Home page for Yunping Xi, Ph.D.
A professor of the Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering at the University of Colorado at Boulder.
Email address: yunping.xi@colorado.edu
3161 Mechanics of Materials I
4161 Mechanics of Materials II
4317 Architectural Engineering Senior Design
CVEN 4899 Civil
Engineering Senior Design
5161 Advanced Mechanics of Materials I
· CVEN 5585 Advanced Topics in RC Design
5831 Construction Materials
CVEN 5831
Infrastructural Rehabilitation
5831 Stability of Structures
6161 Advanced Mechanics of Materials II
Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering
Tel: (303)
492-8991, Fax: (303) 492-7317, Email: yunping.xi@colorado.edu
Ph.D. in Structural
Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. (1991).
M.S. in Structural Engineering, Central Research
Institute of Building and Construction,
B.S. in Civil Engineering, Beijing Institute of
Civil Engineering and Architecture (1982).
2005 – Present Professor,
2000 – 2005 Associate professor,
1997 – 2000 Assistant
professor, University of Colorado at Boulder
1993 – 1996 Assistant
professor, Drexel University
1991 – 1993 Research scientist, Northwestern
1987 – 1988 Visiting
scholar, Northwestern University
1985 – 1987 Structural
engineer, Beijing Central Research Inst. of Building and Construction.
1982 – 1983 Structural
engineer, Beijing Design Institute of Building and Construction.
Research interests and fundings
(1) Theoretical analysis and
experimental study on long term durability of cementitious materials and
reinforced concrete structures, including creep, shrinkage, fracture,
freeze/thaw, and alkali-silica reaction of concrete; high temperature damage
and radiation effect on concrete; chemical and moisture transport in concrete;
and chloride-induced corrosion of steel in concrete.
(2) Monitoring and simulation
of long-term performance of reinforced concrete and steel structures. Development of simulation models for
long-term deterioration processes in reinforced concrete structures, installing
sensor network on concrete structures, and integrating simulation models and
sensor network for utilization of monitoring data to calibrate model parameters
in real time.
(3) Evaluation of existing
nuclear power plant structures: containment structures, bioshieldings,
and dry casks. Leakage repair of
wellbores in oil and gas industry, and CO2 underground storage formation. Performance evaluation of protection systems
for highway bridge decks: sealers, thin-bonded overlays, waterproof membranes,
and cathodic protection systems.
(4) Development of
sustainable construction materials for the earth and space construction. Applications of special additives in
concrete, such as carbon nanotubes, optical fibers to make translucent concrete,
forming agents for lightweight concrete, and phase change materials for high
insulation concrete. Develop lunar
construction materials. Optimization of
concrete mix designs. Reutilization of
various solid wastes in concrete such as fly ash, waste glass, waste tires, and
recycled concrete.
Since 1993, Dr. Xi has
participated more than 100 sponsored projects as PI or co-PI. The total funding is about $20 million
dollars as PI and co-PI. The following
are lists of some of the research projects.
Ongoing projects
Department of
Energy/Nuclear Energy University Program “Time-dependent THMC Properties and
Microstructural Evolution of Damage Rocks in Excavation Damage Zone”, 2018-2022
Nuclear Regulatory Commission “Knowledge
Transfer for the Computer Code Developed for Analysis of Irradiated Concrete”,
2021-2022 (PI).
Completed projects (partial list as
PI or co-PI, listed chronologically)
1. New Jersey (NJ) DOT “Chloride Permeability of Concrete
with Silica Fume and Other Admixtures”, 1996 – 1998 (PI: Y. Xi).
2. Ben Franklin Technology Center “Use of Recycled Glass
as Raw Material in the Manufacture of Portland Cement”, 1996 – 1998 (PI: Y.
Air Force “Dynamic Performance Evaluation of Conventional and
Non-Conventional Concrete, 1997 – 1998 (PI: K. Willam;
co-PI: Y. Xi).
CDOT “Roadway Safety Training”, 1998 – 2008 (PI: Y. Xi).
NSF “Accelerated Testing and Reliable Modeling of Concrete Durability
under Coupled Environmental and Mechanical Loadings”, sponsored by National
Science Foundation, 1998 – 2002 (PI: Y. Xi; co-PIs: K. Willam,
and D.M. Frangopol).
NSF “Research Equipment Grant: Upgrade of the materials testing system”,
1998 – 1999 (PI: Y. Xi; co-PIs: B. Shing, and K. Willam).
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) “Fiber Optic Sensor Monitoring and
Earthquake Analysis of TRACON Facility at Denver International Airport”, 1998 –
2001 (PI: S. Sture; co-PI: Y. Xi).
CDOT “Evaluation of CDOT current and Potential Steel Corrosion Protection
Measures”, 2000 – 2002 (PI: Y. Xi).
Lockheed Martin via. Colorado Advanced Materials Institute (CAMI):
“Evaluation of High-Temperature-Capable Fabric Materials”, 2000-2001 (PI: Y. Xi).
11. CTS Wireless “Frequency Shift of Piezoelectric
Devices”, 2000 – 2002 (PI: Y. Xi).
CDOT “Evaluation of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Reinforced Bridge Decks”,
2000 – 2001 (PI: B. Shing; co-PIs: D.M. Frangopol,
and Y. Xi).
CDOT “Field Investigation of Cracking in Newly Constructed Bridge Decks”,
2000 – 2002 (PI: Y. Xi).
NSF “NATO-NSF Workshop on Model-Based Simulation of Durability of
Materials and Structures”, 2000 – 2002 (PI: Y. Xi).
CDOT “Comparative Study on
Corrosiveness of Different De-Icing Agents: Magnesium Chloride, Sodium
Chloride, and Caliber M1000", 2001 –
2002 (PI: Y. Xi).
NSF “A Live-Data
Simulation System and Applications to Highway Bridge Performance Prediction”, 2001 – 2005 (PI: X.C. Cai; co-PI: Y.
CDOT “Structural Testing and Monitoring by Fiber Optic Sensors of FRP Pedestrian Bridge in Denver O'Fallon Park”, 2002 – 2003 (PI: B. Shing; co-PIs: D.M. Frangopol, Y. Xi).
18. Colorado Commission on Higher Education (CCHE) “High
Toughness Rubber-Modified Concrete”, 2002 – 2003 (PI: Y. Xi).
CDOT “Materials, Testing Methods, and Construction Practices for Fast
Concrete Desk Repair”, 2003 (PI: Y. Xi).
CDOT “Repair of Corrosion Damage and Wireless Monitoring of Corrosion
Potential of Castlewood Canyon Arch Bridge in Denver”, 2003 – 2004 (PI: B.
Shing; co-PIs: D.M. Frangopol, and Y. Xi).
NSF “Workshop on Interface Problems”, 2004 (PI: K. Willam;
co-PI: Y. Xi).
22. Sandia National Laboratory (SNL): “Structural Integrity of
Reinforced Concrete Building Complexes Subjected to High Temperature”, 2004 –
2005 (PI: K. Willam; co-PI: Y. Xi).
23. FHWA “Quantify Construction
Delays Due to Weather” 2004 – 2007 (PI:
Y. Xi; co-PIs: R. Balaji and K. Molenaar).
CDOT “Evaluate Performance of CDOT’s Systems for Protection of Colorado’s
Reinforced Concrete Bridge Decks”, 2005 – 2007 (PI: G. Hearn; co-PI: Y. Xi).
25. Tokyo Electric Service Co. “Life Prediction in AAR
Affected Structures and Confined AAR Expansion Test, Phase I and Phase II”,
2007 – 2008 (PI: V. Saouma; co-PI: Y. Xi).
National Science
Foundation (NSF) “High Temperature Effects
on Concrete Materials: A Multiscale Approach”, 2004 – 2008 (PI: K. Willam; co-PI: Y. Xi).
NASA “Refractory
Materials Evaluation for Corrosion Protection of the KSC Launch Pad Flame
Deflectors”, 2008 (PI: K. Willam; co-PI: Y. Xi).
Obayashi Corp
“Background Survey and Evidential Research on Concrete Temperature Limits
Specified in ASME Codes”, 2009 (PI: K. Willam; co-PI:
Y. Xi).
Oak Ridge
National Laboratory (ORNL) “Thermal Response of Reinforced Concrete
Structures”, 2008-2009 (PI: K. Willam; co-PI: Y. Xi).
Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) “Strategic Evaluation of Different Topical Protection
Systems for Bridge Decks and the Associated Life-Cycle Cost Analysis”,
2007-2009 (PI: Y. Xi).
Improvement International (PII) “Unconventional Tests for a Nuclear Power Plant
Containment Vessel”, 2009-2010 (PI: V. Saouma;
co-PIs: M. Eck, and Y. Xi).
Department of Public Health and Environment “Premixed Rubberized Insulation
Mortar (PRIM)”, 2008-2010 (PI: Y. Xi).
National Science
Foundation “Penetration of Multi-Components De-icing Salts in Non-Saturated
Concrete Structures”, 2007 – 2010 (PI: Y. Xi; co-PI: L.Y. Li).
Colorado Department of Transportation “Application of Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) in Colorado’s Roadways”,
2009-2011 (PI: Y. Xi).
Colorado Department of Transportation “Evaluation and Monitoring of
Performance of Bridge Deck Sealers”, 2008
to 2012 (PI: Y. Xi).
