Self-Injury Research Foci



-how did you first hear about or discover self-injury?

 -how did you come to try it yourself?

 -what were your initial feelings about and experiences with self-injury?

 -how did you initially think about it, give it meaning, rationalize it?


-how did cutting become a more regular behavior?

 -did your techniques evolve or change? 

-did your feelings about cutting change, the meanings it had for your? The rationalizations you used to make it acceptable?

 -how did others react to the scars? [what time period was this in the era of cutting?]

 -what sets of accounts did you offer to hide your behavior?

 -how did people react to these accounts?

 -how did you then react to people’s reactions?

 -what effects did this have on you?

 -how did this change over time or with the historical stage of self-injury?

 -how did your self-injury evolve over time in frequency, depth, severity?

 -did you tell any people about your self-injury? Who? How?

-how did others react to you after they found out about your self-injury?

 -what is the stigma associated with self-injury?

 -What are the consequences of labeling?

 -how has this changed as it became more widely known about?

 -did any social factors ever influence your cself-injury?

 -did you ever go to treatment for your self-injury? What was this like? Effectiveness?

-did you ever have a desire to contact or communicate with other people who self-injured? In person, reading books, cyberspace?




No Mutual Association, No Mutual Participation

Normative socialization

 Becoming deviant

 Social isolation

Practical issues

 Issues of deviant ideology




Emotions Surrounding Self-Injury

-do your instances of self-injury involve emotions? either the attempt to still an overwhelming array of emotions or the attempt to release clogged up emotions?

-how does your self-injury affect your emotional state? what are the emotions that lead up to the act, occur during the act, and exist after the act?

-do you consider yourself an emotional person?

-how do you manage these emotions?




-how long have you been self-injuring, and when in that process did you go to the web?

-what motivated you to go to the web?

-what are some of the best things about the self-injury cybersites and what are some of the worst?

-what types of use do you make of self-injury cyber sites? which kinds do you frequent?

-do you think visiting cybersites has had any effect on your self-injury?


-what kinds of interaction do you have with other cyber self-injurers?

-have you formed relationships that you have taken off the cyber chatboards into more private chatting spaces such as IM or email?

-how might cyber-relationships differ from face-to-face relationships? are they more or less intimate? how are they affected by the anonymity of cyberspace?


-do you feel like you belong to any cyber-communities? what do these do for you, mean to you?

-what kinds of support, services, information, or other benefits do you think people, or you, could get from them?

-what is the nature of cyber self-injury communities? fluid and shifting? stable and supportive? small and judgmental? some of each? could you please give your thoughts on how they have elements of these and other characteristics?

-have you noticed certain norms or attitudes in self-injury cyber communities that are similar to or different from those in face-to-face life?

-do people get pissed off at others in cyberworlds?

-what, if any, effect, do you think participation in self-injury cyber-relationships, cyber-communication, or just visiting cybersites has on individuals' self-injury? does it reinforce it?

-how do you regard your self-injury? is it just something you do or does it represent in some way a part of your identity, who you are?

-do you think that people who frequent cybersites are more likely to identify more as self-injurers or not? why?

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