Chapter 34: Robert Jenkot

Status Hierarchy of Meth Cooking and Using Groups:

1. The Methamphetamine Cook

2. The Gas Man/Juicer

3. The Shopper

4. The Dope Ho

5. The Methamphetamine User

6. The Simple User

~What are the key variables determining status?


Chapter 35: Gender and Victimization Risk among Young Women in Gangs; Miller

 Three Features of  Gender, Gangs, and Violence:

1. Gangs as Protection and Risk

 2. Gender and Status

 3. Devaluation and Victimization


Chapter 36: International Organized Crime ; Roy Godson and William J. Olson

Four Defining Features of ICOs:

1. The activities must be criminal

2. The criminals must be organized

3. They focus on illegal acts for profit and not a cause

4. Willingness to use violence


Three Characteristics of ICOs:

1. Global Scope of Operations

2. Transnational Links

3. Challenge to Authority


Six Features Aiding the Growth of ICOs:

1. Economics of Production

2. International Ungovernability

3. Immigration Streams

4. Border Porosity

5. Trends in Technology

6. Relative Disorganization of Law Enforcement