Vestas Corp. “Panel Anchor Tests for Nacelle of Wind Turbine Towers”,
2012 (PI: Y. Xi).
National Science Foundation
“An Integrated Power Aware Sensor-Simulation Network System for Long-Term
Performance Assessment of Concrete Infrastructures”, 2007 – 2013 (PI: Cai,
X.C., co-PIs: R. Zane, and Y. Xi).
National Science
Foundation “Experimental Study and Theoretical Modeling of High Performance
Recycled Aggregate Concrete”, 2009 –
2013 (PI: F. Vernerey; co-PI: Y. Xi).
Oak Ridge
National Laboratory via University of Houston “Advanced Reactor Designs: Effect
of Irradiation on Concrete Materials and Structures”, 2011 – 2013 (PI: K. Willam; co-PI: Y. Xi).
Korea Railway
Research Institute “Durability Issues on Concrete Materials with Carbon Nano
Tubes (CNT)”, 2012-2013 (PI: Y. Xi).
Colorado Department of Transportation “Evaluation of Thin Bonded Overlays as Cost Effective Bridge Deck
Barriers and Reducing Bridge Construction Costs”, 2012-2014 (PI: Y. Xi).
Department of
Energy/Nuclear Energy University Program “Concrete Materials with Ultra-High
Damage Resistance and Self-Sensing Capacity for Extended Nuclear Fuel Storage
Systems”, 2012-2015 (PI: M. Li; co-PIs: K. Willam, K.
Nakshatrala, and Y. Xi).
Department of
Energy/Nuclear Energy University Program “Doubling the Life of Concrete Structures”, 2013-2016 (PI: B. Pesic, co-PIs: R.S. Khrishnan, G.
Song, and Y. Xi).
Colorado Department of Transportation “Surface Chloride Level in Structural Concrete in Colorado”, 2013-2017
(PI: Y. Xi).
Colorado Department of Transportation “Asphalt and Non-asphalt Waterproof Membranes”, 2013-2018 (PI: Y. Xi).
Department of
Energy/National Energy Technology Lab “Nanoparticle Injection technology for
Remediating Leaks of CO2 Storage Formation”, 2015-2019 (PI: Y. Xi; co-PIs: T. Dewers, M. Hubler, and P.
Department of
Energy/Nuclear Energy University Program “Multiple Degradation Mechanisms in
Reinforced Concrete Structures, Modeling and Risk Analysis”, 2015-2019 (PI: K. Willam; co-PIs: B. Gencturk, Y.
Xi, and B. Spencer).
Federal Highway Administration and Colorado Department of Transportation
“Colorado Local Technical Assistance Program for the Roadway Infrastructure
System”, 1998-2019 (PI: Y. Xi).
Regulatory Commission via Argonne National Lab “Radiation Effects on Concrete
Structures”, 2016-2020 (PI).
“Environmental and Human Impacts of Nuclear War”, 2017-2021 (co-PI).
Journal Articles (Peer-Reviewed)
Li, L., Hubler, M., Abdelrahman, M., and Xi, Y. (2021) “Numerical Modeling
of the Injection of Nanoparticles in Saturated Cementitious Materials by Using
Electromigration Method”. J. of Eng. Mech.,ASCE, 147(9), https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0001954.
Wang, Y., Bai,
Y., and Xi, Y. (2021) “Analytical solutions of moisture-chloride ion coupled
transport in unsaturated concrete”, Accepted for publication, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 104(11), 5883-5897, https://doi.org/10.1111/jace.17973.
Li, L., Zhang,
Y., Hubler, M., and Xi, Y. (2021) “Experimental Study on Nanoparticle
Injection Technology for Remediating Leaks of CO2 Storage Formation”, Journal of Petroleum Science and
Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.petrol.2021.108829.
Jing, Y., and Xi,
Y. (2021) “Modeling long-term distribution of
fast and thermal neutron fluence in degraded concrete biological shielding
walls”, Construction and Building
Materials, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2021.123379.
Damrongwiriyanupap, N., Sae-Long,
W., Limkatanyu, S., and Xi, Y. (2021) “Influence of Associated Cathions on Chloride
Ingress into Concrete Structures”, Engineering Journal, 25(3), DOI:10.4186/ej.2021.25.3.51.
Kim, R.H., Kim, T.S.,
Im, S.H., and Xi, Y. (2021) “Hysteretic behavior
comparison of austenitic and lean duplex stainless steel square hollow section
members under cyclic axial loading”, Engineering Structures,
Frishcosy, C., Wang, Y., and Xi, Y. (2021) “A Novel Approach to
Estimate Fuel Energy from Urban Areas”, Energy
& Buildings, doi:
L., Hubler, M., and Xi, Y. (2020) “Theoretical
Modelling on Chemical Composition and Mechanical Properties of Well Cement
under Carbonation Reactions”,
Journal of Cleaner
Production, 276,
124270, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.124270.
Y., Li, L., Xi, Y., and Hubler, M. (2020)
“Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Restrained Shrinkage Cracking of
Early Age Well Cement”, Construction & Building Materials, 262(30), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.120368.
Bai, Y., Wang,
Y., and Xi, Y. (2020) “Modeling the
Effect of Temperature Gradient on Moisture and Ionic Transport in Concrete”, Cement and Concrete Composites,
11. Li, L., Hubler, M., and Xi, Y. (2020) “Modelling the Corrosion of
Steel Casing and the Damage of Well Cement in a Borehole System”, Construction and Building Materials,
Na, O., and Xi,
Y. (2019) “Multi-species
Transport in Non-saturated Concrete Structures – A Parallel Finite Element
Model”, Materials, 12, 2764; doi:10.3390/ma12172764.
Hamidane, H., Ababneh, A., Messabhia, A., and Xi, Y. (2019) “Modeling of Chloride
Penetration in Concrete Structures under Freeze Thaw Cycles”, International Journal of Building Pathology and
Adaptation, DOI 10.1108/IJBPA-04-2019-0040.
Damien, D., Wang,
Y., and Xi, Y. (2019) “Prediction of Modulus of Elasticity of Cementitious Materials Based on
Multiphase and Multiscale Micromechanics Theory”, J. of Eng. Mech., ASCE, 145(10): 04019074, DOI:
Shahlaa Al Wakeel, Mija Hubler, Jiri Nemecek, Linfei Li, Yunping Xi (2019) “The
effect of introducing nanoparticles on the fracture toughness of well cement”, International
Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, doi.org/10.1016/j.ijggc.2019.03.009,
84, 147-153.
Jing, Y., and Xi,
Y. (2019) “Long-term Neutron Radiation Levels in Distressed Concrete Biological
Shielding Walls”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 363,
Abdelrahman, M.,
and Xi, Y. (2018) “The Effect of w/c Ratio and Aggregate Volume Fraction on
Chloride Penetration in Nonsaturated Concrete”, Construction and Building Materials,
191, 260-269.
Z., Xi, Y., Gu, X., Huang, Q., Zhang, W. (2018) “Modelling of
Water Vapour Sorption Hysteresis of Cementitious
Materials based on Pore Size Distribition”, Cement and
Concrete Research, 115, 8-19.
Wang, Y., Damien,
D., and Xi, Y. (2018) “Micro- and meso-mechanical
modelling of effect of freezing on modulus of elasticity of concrete”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 200,
Lee, J.S., Sheesley, E., Jing, Y., Xi, Y., and Willam,
K. (2018) “The Effects of High Temperature on Bond Strength between Concrete
and Rebars with and without Epoxy Coating”, Construction
and Building Materials, 177, 230-236.
Nemecek, J., Li, L., and Xi, Y. (2017) “Electrokinetic
Nanoparticle Injection for Remediating Leaks in Oil Well Cement”, Construction and Building Materials,
156, 63-72.
Kurtis, K., Xi,
Y., Glinicki, M., Provis,
J., Giannini, E., and Fu, T. (2017) “Can We Design Concrete to Survive Nuclear
Environments?” Concrete International,
Nov., 53-59.
Wang, Y., and Xi,
Y. (2017) “The Effect of Temperature on Moisture Transport in Concrete”, Materials, 10, 926, doi:10.3390/ma10080926.
Xia, J., Xi, Y., and Jin, W. (2017)
“Temperature Dependent Coefficient of Thermal Expansion of Concrete in Freezing Process”, J. of Eng. Mech., ASCE, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0001256.
Musiket, K., Vernerey, F., and Xi,
Y. (2017) “Numeral Modeling of Fracture Failure of Recycled Aggregate Concrete
Beams under High Loading Rates”, International
Journal of Fracture, doi:10.1007/s10704-016-0145-3.
Jiang, Z., Xi, Y., Gu, X., Huang, Q., and Zhang, W. (2017)
“Mesoscopic Prediction of Cement Mortar Diffusivity by Analytical and Numerical
Methods”, J. of Materials for Civil
Engineering, ASCE, 29(4), DOI:
Y., and Xi, Y. (2017) “Theoretical Modeling of the Effects of Neutron
Irradiation on Properties of Concrete”, J.
Eng. Mech., ASCE, 143(12): 04017137, 1-14.
Isteita, M.H., and Xi, Y. (2017) "The Effect of
Temperature Variation on Chloride Penetration in Concrete ", Construction and Building Materials,
156, 73–82.
