time yet.

Jan. 24, 1896 - About 50 of the friends of Mr. & Mrs. F. H. Burch spent Saturday evening at their residence pulling taffy. It was not taffy on a stick, but taffy by the bushel.

Frank and Jim Burch closed the deal Tuesday with Aaron Runyan for his eighty acre farm near here.

Jan. 31, 1896 - The County Commissioners have appointed F. H. Burch janitor for the court house. He will move his family to Boulder this week.

Feb. 7, 1896 - Hez, W. W. and J. A. Burch had business at the county seat this week.

Feb. 14, 1896 - John Cochran has returned home from Denver where he has been attending school.

Dick and Jim Burch took two loads of veal calves to Denver this week.

Feb. 21, 1896 - Jim Burch has gone to keeping bachelors hall on the farm that he recently bought.

The misses Mollie and Pearl Burch drove over to Boulder Saturday and remained over Sunday with their brother Frank.

Feb. 28, 1896 - Mr. & Mrs Hez Burch are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby boy that came to their house last Tuesday evening.

W. W. Burch has carpenters at work putting up a large house on his Hygiene farm.

March 13, 1896 - Mrs. Nellie Burch visited last Saturday and Sunday with her parents.

April 24, 1896 - Mrs. Etta Broughton drove over to Boulder this week to visit with the family of her brother.

The young folks spent Friday evening at the residence of Jim Burch, dancing to the music furnished by Dick Wilson.

W. W. Burch started up his steam plow this week.

May 22, 1896 - Guests are arriving at the Hygiene Home almost daily and landlord Cochran will soon have all he can accommodate.

Teams loaded with human freight pass here almost every hour, headed for Allens Park and other gold fields.

Frank Burch, the court house janitor, came to Hygiene Saturday and his brother Jim accompanied him home Sunday evening.

June 5, 1896 - F. H. Burch has resigned his position as court house janitor and has moved his family back to this place. Frank says he does not want any more court house work and thinks the farm is good enough for him.

June 19, 1896 - Anson Burch had a lively run away with his span of colts last week, while plowing corn. Mr. Burch came out of the fracas all right, but the cultivator is laid up for repairs.

W. W. Burch and Alpheus Bashor have each built an addition to their barns.

June 26, 1896 - Dick Burch and D. F. Cresswell have packed their grub box and gone over to Pine Creek to hunt for gold.

Mrs. Seaman of Longmont has been spending part of the week with the W. W. Burch family.

July 24, 1896 - Dick Burch & family have gone to the mountains to see what the prospect is for gathering a few bushels of raspberries.

Aug. 7, 1896 - C. J. Broughton and wife are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby boy that came to their home last week.

Sept. 18, 1896 - (Item under Marriages) Smith-Cochran on Monday, Sept. 14, 1896 by Rev. Charles Campbell of Boulder - Mr. Will J. Smith and Miss Jeanette Cochran of Hygiene, Colorado. (Sadie)

Sept. 25, 1896 - Hygiene has had two weddings in the last two weeks, the contracting parties being Mr. Joe Kelly and Miss Mollie Burch, Mr. Will Smith and Miss Sadie Cochran. The former couple have gone to housekeeping in Jamestown and the latter in Hygiene.

Oct. 9, 1896 - John Cochran is on the sick list and under treatment of Dr. Stradley.

Oct. 23, 1896 - Jay Burch's driving team got the best of him Saturday and took a lively spin thru main street, but Jay stayed with them and came out alright.

Joe Kelly and wife of Jimtown visited relatives here last week.

Miss Pearl Burch drove to Jimtown last week to visit her sister.

Oct. 30, 1896 - Frank Burch has purchased a hay baler and will be ready to bale hay for the farmers in the vicinity of Hygiene.

Nov 27,1896- The town dads have ordered a lot of new hitching posts planted on Main Street and they were badly needed.

Dec.11, 1896 - J. A. Burch has gone to Sunshine to work in his gold mine.

W. W. Burch returned from a hunting trip in the mountains and has had plenty of meat
since his return.

The Adventists are holding revival meetings in the Pella school house.

F. H. Burch and C. J. Broughton have gone up on Elk Ridge to kill a bear.

Dec. 18, 1896 - We are going to have a coyote drive tomorrow, Won't it be a joke if the boys get that mountain lion. He has been seen near the Brackett ranch last week.

