Chapter 15, The
Social Construction of Drug Scares, Reinarman.
Seven Elements of a
Drug Scare:
1. A Kernel of Truth:
2. Media Magnification:
3. Politico-Moral Entrepreneurs:
4. Professional Interest Groups:
5. Historical Context of Conflict:
6. Linking a Form of Drug Use to a “Dangerous Class”:
7. Scapegoating a Drug for a Wide Array of Public Problems:
3 Reasons the U.S. is Ripe for a Drug Scare:
1. Vocabulary of attribution
2. The temperance culture
3. The postmodern mass consumption culture.
Chapter 16: Blowing
Smoke; Tuggle and Holmes
2 strategies of
anti-smoking moral entrepreneurs
1. Assimilative
2. Coercive reform
Status Claims
1. Health Risks
2. Moral Superiority
3. Social Class
Independent Concept:
knowledge class
Also important: the status conflicts between moral entrepreneurs, and how one group tried to boost their status and legitimacy (in the stratification hierarchy) by pushing the other group down. They did this by defining them and their smoking behavior as undesirable and deviant.
Chapter 17: Failure
to Launch: Jenkins
features in the literature on moral panics:
1. Perception of threat
2. Expert diagnoses
3. Mass media stereotyping
4. Hysteria
5. Decline
Jenkins’ 7
Features of Ideal Moral Panics:
1. Multiple, diverse agencies
2. Comprehensible story
3. Accessible to the public
4. Narrative with heroes and villains
5. Pictures or videos
6. Solution identified
7. Prior public knowledge
Independent Concept:
Chapter 18: Legitimated
Suppression: Inner-City Mexican-Americans and the Police: Robert
J. Durán
1. Legitimated Profiling
2. Interacting with Suspected Gang Members
3. Intelligence Gathering
4. Serious Forms of Police Misconduct
Independent Concepts:
Ecological Contamination
Minority Threat Hypothesis
Three results of this kind of anti-gang enforcement