Na, O., Cai, X.C., and Xi, Y. (2017) “Corrosion Prediction with Parallel Finite Element
Modeling for Coupled Hygro-Chemo Transport into Concrete under Chloride-Rich
Materials, 10(4), 350;
Jiang, Z., Huang,
Q.H., Xi, Y., Gu, X.L., Zhang, W.P. (2016) “Experimental
Study of Diffusivity of Interfacial Transition Zone between Cement Paste and
Aggregate”, J. of Materials for Civil
Engineering, ASCE, 28(10): 04016109;
DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0001637.
Homan, L., Ababneh, A., and Xi, Y. (2016) “The Effect of Moisture
Transport on Chloride Penetration in Concrete”, Construction and Building Materials, 125, 1189-1195.
Na, O., and Xi,
Y. (2016) “Mechanical
and Durability Properties of Portland Cement Insulation Mortar with Rubber
Powder from Waste Tires”, Journal
of Material Cycles and Waste Management, DOI 10.1007/s10163-016-0475-2.
Na, O., Ou, E., Xi, Y., and Saouma, V.
(2016) “The Effects
of Alkali-Silica Reaction on Mechanical Properties of Concrete with Three Different
Types of Reactive Aggregates”, Structural
Concrete, DOI: 10.1002/suco.201400062.
Musiket, K., Rosendahl, M., and Xi, Y. (2016) “Fracture of
Recycled Aggregate Concrete under High Loading Rates”, J. of Material in Civil Eng., ASCE, 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0001513 , 04016018.
Zhang, W.P.,
Tong, F., Gu, X.L., Xi, Y. (2015) “Study on Moisture Transport in Concrete in
Atmospheric Environment”, Computers and
Concrete, 16(5), 775-793.
Zhang, W.P., Min,
H.G., Gu, X.L., Xi, Y., Xing. Y.S. (2015) “Mesoscale Model for Thermal
Conductivity of Concrete”, Construction
and Building Materials, 98, 8-16.
Bai, Y., Harajli, A., Xi, Y. (2015) “Analytical
Solutions of Ionic Diffusion and Heat Conduction In
Multi-Layered Porous Media”, Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol.
2015, Article ID 208914, 11 pages, doi:10.1155/2015/208914.
N., Limkatanyu, S., and Xi, Y. (2015) "A Thermo-Hygro coupled
Model for Chloride Penetration in Concrete Structures", Advances in Materials Science and
Engineering, vol. 2015, Article ID 682940, 10 pages,
N., Li, L., and Xi, Y. (2014) “Temperature
Effect on Multi-Ionic Species Diffusion in Saturated Concrete”, Computers and Concrete, 13(2), 149-171.
Nemecek, J., and Xi, Y.
(2014) “Nanoparticle Injection into Concrete Using Electromigration”, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 1054, 6-10.
Wang, X., Rhee,
I., Wang, Y., and Xi, Y. (2014) "Compressive Strength, Chloride
Permeability, and Freeze-Thaw Resistance of MWNT Concretes under Different
Chemical Treatments", The Scientific
World Journal, Vol. 2014, Article ID 572102, 8 pages,
Eskandari-Ghadi, M., Xi, Y., and Sture, S.
(2014) “Cross-Property Relations
Between Mechanical and Transport Properties of Composite Materials”, Technical
note in J. of Engineering
Mechanics. ASCE, 140(7), 06014006, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0000740.
43. Liang, Y., Ye, Z., Vernerey, F., and Xi, Y. (2013). "Development of Processing Methods to Improve Strength of Concrete with 100% Recycled Coarse Aggregate." J. Mater. Civ. Eng., ASCE, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0000909, 04014163.
Meshgin, P., and Xi, Y. (2013) “Multi-scale Composite Models
for Effective Thermal Conductivity of PCM-Concrete”, Construction and Building Materials, 48, 371-378.
Eskandari-Ghadi, M., Zhang, W.P., Xi, Y., and Sture,
S. (2013) “Modelling of Moisture Diffusivity of Concrete at Low Temperatures”, J. of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE,
139(7), 903-915.
Kim, H.G., Lee, J.S., Cho, B.H., Kim, H.Y., and Xi,
Y. (2013) “An
Experimental Study on Fire Resistance of Medical Modular Block”, International
Journal of Steel and Composite Structures, 15(1), 103-130.
47. Damrongwiriyanupap, N., Li, L.Y., and Xi, Y.
(2013) “Coupled Diffusion of Multi-Component Chemicals in Non-Saturated
Concrete”, Computers and Concrete,
11(3), 201-222.
Meshgin, P., Li, Y., and Xi, Y. (2012) “Utilization of Phase
Change Materials and Rubber Particles to Improve Thermal and Mechanical
Properties of Mortar”, Construction &
Building Materials, 28, 713-721.
Meshgin, P., and Xi, Y. (2012) “The Effects of Phase Change
Materials on Properties of Concrete”, ACI
Material J., 109(1), 71-80.
Damrongwiriyanupap, N., Li, L.Y., and Xi, Y.
(2011) “Coupled Diffusion of Chloride and Other Ions in Saturated Concrete”, Journal of Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering in China, 5(3), 267–277.
Damrongwiriyanupap, N., Liang, Y.C., Xi, Y. (2011) “Diffusion of Multi-Ionic Species in
Recycled Aggregate Concrete”, Key Engineering Materials, 477, 56-64.
Li, L.Y., Damrongwiriyanupap, N., and Xi, Y. (2011) “A Probabilistic Prediction
Model for the Corrosion Initiation Time of Steel Reinforcement in Concrete
Structures”, International Journal of
Modelling, Identification and Control, 14(1/2), 112-120.
Li, Y., Yan, Q.,
Xi, Y., and Meshgin, P. (2011) “Properties of
Premixed Rubberized Insulation Mortar”, New
Building Materials, 2, 43-45 (in Chinese).
Apipattanavis, S., Molenaar, K.R.,
Rajagopalan, B., Xi, Y., Sabol, K.K., Blackard, B.
Patil, S. (2010) “An Integrated Framework for Quantifying and Predicting
Weather Related Highway Construction Delays, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Nov.,
Lee, J.S., Xi,
Y., Willam, K., and Jung, Y. (2009) “A Multiscale Model for Modulus of Elasticity
of Concrete at High Temperatures”, Cement
and Concrete Research, 39, 754–762.
Lee, J.S., Xi,
Y., and Willam, K. (2008) “Properties of Concrete
after High Temperature Heating and Cooling”, J. of Materials, ACI, July-Aug. 105(4), 334-341.
Suwito, A., and Xi, Y. (2008) “The Effect of
Chloride-Induced Steel Corrosion on Service Life of Reinforced Concrete Structures”,
Structure &
Infrastructure Engineering, 4(3), June 2008, 177 – 192.
Koller, R.,
Chang, S.Y., and Xi, Y. (2007) “Fiber Reinforced Polymer Bars under Freeze-Thaw
Cycles and Different Loading Rates”, Journal
of Composite Materials, 41(1), 5-25.
Suwito, A., Ababneh, A., Xi, Y.,
and Willam, K. (2006) “The Coupling Effect of Drying
Shrinkage and Moisture Diffusion in Concrete”, Computers & Concrete, 3(2-3), 103-122.
60. Suwito, Cai, X.-C., and Xi, Y. (2006) “Parallel Finite
Element Method for Coupled Chloride Penetration and Moisture Diffusion in
Concrete”, International Journal of
Numerical Analysis and Modeling, 3(4), 481-503.
Xi, Y., Eskandari-Ghadi, M., Suwito, and Sture. S. (2006) “A Damage Theory Based on Composite
Mechanics”, J. of Eng. Mech., ASCE,
132(11), 1-10.
Li, Y., and Xi,
Y. (2006) “Study on the Properties of Portland Cement Mortar and Concrete
Containing Crumb Rubber Aggregate”, Concrete,
200, 45-48 (in Chinese).
Li, Y., Jin, C., and Xi, Y. (2006) “The Properties of Sulfur Rubber
Concrete (SRC)”, J. of Wuhan Univ. of
Tech. (Mater. Sci. Ed.), 21(1), 129-133.
Chang, K.K., Roh, Y.S., and Xi, Y. (2006) “A Fractal Fracture Model and
Application to Concrete with Different Aggregate Sizes and Loading Rates”, Structural Engineering and Mechanics,
23(2), 147-161.
Li, Y., Lee,
J.S., and Xi, Y. (2005) "Study on Sulfur Rubber Concrete", J. of Building Materials, 8(4), 368-372
(in Chinese).
Xi, Y. and Nakhi, A. (2005) “Composite Damage Models for Diffusivity
of Distressed Materials”, J. of Materials
in Civil Engineering, ASCE, May/June, 17(3), 286-295.
Willam, K., Rhee, I., and Xi, Y. (2005) “Thermal Degradation
in Heterogeneous Concrete Materials”, J.
of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, May/June, 17(3), 276-285.
Asiz, A., Zhang, W., and Xi, Y. (2003) “Analysis of Aging
of Piezoelectric Crystal Resonators”, IEEE
Transactions on Ultrasonic, Ferroelectric, and Frequency Control (IEEE-UFFC), 50(12), 1647- 1655.
Roh, Y.S., Asiz, A., Zhang,
W.P., and Xi, Y. (2003) “Experimental Study and Theoretical Prediction of Aging
Induced Frequency Shift of Crystal Resonators and Oscillators”, Microelectronics Reliability, 43(12), 1993-2000.