Dec. 25, 1896 - Last Tuesday a wedding took place in Hygiene. Mr. A. E. Burch and Miss Eva Cochran by Rev. Charles Campbell of Boulder. The ceremony took place at the residence of the bride's parents in the presence of thirty guests.

Jan 8, 1897- Ed True and W. W. Burch went to Boulder last Wed. to see what the show is to get the appointment for road overseer.

Frank Burch had the good luck to capture a wild cat a few days since.

Jan. 15, 1897 - Coyote drive tomorrow.

Jan 22, 1897 - Hez Burch took a load of pork and poultry to Boulder last Wednesday.

Coffee, the Ward merchant, was here this week after a few hundred pounds of the Hygiene Dairy Co's butter - and he got it.

Dick Burch gave a husking bee last Friday night for the benefit of the boys and girls. They husked corn, ate oysters and had fun by the bushel.

Feb. 5, 1897 - W. W. Burch has been appointed road overseer for the Lyons district.

F. H. Burch has been mourning the loss of his fine horse Dave. He kicked the bucket last week.

Feb. 26, 1897 - W. W. Burch has found a bunch of keys. The owner can have them by calling at his office.

Six of Hez Burch's family are sick with the measles.

March 19, 1897 - Mrs. Eva Cochran Burch, who has been sick for some time, is now able to ride out.

March 19, 1897 - Dr. Broughton, the natural healer of Boulder, has been getting in her work this week in the family of G. W. Webster and B. T. Forbess.

Joe Kelly and wife came down from Sunshine last Saturday and remained over Sunday with the family of W. W. Burch.

March 26, 1897 - Frank Burch and wife, Mrs. Etta Broughton, and Miss Pearl Burch drove up to Copper Rock Saturday, and they are still there, unable to return on account of the deep snow.

April 3, 1897 - W. W. Wright of Jimtown was down here last week.

April 9, 1897 - John Hinkley of Longmont has leased the Burch reservoir for fishing purposes.

Hygiene has gone prohibition and its citizens will drink buttermilk another year.

A. Burch's team ran away Monday while hitched to a plow, and tore things up generally.

April 16, 1897 - N. Nelson recently built a fine barn on his lot adjoining the cheese factory. W. W. Burch did the carpenter work.

April 30, 1897 - Mr. Rannells, the Jamestown barber, was in Hygiene Sunday. He seems to enjoy his visits down here.

May 7, 1897 - C. J. Broughton gave the young folks a social dance at his residence last Wednesday evening.

Jim Burch came down from Copper Rock last week to visit his friends.

W.W. Burch was elected president of the school board in this district, at the annual election last Monday.

Bob Carter, a former citizen of this part of the country when there was no Hygiene, is down here from Copper Rock. He says the camp is booming.

Mrs. Nellie Burch gave a sewing bee last Wednesday, to which about thirty of her lady friends were present. Their tongues ran as nimbly as their fingers. An elegant dinner was served, and all had a jolly time.

May 14, 1897 - CROZIER - In Longmont May 9th 1897, of consumption, Eliza M., wife of H. N. Crozier, aged 32 yrs. The body was embalmed by E. Z. Bills, and shipped to Knoxville, Iowa, accompanied by Mr. Crozier.

The Dunkard brethren will wash each others feet on Saturday evening, in the stone church.

May 28, 1897 - Landlord Cochran has been slicking up his front yard with a new picket fence.

June 11, 1897 - Lawn social at the Hygiene Home June 24th.

S. S. Bashor has planted 10 acres to tomatoes and J. A. Cochran, 8 acres. They have a contract with Empson Packing Co.

Road overseer Burch and F. H. Burch have gone up in the mountains for a few days, prospecting for gold.

June 25, 1897 - Joe Kelly & wife are here from Sunshine visiting Mrs. Kelly's parents, Mr. & Mrs. W. W. Burch.

F. H. Burch and wife visited relatives in Copper Rock last week.

July 2, 1897 - Rannals, the Jimtown barber is swapping jokes with the boys down here.

Aug. 6, 1897 - W. W. Burch has resigned his position as treasurer for the Hygiene Dairy and Sam Parris was elected to fill that office.

Some rascal went into the house of W. W. Burch and stole a sack of flour and a watch. Guess he wanted the watch to tell how long it would take to carry the flour home.

Aug. 13, 1897 - W. W. Burch thinks the new Advance thrashing machine that he recently purchased is a daisy.

Aug. 20, 1897 - There will be five thrashing machines starting here soon. S. A. and G. M. Forbess will run one, Richard Wilson one, W. C. and G. H. Forbess one, and W. W. Burch, two.

Sept. 3, 1897 - Jim Burch and Robt. Carter are down from Sunshine for a few days rest.

J. A. Cochran is delivering his crop of sweet corn to the Empson Canning Factory.

W. W. Burch has sold one of his thrashing machines but says he will be in the ring with the other one.

Sept. 10, 1897 - John Cochran is having lots of fun breaking a wheel to ride.

Oct. 22, 1897 - C. J. Broughton had the misfortune to get his foot smashed last week while working with the Burch thrashing machine.

Nov. 26, 1897 - J. A. Cochran and J. D. Bashor each lost a valuable cow this week.

Dec. 17, 1897 - W. W. Burch met with an accident Tuesday while he was rounding up his cattle. The horse he was riding fell on him but there were no bones broken. Mr. Burch was unconscious about twelve hours. He was brought home the following Wednesday, but he is not as strong as he was when he started on that cattle round up.

Dec. 31, 1897 C. J. Broughton has recently moved on to his own farm, known as the Leedy farm

Mr. & Mrs. F. H. Burch are rejoicing over the arrival of a little baby girl that came last Monday evening to spend the holidays with them. (Grace)

W. W. Burch is still somewhat under the weather from the effects of having his horse fall on him while in the mountains last week.

Jan. 7, 1898- Joe Kelly and wife came from Sunshine last week to eat their New Years dinner with the family of W. W. Burch.

Among the officers elected to the Hygiene Grangers were overseer John Cochran and steward James Burch.

Jan. 14, 1898 -The young folks danced Friday eve at the residence of C. J. Broughton, to music furnished by Lozier and Burch.

Jan. 28, 1898- Anson Burch has moved his family on the Rannells farm in the Armstrong district.

Feb. 11, 1898- Our farmers are commencing to rub the rust off their plows.

Frank Burch has been appointed road overseer for the Lyons district. Frank is alright and will make an overseer.

John Rannells of Jimtown is down here and has taken rooms at the Home.

Mr. & Mrs. C. J. Broughton entertained friends at a card party Wednesday eve. All present had a delightful time.

Feb. 18, 1898- Joe Kelly and wife of Sunshine came down and will probably locate in Hygiene.

F. H. Burch, the new road overseer, is busy putting the roads in shape for the teamsters

Feb. 24, 1898 - John Rannells has gone to Denver for a few weeks stay.

The roof is now being put on the new hall that is going up in this place.

Mar. 4, 1898 - The B & M freight engine last Saturday set fire and burned about 10 tons of hay for W. W. Burch.

Sam Nichol and Celia True were married last Monday in Boulder.

Mar. 11, 1898- Mrs. Eva Burch, who has been dangerously sick for a few days past, is improving slowly.

Mar. 18, 1898- Mrs. Eva Cochran Burch, who we reported sick last week, is no better. Her physician entertains little hopes for her recovery.

Mar. 25, 1898- Friends of Mrs. Eva Burch will be glad to learn that she is slowly improving.

Friday, April Ist, the Hygiene Grangers will dedicate their new hall. The master of the State Grange and other prominent speakers will be in attendance. There will be a grand ball at night, and everybody is invited to attend.

Apr. 15, 1898- W. W. Burch has sold his herd of cattle to Mr. Boyd, who will move them to Sterling, Colo.

Apr. 22, 1898- John Rannells, who was a guest at the Home last winter, died last Wednesday at his home in Jimtown.

May 6, 1898 - J. A. Cochran has built a fine new carriage house.

Joe Kelly has moved his family on the C. C. Weese farm.

J. A. Cochran has leased the Hygiene Home to A. J. Saint of Jimtown for one year. Mr. Cochran has moved into one of the cottages and will run the farm the same as he used to.

May 20, 1898 - Road overseer F. H. Burch is grading Main Street this week.

May 27, 1898 - A. E. Burch and wife will leave soon for California for the benefit of Mrs. Burch's health.

Thomas Elliott and family of Des Moines, Iowa landed here last week. They came overland. Mr. Elliott was a citizen of Colorado years ago and likes the country well enough to return.

On Saturday evening, May 28th, the Dunkard folks will observe the ordinance of foot washing in their church.

June 17, 1898 - F. H. Burch and lady were visitors in Sunset last Saturday and Sunday.