Xie, Z.H., Wen, X., and Xi, Y. (2003) “ASR Potentials of Glass Aggregates in
Water-Glass Activated Fly Ash and Portland Cement Mortars”, Journal
of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 15(1), 67-74.
Ababneh, A., Farid Benboudjema, and Xi, Y. (2003) “Chloride
Penetration in Non-Saturated Concrete”, J.
of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 15(2), 183-191.
Xie, Z.H., and Xi, Y. (2002) “Use of Recycled Glass as a
Raw Material in the Manufacture of Portland Cement”, Materials and Structures, RILEM, Sept. – Oct.,
Ababneh, A., and Xi, Y. (2002) “An Experimental Study on the
Effect of Chloride Penetration on Moisture Diffusion in concrete”, Materials and Structures, RILEM,
35(254), 659-664.
Kong, J., Ababneh, A., Frangopol, D.M., and
Xi, Y. (2002) “Reliability Analysis of Chloride Penetration in Saturated Concrete ”, Probabilistic
Engineering Mechanics, 17, 305-315.
Suwito, A., Jin, W., Xi, Y., and
Meyer, C. (2002) "A Mathematical Model for the Pessimum
Effect of ASR in Concrete", Concrete Science and Engineering,
RILEM, 4, 23-34.
Xie, Z., and Xi, Y. (2001) “Hardening Mechanisms of An
Alkaline Activated Class-F Fly Ash”, Cement
and Concrete Research, 31, 1245-1249.
Amparano, F.E., Xi, Y., and Roh,
Y.S. (2000) “Experimental Study on the Effect of Aggregate Content on Fracture
Behavior of Concrete”, Engineering
Fracture Mechanics, 67, 65-84.
Xi, Y., Willam, K., and Frangopol, D.
(2000) “Multiscale Modeling of Interactive Diffusion Processes of Concrete”, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE,
126(3), 258-265.
Roh, Y.S., and Xi, Y. (2000) “A General Formulation for
Transition Probabilities of Markov Model and the Application to Fracture of
Composite Materials”, Probabilistic
Engineering Mechanics, 15(3), 241-250.
Meyer, C., and
Xi, Y. (1999) “Use of Recycled Glass and Fly Ash for Precast Concrete”, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering,
ASCE, May, 11(2), 89-90.
Xi, Y., and Bazant, Z.P. (1999) “Modeling Chloride Penetration in
Saturated Concrete”, Journal of Materials
in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 11(1), 58-65.
Amparano, F.E., and Xi, Y. (1998) “Pumpability of Nonsand Concrete with Anti-Segregative
Additives”, ACI Materials Journal,
95(6), 695-703.
Tennis, P.,
Jennings, H.M., and Xi, Y. (1997) "Mathematical Modeling of Cement Paste
Microstructure by Mosaic Pattern, Part II - Application to Cement Paste", Journal of Materials Research, 12(7),
Xi, Y., and Bazant, Z.P. (1997) “Random Growth of Crack with R-curve:
Markov Process Model”, Engineering
Fracture Mechanics, 57(6), 593-608.
Neubauer, C.M.,
Bergstrom, T.B., Sujata, K., Xi, Y., Garboczi, E.J., and
Jennings, H.M. (1997) “Drying Shrinkage of Cement Paste as Measured in an ESEM
and Comparison with
Microstructural Models”, Journal
of Materials Science, 32, 6415-6427.
Xi, Y., and
Jennings, H.M. (1997) "Shrinkage of Cement Paste and Concrete Modeled by a
Multiscale Effective Homogeneous Theory", Materials and Structures (RILEM), 30, July, 329-339.
Xi, Y. (1996)
"Analysis of Internal Structures of Composite Materials by Second Order
Property of Mosaic Patterns", Materials
Characterization, Jan., 11-25.
Xi, Y. (1996)
"Representative Volumes of Composite Materials", Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 122(12), 1159-1167.
Xi, Y., Jennings,
H.M., and Tennis, P. (1996) "Mathematical Modeling of Cement Paste
Microstructure by Mosaic Pattern, Part I: Theory", Journal of Materials Research, 11(8), 1943-1952.
Bazant, Z.P., and Xi, Y. (1995) "Continuous Retardation
Spectrum for Solidification Theory of Concrete Creep", Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE , 121(2), 281-288.
Xi, Y. (1995)
"A Model for Moisture Capacities of Composite Materials -
Formulation", Computational
Materials Science, 4, 65-77.
Xi, Y. (1995)
"A Model for Moisture Capacities of Composite Materials - Application to
Concrete", Computational Materials
Science, 4, 78-92.
Xi, Y., Bazant, Z.P., and Jennings, H.M. (1994) "Moisture
Diffusion in Cementitious Materials: Adsorption Isotherm", Journal of Advanced Cement-Based Materials,
1, 248-257.
Xi, Y., Bazant, Z.P., and Jennings, H.M. (1994) "Moisture
Diffusion in Cementitious Materials: Moisture Capacity and Diffusivity", Journal of Advanced Cement-Based Materials,
1, 258-266.
Bazant, Z.P., and Xi, Y. (1994) "Drying Creep of
Concrete: Constitutive Model and New Experiments Separating its
Mechanisms", Materials and
Structures (RILEM), 27, 3-14.
Xi, Y.,
Bergstrom, T.B., and Jennings, H.M. (1994) "Image Intensity Matching
Technique: Application to the Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope",
Computational Materials Science, 2,
Bazant, Z.P., Xi, Y., and Baweja, S. (1993) "Improved
Prediction Model for Time Dependent Deformation of Concrete, Part VII: Short Form
of BP-KX Model, Statistics and Extrapolation of Short-Time Data", Materials and Construction, (RILEM), 26,
Bazant, Z.P., and Xi, Y. (1993) "Stochastic Drying and
Creep Effects in Concrete Structures", Journal
of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 119(1), 301-322.
Bazant, Z.P., Panula, L., Kim,
J.K., and Xi, Y. (1992) "Improved Prediction Model for Time-Dependent
Deformation of Concrete, Part VI: Simplified Code-Type Formulation", Materials and Construction, (RILEM), 25,
100. Bazant, Z.P., Xi, Y., and Reid, S.G. (1991)
"Statistical Size Effect in Quasibrittle
Structures: I. Is Weibull Theory Applicable ?", Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE,
117(11), 2609-2622.
101. Bazant, Z.P., and Xi, Y. (1991) "Statistical Size
Effect in Quasibrittle Structures: II. Nonlocal
Theory", Journal of Engineering
Mechanics, ASCE, 117(11), 2623-2640.
102. Xi, Y., and Bazant, Z.P.
(1989) "Sampling Analysis of Concrete Structures for Creep and Shrinkage
with Correlated Random Material Parameters", Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 4(4), 174-186.
Book and Book Chapter
1. Li, Z.J., Leung, C., and Xi, Y. (2009) Structural
Renovation in Concrete, Taylor & Francis, London, 356p.
2. Willam, K., Xi, Y., and Naus,
D. (2013) “Concrete under High Temperature”, Chapter 26 of Infrastructure systems for Nuclear Energy, Editors: Thomas T. C. Hsu, Jui-Liang Lin, and Chiun-lin Wu,
Publisher: Wiley.
Refereed Conference Papers
1. Ababneh, A., Hamidane, H., Wang,
Y., Abdelrahman, M., and Xi, Y. (2020) “Assessment of the Coupled
Transport-Degradation Model for Concrete using Smart Sensors”, Procedia
Manufacturing, 44, 20–27.
2. Damrongwiriyanupap, N., and Xi, Y.
(2012) "A Chemo-Hygro-Thermal Coupled Model for Multi-Ionic Species
Diffusion in Marine Concrete Structures", Proc. of 5th International
Conference of Asian Concrete Federation (ACF), Oct. 24-26, 2012, Pattaya,
3. Xi, Y., and Willam, K.,
(2012) "Nuclear Radiation Effects on Properties of Concrete", Proc.
of 2012 Joint Conference of the Engineering Mechanics Institute and the 11th
ASCE Joint Specialty Conference on Probabilistic Mechanics and Structural
Reliability June 17-20 2012, Notre Dame, IN.
4. Damrongwiriyanupap, N., Liang,
Y.C., and Xi, Y. (2012) "Multiscale Modeling of Multi-Ionic Transport
Process in Recycled Aggregate Concrete", Proc. of 2012 Joint Conference of
the Engineering Mechanics Institute and the 11th ASCE Joint Specialty
Conference on Probabilistic Mechanics and Structural Reliability June 17-20,
2012, Notre Dame, IN.
5. Vernerey, F., and Xi, Y. (2011) “An XFEM-level set method for the mechanics of
interfaces in nano-composites”, Proc. of NSF CMMI Conference (available in CD), held
in Atlanta, Georgia, Jan. 4, 2011.
6. Willam, K., and Xi, Y.
(2010) “Hygro-Thermal Spalling of Concrete”, Research Group Profile,
Engineering Mechanics Institute, ASCE.
7. Xi, Y., Li, L.Y., and Damrongwiriyanupap,
N. (2009) “Chloride Penetration and Moisture Diffusion in Concrete Structures”,
Proc. of NSF CMMI Conference (available in CD), held in Hawaii, June 22, 2009.