Will Smith and wife are rejoicing over their little girl baby that came to their home last Monday. (Neva)

T. S. McGinnis and family, lately of Nebraska, are now located in the S. S. Bashor cottage.

July 8, 1898 - Charley Broughton fell off a load of hay last week and hurt himself quite severely.

Mrs. Seaman of Longmont was visiting this week with Mrs. F. H. Burch.

July 15, 1898 - W. W. Burch has lumber and stone on the ground for the purpose of building a large residence.

July 29, 1898 - W. W. Burch has commenced work on his new house.

Aug. 5 1898 - J. A. Cochran has sold to Prof. James McComb the Hygiene Home and all the furniture complete, and about 12 acres of land.

Aug 12, 1898 - W. W. Burch and Tom Elliott drove to Jimtown last Sunday.

B. T. Forbess has sold his farm to Mr. Gammon of Dakota for $1,700. Mr. Gammon will take possession the first of September.

S. A. & G. M. Forbess and W. W. Burch, started up their threshing machines Wednesday. Dick Wilson will start next Monday.

Aug 26, 1898 - Mrs. J. A. Cochran and her father, S. F. Rannells, drove to Boulder Thursday.

Sept 2, 1898 - Miss Lulu Wright of Jimtown is down here visiting relatives.

J. A. Cochran has sold 18 acres of his farm to J. A. Heinley. The coal prospectors have a hole in the ground about 175 feet deep. When they strike coal Hygiene will be the town.

The Hygiene Home has again changed hands. Prof. James McComb is proprietor and H. S. McComb, Manager. The name has been changed to Hotel McComb.

Sept 9, 1898 - The plasterers are now at work on W. W. Burch's new home.

Oct 7 1898 - W. P. Johnson is enjoying a visit from his old friends Robert Crozier and Dr. Everett of Knoxville, Iowa. (was this the Johnson that came to Colo. with W.W.?)

Oct 14, 1898 - J. A. Cochran has purchased 20 acres of the Bickerdike farm that joins him on the East.

Oct 21, 1898 - The Adventists expect to build a church on the Perkins farm near McCall Lake.

Nov 11, 1898 - Tom Elliott of Fort Collins had business in Hygiene this week.

F. H. Burch and N. L. Johnson spent part of last week in the mountains, hunting.

Dec 2, 1898 - Last Thursday, Nov. 24th, Mr. Isaac Burch of Hygiene and Miss Cora Welch of Denver were united in matrimony.

Dec. 16, 1898 - James Burch was attending to business matters in Sunshine this week.

Dec. 30, 1898 - W. W. Burch has taken his engine over near Boulder to run the stone crusher for Boulder County.

Jan. 6, 1899 - Joe Kelly was badly hurt last Monday while helping W. W. Burch move a house. A pry broke and one end hit him on the head and made an ugly wound.

The Grangers gave a masquerade ball among those present were: Philip Burch, devil; C. J. Broughton, clown; James Burch, clown; J. F. Kelly, Uncle Sam; Pearl Burch and Mrs. J. F. Kelly, two little girls in blue; Etta Broughton, Miss.

Jan. 13, 1899 - J. A. Cochran is building a new house on his farm. D. F. Cresswell is the boss carpenter. When finished, the house will be occupied by John Cochran, who says he intends to batch, but his friends think there is a woman in the case.

Feb. 3, 1899 - A. E. Burch and wife arrived home from California Saturday evening.

Feb. 10, 1899 - W. W., Frank Burch, J. F. Kelly and John Davies hitched on to that sleigh Monday and drove to Boulder.

Feb. 24, 1899 - School will close next week.

Joe Kelly expects to move to Berthoud in a few days.

March 3, 1899 - J. A. Cochran has moved onto his farm near the Rannells place. John will keep house for a while, on the Home Place.

Tom McGinnis has moved his family to the J. E. Miller farm.

March 17, 1899 -The Hygiene Building Association elected the following board for the ensuing ear: Nat Bashor, John Cochran, John Zweck , James Burch and Will Dawson.

March 24, 1899 -Mrs. W. W. Burch has gone to Berthoud to visit her daughter, Mrs. Kelly.

W. P. Johnson and family will move to Lamar shortly, he having sold his farm to Alpheus Bashor

The Hygiene Dairy Co. re-elected the old board which was J. A. Cochran, Matt McCaslin, George Lohr, J. D. Bashor and G. R. McIntosh.

April 7, 1899 - Hygiene has certainly gone high license, judging from the empty bottles that were seen at the Hall the morning after the dance.

April 14, 1899 -Miss Florence Chapman will teach the remainder of the Spring term of school.

F. H. Burch and wife drove to Loveland Saturday and remained over Sunday with relatives.

April 21, 1899 -The Dunkard brethren received one soul into the church by baptism Sunday.

April 28, 1899- C. J. Broughton has been enjoying a visit from his brother who came from Idaho.

May 5, 1899 - James Burch now rides in a nice new buggy that he recently purchased.

May 12, 1899 - Miss Pearl Burch is visiting her sister near Loveland.

May 26, 1899 - Joe Kelly and wife of Loveland were here last Saturday to break bread at the table of W. W. Burch.

June 23, 1899 - The WCTU meeting Sunday evening was well attended. Mrs. John Armstrong, Mrs. J. A. Cochran, Mrs. Nellie Goss, Mrs. F. H. Burch and Miss Florence Chapman read papers on the temperance work.

June 30, 1899 - Some thief stole about 100 nice fat Plymouth Rock hens out of J. A. Cochrans hennery a few evenings since.

July 7, 1899 - Mrs. J. A. Cochran has gone to the mountains to rusticate a few days and visit with her daughter, Mrs. Will Smith.

July 14, 1899 - Mrs. Eva Burch is visiting her sister in Allens Park.

July 21, 1899 - F. H. Burch and wife drove to Sunshine Sunday.

July 28, 1899 - James Burch and John Moshier (Davis) have returned from a weeks prospecting in the mountains.

N. L. and Charles Johnson left Monday overland for Lamar.

Aug. 18, 1899 - Mrs. W. W. Burch has returned from a weeks visit with relatives in Jimtown.

Aug. 25 - School will open Sept. 4th.

Sept. 1, 1899 - N. L. Johnson, who went to Lamar a few weeks ago, has returned to Hygiene.

Sept. 22, 1899 - Joe Kelly was over from Loveland last Sunday.

Hygiene will be on hand in Longmont Pumpkin Pie Day, and don't you forget it. We like pumpkin pie and a little cider to sober off with, see?

Will Keep, N. L. Johnson and James Burch spent the week in the mountains hunting deer.

Postmaster Geo. M. Lohr will likely be a married man soon or else Geo. R. McIntosh trip to Boulder the other day didn't count for anything.

It looks like Hygiene will furnish the material for two or three weddings in the near future.

Sept. 29, 1899 - Mr. George M. Lohr and Miss Minnie McIntosh of Hygiene were married Tuesday, Sept. 26, 1899 at high noon at the home of the bride' s parents by the Rev. E. F. Harris of Longmont.

Oct. 6, 1899 - J. H. Hatfield has moved to Hygiene and locates in the East part of town.

Oct. 27, 1899 - W. W. Burch went to Denver last week and drove home a fine bunch of cattle that he bought while there.

Nov 10, 1899 - W. W. Burch has pulled in his threshing machine.

John Cochran finished harvesting his crop of oats this week.

Nov. 17, 1899 - James Burch and John Davis visited Greeley this week on business.

Dec. 8, 1899 - John Cochrans team took a spin up Main Street without a driver last Monday. They tore things up somewhat.

Dec. 15, 1899 - J. A. Cochran has built a large cow barn on his farm north east of town.

At the Star of Jupiter Lodge meeting the following officers were elected: E. G. Calkins, Pres.; Etta Broughton, Vice Pres.; F. H. Burch, Warden; Rosa Wells, Conductor; J. A. Lee, Treas.; Andy Hanson, Jr., Sec'y; W. N. Miller, O. G.; C. J. Broughton I.G.

Dec 22, 1899 - Frank Burch and N.L. Johnson have recently purchased a hay press.

Dec. 29, 1899 - Yes, we had a Christmas tree in Hygiene last Sunday evening.

C. J. Broughton and Mr. Schell had a collision with their buggies Saturday night. Now the buggies stand at the shop for repairs.

Jan 5, 1900 - Joe Kelly and wife have a new baby at their house.

Miss Florence Chapman and Mr. John Cochran, both of Hygiene, were married on New Years at 6 O'clock p.m. by Rev. Clarence Chapman in the presence of about sixty of their friends and relatives, at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. M. D. Chapman.

Jan 12, 1900 - Tom McGinnis has moved into one of the cottages at the hotel

Jan 19, 1900 - Will Smith has bought a bunch of fine short horn heifers of C. L. Robbins.