8. Willam, K., Lee, K.K., Xi, Y., and Lee, J.S. (2008) "Spalling of Concrete
due to Combined Heating and Drying”, Creep,
Shrinkage and Durability of Concrete and Concrete Structures, Proc. of
CONCREEP8, Tanabe Tada-aki et al. Eds, 2, 1013-1019, CRC Press.
9. Lee, J.S., Xi, Y., and Willam, K. (2008) “Coupling Effect between Temperature and
Moisture on the Deformation of Concrete”,
Creep, Shrinkage and Durability of
Concrete and Concrete Structures, Proc. of CONCREEP8, Tanabe Tada-aki et al. Eds, 2, 257 – 260, CRC Press.
10. Y. Xi, A. Ababneh, L. Arrar, Suwito, and X.-C. Cai (2007) “Experimental Studies and Parallel Computing on Coupled Moisture and
Chloride Diffusion in Concrete”, Transport
Properties and Concrete Quality – Material Science of Concrete, Special
volume, Barzin Mobasher and
Jan Skalny, Editors, Proc. of the Transport
Properties and Concrete Quality Workshop, held in Arizona State University,
Tempe, AZ., The American Ceramic Society, 41-56.
11. Edward, E., Xi, Y., and Corotis,
R. (2007) "The Effect of Rice Husk Ash on Mechanical Properties of
Concrete under High Temperatures", Proc.
of 18th Engrg. Mech. Conf., held in Blacksburg,
12. Ou, E., Xi, Y., and
Corotis, R.(2007) "Sustainable Infrastructure
Development of Guizhou Province in Southwest China: A Life Cycle Assessment of
Approach", Int. Conf. on the Applications of Probability and Statistics in
Civil Engineering, ICASP10, Tokyo,
Japan, July 2007.
13. Lee, J., Xi, Y., and Willam,
K. (2007) "Strength and Stiffness of Concrete under Heating and Cooling
Treatments", Proc. of FraMCos6,
A. Carpinteri, P. Gambarova,
G. Ferro, and G. Plizarri, Editors, Vol. 2,
14. Ababneh, A.N., and Xi,
Y. (2006) "Evaluation of Environmental Degradation of Concrete in Cold
Regions", Proc. of 2006 Cold Regions Conference, 10-pages, Conf. CD.
15. Willam, K., Basche, H., Lee, K. and Xi, Y. (2006) "Assessment of
RC Bond under Severe Temperatures", Proc. Euro-C 2006, March 27-30, 2006, Mayrhofen Tyrol Austria, Computational Modelling of Concrete
Structures, G. Meschke, R. de Borst, H. Mang, and N. Bicanic (eds.),
Taylor \& Francis Group, London, 647-656.
16. Willam, K., Lee, K.,
Lee, J. and Xi, Y. (2006) "Issues of Thermal Collapse Analysis of
RCS", Structures Congress of ASCE, May 18-20, 2006, St. Louis MI, 10-page
electronic paper, Conf. CD.
17. Willam, K., Lee, K.,
and Xi, Y. (2005) “Issues of Reinforced Concrete Structures under Extreme
Temperature Events”, Proceedings of the 5 International Conference on
Computation of Shell and Spatial Structures, E. Ramm, W. A. Wall, K.-U. Bletzinger, M. Bischo (eds.),
June 1-4, 2005, Salzburg, Austria, 239-242.
Ababneh, A., Sheban, M., Suwito, A., and Y. Xi
(2005) “The Coupling Effect of Drying Shrinkage and Moisture Diffusion in
Concrete”, Proc. of Concreep 7, Sept. 12, Nantes,
Willam, K., Basche, H.D., and Xi,
Y. (2005) “Constitutive aspects of high temperature material models”, fib-Workshop, Task Group 4.3.2, Fire Design
of Concrete Structures, Politecnico di Milano,
Dec. 2-4, 2004, 121-129.
Xi, Y., Li, Y., Xie, Z.H., and Lee, J.S. (2004) “Utilization of Solid
Wastes (Waste Glass and Rubber Particles) As Aggregates in Concrete”, Proc. of
International Workshop on Sustainable
Development and Concrete Technology, May 20-21, Beijing, China, 45-54.
Suwito, A., and Xi, Y. (2004) “Service Life of Reinforced
Concrete Structures with Corrosion Damage due to Chloride Attack”, Life-Cycle Performance of Deteriorating
Structures: Assessment, Design and Management, Special Publication of ASCE,
Eds., D.M. Frangopol, E. Bruhwiler,
M.H. Faber, and B. Adey, 207-218.
Eskandari-Ghadi, M., Xi, Y., and Sture, S.
(2004) “Composite Damage Mechanics And Applications to Modeling of Degradation
of Concrete”, Fracture Mechanics of
Concrete Structures, Proc. of FRAMCOS-5, V.C. Li, C.K.Y. Leung, K.J. Willam, and S.L. Billington,
Editors, April, 12, Vail, Colorado, 263-269.
Eskandari-Ghadi, M., Xi, Y., and Sture, S.
(2004) “The effect of heat source on upper and lower bounds of effective
conductivity of anisotropic composites”, Fracture
Mechanics of Concrete Structures, Proc. of FRAMCOS-5, V.C. Li, C.K.Y.
Leung, K.J. Willam, and S.L. Billington,
Editors, April, 12, Vail, Colorado, 507-512.
Ababneh, A., and Xi, Y. (2003) “A New Testing Method for
Determining the Coupling Effect of Chloride Diffusion on Moisture Transfer in
Concrete”, Proc. of Advances in Cement and Concrete IX: Volume Changes, Crackign and Durability, August 10, Copper Mountain,
Colorado, 133-140.
Willam, K., Rhee, I, and Xi, Y. (2003) “Thermal Degradation in
Heterogeneous Concrete Materials”, Computational Modelling of Concrete
Structures (Proc. of EURO-C 2003, St. Johann im Pongau, Austria, March 17-20, 2003), Editors: N. Bicanic, R. deBorst, H. Mang, and G. Meschke; A.A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse,
Roh, Y.S., and Xi, Y. (2001) “The Fracture Surface
Roughness of Concrete with Different Aggregate Sizes and Loading Rates”, ACI
Special Publication, SP 201 - Fracture Mechanics for Concrete Materials:
Testing and Applications, 35-54.
Xi, Y., Willam, K., Frangopol, D.M., Ababneh, A., Nakhi, A., Kong,
J.S., and Nogueira, C.L. (2001) “Accelerated Testing and Modeling of Concrete
Durability under Coupled Environmental and Mechanical Loadings”, Long Term
Durability of Structural Materials, Proc. of The NSF Durability Workshop at
University of California at Berkeley, Oct., Editors, P.J.M. Monteiro, K.P. chong, J. Larsen-Basse, and K. Komvopoulos,
Ababneh, A., Xi, Y., and Willam, K.
(2001) “Multiscale Modeling of the Coupled Moisture Diffusion and Drying
Shrinkage of Concrete”, The Proc. of Concreep-6, MIT, in Creep, Shrinkage
and Durability Mechanics of Concrete and Other Quasi-Brittle Materials,
Eds. F.-J. Ulm, Z.P. Bazant, and F.H. Wittmann,
Elsevier Science Ltd., 159-164.
Kong, J.S., Akgul, F., Frangopol, D.M., and
Xi, Y. (2001) “Probabilistic Models for Predicting the Failure Time of
Deteriorating Structural Systems”, Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics,
Proc. of the 1st MIT Conf. on Computational Fluid and Solid
Mechanics, Editor, K.J. Bathe, July 12-15, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 290-293.
Nakhi, A., Xie, Z.H., Asiz, A., Ababneh, A., and Xi. Y.
(2000) “Experimental Study on Chloride Penetration under Coupled Hygromechnical Loadings”, Special Publication of ASCE “Condition Monitoring of Materials and
Structures”, F. Ansari, Editor, 84-94.
Ababneh, A., Suwito, A., Xi, Y.,
and Abu-Hejleh, N. (2000) “A Comparative Study on
Durability of Type IP and Silica Fume Concretes”, High Performance Concrete – Workability, Strength and Durability,
Proc. of the Int. Sym., Editors, Leung, C., Li, Z., and Ding, J.T., Dec., Hong
Kong, 273-279.
Xi, Y., and Ababneh, A. (2000) “Prediction of the Onset of Steel
Corrosion in Concrete by Multiscale Chloride Diffusion”, High Performance Concrete – Workability, Strength and Durability,
Proc. of the Int. Sym., Editors, Leugn, C., Li, Z.,
and Ding, J.T., Dec., Hong Kong, 181-186.
Gharaibeh, E.S., Hanai, T., Xi, Y.,
and Frangopol, D.M. (2000) “Effects of Uncertainties on Chloride Penetration in Saturated
Concrete”, Proc. of Probablistic Mechanics Conference
2000 (PMC2000), July, Notre Dame, 241-244.
Jin, W., Suwito, A., Meyer, C.,
and Xi, Y. (1998) "Theoretical Modeling on Expansion and Damage due to
Alkali-Silica Reaction", Proceedings of 12th Engineering Mechanics Conference:
Engineering Mechanics: A Force for the
21st Century, May 18-20, San Diego, CA., 1175-1178.