N. L. Johnson and F. H. Burch spent part of this week in the mountains just for fun.

Jan 26, 1900 - Bert Carter of Wyoming was a Hygiene visitor last week.

Joe Kelly has moved into one of Lewis Bania's cottages.

A. E. Burch and wife are now residents of Hygiene. They having moved in a Cochran cottage.

Feb 2, 1900 - Hygiene will have a gramophone show this Friday night. Taylor Wright of Jamestown is manager.

Feb 23 1900 - Mrs. Broughton of Boulder visited her son C. J. last week.

F. H Burch and Joe Kelly supplied the Jimtown people with hay this week.

Mar 2, 1900 - W. W. Burch has rented the old Pauly ranch south of Hygiene.

Mar 9, 1900 - Hygiene is a busy town this week. Two lodge meetings, temperance meeting, a revival meeting and a big dance.

Mar 30, 1900 - W. W. Burch recently lost several cattle with blackleg. The farmers had better be on the lookout.

Apr 13, 1900 - C. E. Lichtl and W. W. Burch cast their nets into the Oligarchy reservoir Saturday and behold, they drew out many fishes,

Apr 20, 1900 - Mr. Teeters was a Denver visitor the fore part of this week.

Our farmers can do nothing now but pitch horseshoes and go fishing.

There was no school last week on account of the bad roads.

The Ladies Aid Society will meet next week with Mrs. Sadie Smith.

May 11, 1900- Burch and Cline are making a ditching machine.

The St. Vrain has made a new channel across F. H. Burch's farm during the high water.

Tom McGinnis has bought a one acre lot on Main Street from S. A. Forbess. Mr. McGinnis will begin building at once.

May 25, 1900 - From Long s Peak notes - The Buster brothers, John Slack and others have been herding their cattle in Deadman and Coffin Top gulches, and on Coffin Top mountain, until spring comes up here.

June 6, 1900 - The frame of Tom McGinniss' new house is up. Ben Forbess is the boss carpenter.

June 15, 1900 - Mrs. Tom Elliott left last Monday for a visit with friends in Iowa?

June 22, 1900 - Messrs McGinnis and Wheeler and families were rusticating in the mountains last week.

June 29, 1900 - J. H. Empson has had two of his pea shellers at work this week for Jas. Burch and J. W. and Percy Goss. S. A. Forbess' thresher furnished the power.

July 27, 1900 - Hez Burch, Rob't Crosier, and James Teeters started last week for the Big Thompson to try camp life for a while.

Aug 10, 1900 - Misses Mollie and Mae McGinnis entertained more than 20 friends at their home on Main Street, Wednesday afternoon. Ice cream and cake were served.

Aug 31, 1900 - W. W. Burch received yesterday a new J. I. Case 16 horse power engine for his threshing machine. It's a daisy. He starts it today on the Gunning ranch.

Sept 7, 1900 - Niwot News
D. B. and Clem Elliott, W. D. Burch, Misses Carrie, Maggie and Bird Elliott, Mrs. Wm. Elliott, Mrs. D. B. Elliott went to Estes Park Sunday for a weeks outing.

Frank Underwood from Kentucky arrived at his uncle's, Mr. H. H. Burch, on Monday.

Joe Kelly claims that some rascal stole about 50 bushels of his wheat one night last week.

Mr.s Welch of Denver is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Isaac Burch.

Some thief entered F. H. Burch's house while they were away and stole $5.00 in hard cash.

Robert Crosier and James Teeters arrived Saturday from Crystal Mountain and brought home with them a fine cinnamon bear skin.

Sept 14, 1900 - Joe Kelly's horse ran away Saturday night and smashed up his buggy.

Nov 23, 1900 - W. W. Burch was in Denver this week to buy a bunch of cattle.

Nov 30, 1900- J. A. Cochran have gone to Loveland to spend Thanksgiving.

Dec 7, 1900 - F. H. Burch and wife and Pearl Burch were visitors in Jimtown last week.

J. B. Smith has his new house finished.

Dec 21, 1900 - W. W, Burch has recently laid a new stone walk in his front yard.

Mrs. Ella Johnson of Ft. Collins is visiting the J. A. Cochran family.

Dec 28, 1900 - E. A. Teeters was severely hurt a few days since by a kicking horse.

E. Dorsey and Harland Frizler of Neb. are here visiting their cousin, T. S. McGinnis.

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