Roh, Y.S., and Xi, Y. (1998) " A New Formulation of
Markov chain model and Application to Fracture Analysis ", Proceedings of
12th Engineering Mechanics Conference: Engineering
Mechanics: A Force for the 21st Century, May 18-20, San Diego, CA.,
Xi, Y., Roh, Y.S., and Summers, J. (1998) "Non-destructive
Testing for Fatigue Life of SMAs", Proceedings of 12th Engineering
Mechanics Conference: Engineering
Mechanics: A Force for the 21st Century, May 18-20, San Diego, CA.,
Xi, Y. (1998)
"Relationship among Grain Size, Fracture Process Zone and Size Effect of
Concrete", Computational Modeling of
Concrete Structures, Proceedings of EURO-C, March 31 - April 3, Badgastein, Austria, Editors, R. de Borst, N. Bicanic, H. Mang, and C. Meschke, Published by A.A. Balkema,
Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 275-283.
Xi, Y. (1998)
" Minimum Size of Concrete Specimens for Linear Elastic Fracture
Analysis", Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Structures, Vol. 3, Proceedings of FRAMCOS-3, Oct. 12-16,
Gifu, Japan, Editors, H. Mihashi and K. Rokugo, Aedificatio Publishers, Immentalstr, Germany, 2021-2030.
Xi, Y., Suwito, A., Wen, X., Meyer, C., and Jin,
W. (1998) "Testing and Modeling Alkali-Silica Reaction and the Associated
Expansion of Concrete", Mechanics of Quasi-Brittle Materials and
Structures, Proceedings of Int. Workshop
in honor of Prof. Z.P. Bazant 60 birthday, March
27-28, Prague, Czech Republic, Hermes Science Publications, Paris, 217-232.
Xi, Y. (1998)
"Discussion on ‘Durability Mechanics II’, Mechanics of Quasi-Brittle
Materials and Structures, Proceedings of
Int. Workshop in honor of Prof. Z.P. Bazant 60
birthday, March 27-28, Prague, Czech Republic, Hermes Science Publications,
Paris, 435-440.
Silverstrim, T., Rostami, H., Xi, Y., and Martin, J. (1997)
"High Performance Characteristics of Chemically Activated Fly Ash
(CAFA)", Proceedings of the PCI/FHWA
Int. Sym. On High Performance Concrete, New Orleans, Louisiana, Oct. 20-22,
Xi, Y. (1997)
"Mathematical Modeling of Chloride Penetration in Concrete", in Mechanisms of Chemical Degradation of
Cement-Based Materials, Edited by K.L. Scrivener and J.F. Young, E&FN
Spon, London, United Kingdom, 397-404.
Xi, Y. (1996)
"Representative Volumes of Composite Materials", Proc. of 11th Engineering Mechanics Specialty Conf. of ASCE, May,
Fort Lauderdale, FL, 735-738.
Xi, Y., and Amparano, F.E. (1996) "Effect of Aggregates on
Fracture Process Zone of Concrete", Proc.
of 11th Engineering Mechanics Specialty Conf. of ASCE, May, Fort
Lauderdale, FL, 1185-1188.
Jennings, H.M.,
Xi, Y., Bazant, Z.P., and Yang, M. (1996)
"Constitutive Characterization of Cementitious Materials based on
Microstructural Models", Proc. of
NATO/RILEM workshop on the Modeling of Microstructure and its Potential for
Studying Transport Properties and Durability, St. Remy-les-Chevreuse, France, July 10-13, 1994, 187-226.
Xi, Y., and Bazant, Z.P. (1996) "Analysis Crack Propagation in
Concrete Structures by Markov Chain Model and R-curve Method", Proc. of ASCE Specialty Conf. on
Probabilistic Mechanics and Structural Reliability, Worcester, MA., Aug.,
Sujata, K., Xi,
Y., and Jennings, H.M. (1996) "Interfacial Shrinkage in Mortars", in
Materials for the New Millennium, Proc.
of 4th Materials Engineering Conference, Nov. 10-14, Washington, D.C.,
Xi, Y. (1995)
"Characterization of Moisture Diffusion in Concrete Based on Microstructural
and Composite Models", Proc. of 10th
Engineering Mechanics Specialty Conf. of ASCE, May, Boulder, Colorado,
Bazant, Z.P., Xi, Y., and Baweja, S. (1995) "Solidafication Theory and Mechanisms of Aging Creep of
Concrete", Proc. of 10th Engineering
Mechanics Specialty Conf. of ASCE, May, Boulder, Colorado, 1372-1375.
Cheyrezy, M., and Xi, Y. et al. (1995) "Specific
Production Manufacturing Issues" Chapter 2 in Proc. of 2nd Int. Workshop on High Performance Fiber Reinforced Cement
Composite, June, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 25-42.
Xi, Y. (1995)
"Representative Volume of Cementitious Materials", Proc. of 2nd Int. Conf. on Fracture
Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, July, Zurich, Switzerland,
Xi, Y. (1995)
"A Composite Model for Moisture Capacities of Concrete", Proc. Of Int. Conf. on Concrete under Severe
Conditions - Environment and Loading, August, Sapporo, Japan., 453-462.
Li, Z., and Xi,
Y. (1995) “Application of Acoustic Emisson Technique
to Detection of Concrete Cracking and Rebar Corrosion”, Proc. of Int. Sym. On
Non-Destructive Testing in Civil Engineering (NDT-CE), Sept. 26-28, 613-620.
Bazant, Z.P., and Xi, Y. (1994) "Fracture of Random Quasibrittle Materials: Markov Process and Weibull-Type
Models", Proc. of ICOSSAR, 93',
Structural Safety & Reliability, Schueller, Shinozuka, & Yao (eds), Balkema,
Rotterdam, 1, 609-614.
Xi, Y. (1994)
"Simulation of Multiphase Spatial Distributions with Application to
Fracture of Concrete", Proc. of
Europe-U.S. Workshop on Fracture and Damage in Quasibrittle
Structures: Experiment, Modeling and Computer Analysis, Prague, Sept., E
& FN SPON, 501-510.
Bazant, Z.P., Xi, Y., and Baweja, S. (1993)
"Preliminary Guidelines and Recommendation for Characterizing Creep and
Shrinkage in Structural Design Codes", Creep and Shrinkage of Concrete, Proc. of the 5th Int. Symp.
on Creep and Shrinkage of Concrete, Barcelona, Spain, Sept., 805-829.
Xi, Y., and Bazant, Z.P. (1993) "Continuous Retardation Spectrum
for Solidification Theory of Concrete Creep", Creep and Shrinkage of
Concrete, Proc. of the 5th Int. Symp. on Creep and Shrinkage of Concrete, Barcelona,
Spain, Sept., 225-230.
Xi, Y., and Bazant, Z.P. (1993) "Improved Pore Water Diffusion
Model for Creep Analysis of Concrete Structures", Creep and Shrinkage of
Concrete, Proc. of the 5th Int. Symp. on Creep and Shrinkage of Concrete, Barcelona,
Spain, Sept. 169-174.
Bazant, Z.P., and Xi, Y. (1993) "New Test Method to
Separate Microcracking from Drying Creep: Curvature Creep at Equal Bending
Moments and Various Axial Forces", Creep and Shrinkage of Concrete, Proc. of the 5th Int. Symp.
on Creep and Shrinkage of Concrete, Barcelona, Spain, Sept., 77-82.
Jennings, H.M.,
and Xi, Y. (1992) "Relationships Between Microstructure and Creep and
Shrinkage of Cement Paste", Material
Science of Concrete, III, Ed. J. Skalny, The
Amer. Cer. Soc., Westerville, OH, 37-69.
Jennings, H.M.,
and Xi, Y. (1992) "Cement-Aggregate Compatibility and Structure Property
Relationship Including Modeling", Proc.
of the 9th Int. Congress on Chemistry of Cement, New Delhi, India, Dec., 1,
Bazant, Z.P., and Xi, Y. (1992) "Size Effect in Quasibrittle Micro-heterogeneous Structures: Deterministic
and Statistical Theories", Applications of Fracture Mechanics to
Reinforced Concrete, Ed. A. Carpinteri, Elsevier
Applied Science, London, 1-16.
Bazant, Z.P., and Xi, Y. (1990) "Combined Spectral and
Sampling Approach for Probabilistic Prediction of Creep and Shrinkage Effects
in Concrete Structures", Materials
Research in Concrete, Karlsruhe, May, 249-267.
Project Reports
Xi, Y., Jing, Y.,
and Biwer, B. (2021) “Radiation Effects on Concrete,
An Approach for Modeling Degradation of Concrete Properties”, RIL 2021-07,
Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and
ANL/EVS-20/18, 164p.
2. Biwer, B., Ma, D., Xi, Y., and Jing, Y. (2021) “Review of Radiation-Induced
Concrete Degradation and Potential Implications for Structures Exposed to High
Long-Term Radiation Levels in Nuclear Power Plants”, NUREG/CR-7280, Office of
Nuclear Regulatory Research, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and ANL/EVS-20/8,
Xi, Y., Li, L.,
and Railsback, R. (2018) “Evaluation of Different Types of Waterproofing
Membranes (Asphaltic and Non-asphaltic) as Cost Effective Bridge Deck Barriers
in Reducing Corrosive Chloride Effects”, CDOT-2018-16, 73p.
Xi, Y., Jing, Y.,
and Railsback, R. (2018) “Surface Chloride Levels in Colorado Structural
Concrete”, Colorado DOT Report No. CDOT-2018-05, 49p.
Liang, Y.C., Gallaher, B., and Xi, Y. (2014) “Evaluation of Bridge Deck
Sealers”, Colorado DOT Report No.
CDOT-2014-6, 57p.
6. Willam, K., Xi, Y., and Naus, D. (2013) “A Review of the Effects of Radiation on
Microstructure and Properties of Concrete Used in Nuclear Power Plants”,
NUREG/CR-7171, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission, and ORNL/TM-2013/263, 131p.
7. Damrongwiriyanupap, N., Liang, Y.C., and Xi, Y. (2012) Application of Roller Compacted Concrete
(RCC) in Colorado’s Roadways, Colorado DOT Report No. CDOT-2012-11, 60p.
8. Xi, Y., Meshgin, P., Na, O., and Li, Y. (2010) “Premixed Rubberized
Insulation Mortar”, A Technical Report to CDPHE, 66p., http://www.cdphe.state.co.us/oeis/p2_program/atgfinalrpts.html.
9. Liang, Y.C., Zhang, W.P., and Xi, Y. (2010) “Strategic Evaluation of Different Topical Protection Systems for Bridge
Decks and the Associated Life-Cycle Cost Analysis”, Colorado DOT Report No. CDOT-2010-6, 61p.
Willam, K., Xi, Y., Lee, K., and Kim, B. (2009) “Thermal Response of
Reinforced Concrete Structures in Nuclear Power Plants”, University of Colorado
at Boulder, SESM Report No. 02-2009: Report to Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
11. Xi, Y., Balaji,
R., and Molenaar, K. (2008) "Quantifying
Construction Delays Due to Weather", Research report FHWA-CFL/TD-07-001.
12. Hearn, G., and Xi,
Y. (2007) "Service Life and Cost Comparisons for Four Types of CDOT Bridge
Decks", Colorado DOT Report No. CDOT-2007-2, 118p.
13. Basche. H.D., Willam, K., and Xi, Y. (2005) “Uncoupled Transient
Thermo-Elastic Stress Analysis”, Internal Report CU/SESM-2005/002, University
of Colorado at Boulder.
14. Willam, K., Xi, Y., Lee,
K., and Lee, J.S. (2005) “Thermoelastoplastic Damage Analysis
of RCS Subjected to Fire Scenarios”, Report to Sandia National Lab, University
of Colorado at Boulder, 105p.
15. Fafach, D., Shing, B.,
Chang, S.Y., and Xi, Y. (2005) “Evaluation of the FRP-Retrofitted Arches in the
Castlewood Canyon Bridge”, Colorado DOT Report
No. CDOT-DTD-R-2005-01, 245p.
16. Xi, Y., Chang,
S.Y., Asiz, A., and Li, Y. (2004) “Long-Term
Durability of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRPs) and in-situ Monitoring of FRP
Bridge Decks at O’Fallon Park Bridge”, Colorado DOT Report No. CDOT-DTD-R-2004-3, 60p.
Y., Abu-Hejleh, N., Asiz,
A., and Suwito (2004) “Performance Evaluation of
Various Corrosion Protection Systems of Bridges in Colorado”, Colorado DOT Report No. CDOT-DTD-R-2004-1, 141p.
18. Willam, K., Xi, Y., Lee,
K., Lee, J.S., and Basche, H.D. (2004) “Literature
Review of Concrete and Concrete Structures Subjected to High Temperature”,
Internal Report CU/SESM-2005/001 University of Colorado at Boulder, and Report
to Sandia National Lab, 98p.
19. Xi, Y., and Li, Y.
(2004) “Materials, Testing Methods, and
Construction Practices for Fast Concrete Deck Repair”, Internal Report
CU/SESM/XI-2004/001 University of Colorado at Boulder, and Report to Colorado
DOT, 95p.
20. Saouma, V., and Xi, Y.
(2004) “Literature Review of Alkali
Aggregate Reactions in Concrete
Dams”, Project report to Swiss Federal Office for Water and Geology FOWG, 78p.
21. Xi, Y., Shing, B.,
Abu-Hejleh, N., Asiz, A., Suwito, A., Xie, Z.H., Ababneh, A. (2003) “Assessment of the Cracking Problem in
Newly Constructed Bridge Decks in Colorado”, Colorado DOT Report No.
CDOT-DTD-R-2003-3, 136p.
22. Xi, Y., Li, Y.,
and Li, Z.J. (2003) “High Toughness of Rubber-Modified Concrete (RMC)”, Final
Report CU/SR-XI-2003/002 to The Colorado Commission of Higher Education, 63p.
23. Cusson, R., and Xi, Y.
(2003) “The Behavior of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement in Low
Temperature Environment Climates”, Colorado DOT Report No. CDOT -DTD-R-2003-4,
Shing, B., and Xi, Y. (2003) Studies on the Use of
High Performance Concrete and FRP Reinforcement for the I-225/Parker Road
Bridge”, Colorado
DOT Report No. CDOT-DTD-R-2003-13, 86p.
25. Xi, Y., and Xie, Z.H. (2002) “Corrosion Effects of Magnesium Chloride
and Sodium Chloride on Automobile Components”, Colorado DOT Report No.
CDOT-DTD-R-2002-04, 91p.
R., Shing, B., and Xi, Y. (2001) “Evaluation of PRP Prestressed Panels/Slabs
for I-225/Parker Road Project”, Colorado DOT Report No. CDOT-DTD-R-2001-14,
Y., Shing, B., and Xie, Z.H. (2001) “Development of Optimal Concrete Mix Designs
for Bridge Decks”, Colorado DOT Report No. CDOT-DTD-R-2001-11, 60p.
Awards and Recognitions
Eckel Award 2018.
Department of Civil, Environmental
and Architectural Engineering, University of Colorado at Boulder.
of 2010 Faculty Fellowship at
University of Colorado at Boulder.
Research development award 2004. Department
of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, University of Colorado
at Boulder.
Young Researcher’s award for academic year 1998-1999. Department of Civil, Environmental and
Architectural Engineering, University of Colorado at Boulder.
Professional Activities
Committee chairs and directors
The administrator
of Colorado Local Technical Assistance Program (sponsored by the U.S. Federal
Highway Administration, Colorado Department of Transportation, and University
of Colorado at Boulder) (1998-2019).
The vice chair of Experimental Analysis and Instrumentation (EA&I)
Committee, ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI) (2012).
The chair of Experimental Analysis and Instrumentation (EA&I)
Committee, ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI) (2013-2014).
The past chair of Experimental Analysis and Instrumentation (EA&I)
Committee, ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI) (2015).
The chair of the
committee on Properties of Materials, ASCE
Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI), 2003-2007.
Services at University of Colorado at
A member of First
Level Review Committee of College of Engineering (2012 – 2015).
The executive
committee member of Dept. of Civil, Environmental, and Architectual
Engineering representing Structural Engineering and Structural Mechanics (SESM)
Group (2005 – 2011).
The coordinator
of Structural Engineering and Structural Mechanics Group in 2002 and 2003.
A member of the
Curriculum Committee of CEAE in 1999 and 2000.
A member of the
Facility Committee of CEAE in 2001-2003, 2011, 2018, 2019.
The seminar organizer
of Structural Engineering and Structural Mechanics Group in 1999 and 2000.
A member of the
search committee for the Structural Engineering and Structural Mechanics Group,
2008, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013.
Associate editor, guest editor, and
editorial board member of journals
A member of
Editorial Board of international journal Computers
& Concrete.
A member of
Editorial Advisory Board of international journal Magazine of Concrete Research (June, 2013 – June, 2017).
An associate
editor and a member of Editorial Board of Journal
of Sustainable Cement Based Materials.
An associate
editor and a member of Editorial Board of Journal
of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 2003-2007.
A past member of International Scientific
Committee of FraMCoS.
A past member of
Advisory Board for International Association on Concrete Creep (IA-Concreep).
A past member of
Editorial Advisory Committee of an international journal “Concrete Science and Engineering” (RILEM, the journal was
A member of the
Internal Oversight Board for the NSF NEES center at CU (up to 2009).
An editor for the
special issue of Journal of Materials for Civil Engineering (ASCE), dedicated
to Model-Based Simulation on Durability of Materials and Structures (2005).
An editor for the
special issue of Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE), dedicated to
durability mechanics (March 2000).
An editor for the
special issue of Journal of Concrete
Science and Engineering (RILEM), dedicated to durability mechanics (March
An editor of the
proceedings of 8th Faculty Enhancement Workshop of ACBM, July 15-18,
2001, Boulder, Colorado.
International Conferences and Workshops
A member of International Scientific Committee
of 10th International Symposium on Innovation & Utilization of
High-Performance Concrete, Sept. 16-18, 2014, Beijing, China.
A member of International
Scientific Committee of the 5th BIOT Conference on Poromechanics
(BIOT-5), July 10-12, 2013, Vienna, Austria.
A member of
scientific committee for The 8th International Symposium on Cement &
Concrete (ISCC2013), Nanjing, China.
A member of International Advisory Committee Member of 2011 World Congress on
Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Seoul, Korea, Sept. 2011.
A member of International Scientific Committee of FraMCoS-7, Korea, 2010.
A Scientific Committee Members of Computational Technologies
in Concrete Structures, held in Korea in 2009.
A Scientific Committee Members of 8th International Conference on Creep, Shrinkage and Durability of
Concrete and Concrete Structures, held in Sept. 2008 in Japan.
A local organizer of FraMCoS-5 (The 5th Int. Conf. on Fracture
Mechanics of Concrete and Structures), April 12-15, 2004, Vail, Colorado.
An organizer of NSF Workshop on Interface Problems in Cement-Based
Materials, April 12-15, 2004, Vail, Colorado.
An organizer of FHWA and CDOT Symposium on Innovative Bridge Materials
and Construction, April 22-23, 2004, Denver, Colorado.
The organizer and
a co-chair of the NSF Workshop on Model-Based Simulation of Durability of
Materials and Structures, July 4-7, 2002, Prague.
A co-chair of the
ASTM Symposium of Electrochemical
Techniques to Determine Corrosion-Related Properties of Concrete and of Metals
in Concrete, Committees G01 (G01.14), C09 (C09.66), June 18, 2003, Denver,
The local
organizer of 8th Faculty Enhancement Workshop of ACBM, July 15-18,
2001, Boulder, Colorado.
A member of the International
Scientific Committee of CONCREEP-6, 2001, MIT, Boston.
A member of the International
Scientific Committee of CONCREEP-7, 2005, Nantes, France.
Member of professional committees and
organizations, and NSF review panels
A Member of ICIC
(International Committee of Irradiated Concrete)
A member of the committee
of Creep and Shrinkage of Concrete, American Concrete Institute (ACI) 209.
A member of the
committee on experimental analysis and instrumentation, ASCE/Engineering
Mechanics Institute (ASCE/EMI).
Member of the
committee on properties of materials, ASCE/Engineering Mechanics Institute
A past member of
the committee on poromechanics, ASCE/Engineering
Mechanics Division.
A past member of
the committee 446 (Fracture Mechanics), American Concrete Institute.
A past member of
the committee TC107 (Creep and Shrinkage), International Union of Testing and
Research Laboratories for Materials and Structures.
A past member of
the committee TC QFS (Size effect of quasibrittle
fracture), International Union of Testing and Research Laboratories for Materials
and Structures.
A past member of
the committee on Multi-Decade Creep and Shrinkage of Concrete: Material Model
and Structural Analysis, RILEM, TC-MDC.
A NSF review
panelist for career proposals, Spet. 2003; SBIR
proposals, March 2004; career proposals, Sept. 2004; BRIGE proposals, June
2013; career proposals, 2017.
Principal Dissertation/Thesis Advisor for Graduate Students
Graduate students obtained academic and research
positions after graduation
A.N. Ababneh, Assistant Professor, Clarkson University, Potsdam,
A. Asiz, Assistant professor, University of New Brunswick,
J. Richards,
Lecturer (Captain), United States
Military Academy, West Point,
A. Nakhi, Assistant Professor, Kuwait University, Safat, Kuwait.
M. Ghadi, Assistant Professor, University of Science and Tchnology of Mazandaran, Iran.
Y.S. Roh, Associate Professor, Dankook
University, South Korea.
Suwito, Researcher, King Saudi University, Saudi Arabia.
Jaesung Lee, Assistant professor, Hannam
University, South Korea.
Nattapong Damrongwiriyanupap,
Assistant Professor, University of Phayao, Thailand.
Pania Meshgin, Sandia National
Laboratory, U.S.A.
Okpin Na, Senior Research Engineer, Hyundai Engineering
& Construction Co., Ltd., South Korea
Ph.D. Students
1. A. Samadi (1996, Drexel Univ.)
2. Clark,
Daniel (1997, Drexel Univ., transferred to another school)
3. Y.S. Roh (2000)
4. A.N. Ababneh (2002)
5. A. Asiz (2002)
6. A. Nakhi (2003)
7. M. Gahdi (2004, S. Stein co-advisor)
8. A. Suwito (2005)
9. S.Y. Chang
(2005, transferred to another school)
10. J.S. Lee
11. E. Ou (2007, R. Corotis co-advisor)
12. Nattapong Damrongwiriyanupap
13. Pania Mashgin (2011)
14. Okpin Na (2011)
15. Yu-Chang Liang (2012)
16. Wemphy Hanafi (2012,
transferred to another school)
17. Hesham Abdualla (2014,
transferred to another school)
18. Musiket Kamtornkiat (2014, F. Vernerey
19. Ali Harajli (2016, D.M. Frangopol co-advisor)
20. Jiang Zhilv (2014-2016,
visiting Ph.D. student)
21. Yuxiang Jing (2018)
22. Yao Wang (2019 Spring)
23. Mohamed Abdelrahman (2019 Spring)
24. Linfei Li (2019 Fall)
25. Mohammed Zainy (current)
Osamah Dehwah
M.S. Students (M.S. Thesis or M.S.
1. F.E. Amparano (1995 at Drexel Univ.)
2. W. Xiang
(1998 at Drexel Univ.).
3. A. Hakhi (1998)
4. W. Graziano
5. J.H. Kim
6. J.H. Shin
7. B. Black
8. Y.J. Cho
9. J.S. Lee
10. K. Chanvut (2002)
11. M.P. Blangy (2002)
12. Z.H. Xie (2002)
13. R. Cusson (2002)
14. K. Streeter
15. S. Holst
16. J. Richards
17. S.R.
Deshpande (2004)
18. Bret Banwart (2004)
19. R. Sheehan
20. Lydia Abarr (2005)
21. J. Walbert (2005)
22. D. Doherty
23. Scott Hamel
24. P. Orendorff (2005)
25. Adnan
Muzaffar (2006)
26. M. Yamakawa (2008)
27. Haideh Shams Hakimi (2008)
28. Dustin Virgilio (2009)
29. Moad H. Isteita (2009)
30. John Calvert (2010)
31. Hesham S.R. Abdualla (2010)
32. Brandon Parker (2011)
33. Andrew Geister
34. Courtney Shepard (2011)
35. Jack Thorpe (2012)
36. Johan Bjorkquist
37. Lee Maggert (2012)
38. Wayne Brown (2012)
39. Xingang Wang (2013)
40. Brandon Buder (2013)
41. Mitchell Rosendahl (2013)
42. Tate Fairbanks (2013)
43. Benjamin Gallaher (2013)
45. Linfei Li (2014)
46. William Lam
47. Mohammed Zainy (2015)
48. Zach Banachowski (2016, discontinued and to be completed)
49. Raj Mehta
50. Christopher
C. Frishcosy (2019)
51. Boning Wang
52. Viki
Martinez (2019 spring, transferred to another group at CU-Boulder)
53. Hugo Mosseray (2020,
visiting student from Belgium, I served as MS advisor)
54. Mishael Alsubeii (2021, current)
55. Basil Alsharari (2021,
56. Yahya Nakhi(2021, current)
Research associates and postdoc
Z.H. Xie (1999)
A. Asiz (2003)
Y. Li (2003,
Suwito (2005)
J.S. Lee (2006)
W.P. Zhang
J. Xia (2012)
Jiří Němeček
A. Ababneh (2003, 2010, 2018)
C. Jiang
Y. Wang
M. Abdelrahman
Y. Jing
Professional research assistants
K. Polkinghorne
L. Marshall
C. Guild
S. Wilson (2015-2018)
D. BeMent (2018-2019)
R. Railsback
sabbatical leave professors
Li (2002)
Bennethum (2003-2004)
Ababneh (2010)
Sungjin Jung (2010)
Seunghun Kim (2011)
Inkyu Rhee (2012)
Youngsook Roh (2012)
Jiří Němeček (Fulbright Scholar 2013)
Jaesung Lee (2014)
Bangsub Lee (2014)
TaeSoo Kim (2020-2021)
Host exchange scholars (students and
J.N. Liu
(Visiting scholar 1996)
F. Alleau (Exchange student 1997)
F. Benboudjema (Exchange student 1997)
F. Cherqui (Exchange student 1999)
C. Gavard (Exchange student 1999)
Aurelie Jean
(Exchange student 2004)
Stephane Milhaud
(Exchange student 2005)
Thomas DeLarrard (Exchange student 2005)
Ludovic Missemer (Exchange student
Deborah Sperling
(NSF/REU, 2005)
Augustin Parret-Freaud (Exchange student 2006)
Chao Su (Visiting scholar 2007-2008)
Adrien Hilaire
(Exchange student 2009)
Zhengmao Ye (Visiting scholar 2009)
Fei Li (Visiting
scholar 2011)
Yu Bai (Visiting
scholar 2011)
Guohua Li (Visiting scholar 2011)
Helene Penvern (visiting scholar 2012)
Wunchock Kroehong (visiting scholar
Zhuge Yan (visiting professor 2012)
Fu Jun (visiting
professor 2012)
Li Jizhen (visiting professor 2013)
Xu Jinxia (visiting professor 2013)
Xu Peizhen (visiting professor 2013)
Decret Damien (visiting student 2015)
Thomas Langlade
(visiting student 2015)
Shiping Yin (visiting professor 2015)
Yaguang Zhu (visiting professor 2015)
Chunxia Xue (visiting professor
Hongqiang Chu (visiting professor 2016-2017)
Jessica Lopez
Jinliang Liu (visiting student 2018-2019)