As Israelis read their newspapers, the message comes through loud and clear: Get ready for the next war, the really big war. Prime Minister Ehud Olmert gave his people an ominous warning yesterday when he “toured northern Israel Thursday and visited, among other venues, the hospital in Nahariya directly hit by rocket fire during the Lebanon war. ‘We must be prepared for (various) scenarios and ready for anything,’ he said. ‘We must push forward deadlines and be ready for the possibility of receiving casualties under all conditions.’ … ‘At this time we shall prepare for any possible scenario of a threat, in full force.’”
But who will be the enemy? “The head of the Israel Defense Forces
Military Intelligence Maj.-Gen. Amos Yadlin told the
Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee that after the war with Hizbullah,
In Ha’aretz, Akiva Eldar confirms it: “Israeli assessment sources too are recommending to the government
that it immediately separate from the ‘neither-peace-nor-war’ doctrine in the
Syrian arena. They are presenting two options to the leaders. One is
accelerated peace talks with
But the other option is being touted
more loudly, and by more influential voices. Maj.-Gen. Yadlin warned: “If
there won't be a [diplomatic] solution, the stance is that we must prepare to
liberate the Golan through different means – there aren't many other ways. …
The Syria-Iran link is crucial to the
picture painted by Israeli leaders: “Minister Rafi Eitan warned Tuesday that
Why all this talk of war? Olmert explained it bluntly: “This is the real answer to those who have tried to cast a shadow on the State's existence."
Here is the key to
“Israel is carefully watching the world's reaction to
Iran's continued refusal to suspend uranium enrichment, with some high-level
officials arguing it is now clear that when it comes to stopping Iran, Israel ‘may
have to go it alone,’ The Jerusalem Post has learned. One senior source
said on Tuesday that
resurrected star of Israeli politics, right-wing former Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu, is playing this card in his bid to replace Olmert. “Every living thing must do two things in
order to survive: it must identify dangers and it must arm itself sufficiently
to protect itself from these dangers,” Netanyahu recently said. He cast himself
as a follower of the founder of Zionism, Theodor Herzl, who “saw the burning
coals of anti-Semitism and understood that there was a threat of a fire that
would threaten the Jews of Europe and eventually the Jews of the rest of the
world. Today I say: we are standing before a grave danger. A new potential fire
threatens our people. … Since Hitler, there has not risen such a bitter enemy
This view gets
aired even on the op-ed page of
In other words, for Jews, Jewish lives really are more
valuable than Muslim lives. That’s easier to swallow if you believe that all
Muslims are anti-semites bent on killing every Jew. Ha’aretz gives space to that view too, in a column by a retired
judge, Hadassa Ben-Itto: “A senior American diplomat
once told me: ‘I can't believe this is happening to the Jewish people once
again. You have not learned your lesson. Had you thoroughly read 'Mein Kampf,' you would have known
what to expect.’… The Muslim world,
which has picked up the Nazi torch, has joined the cause and set for itself the
goal of destroying our nation and people.
It would not be surprising if this nameless American
diplomat were a Bush administration appointee. And the Bush administration may
yet come to the rescue. The “senior source” quoted by the Jeruslaem
Post “did not rule out the possibility of US military action, but said that if
this were to take place, it would probably not occur until the spring or summer
of 2008, a few months before President George W. Bush leaves the international
Akiva Eldar has apparently heard the news about
2008 too. He sees a real possibility of “an accelerated preemptive war against
No negotiations,
and a looming deadline in the summer of 2008. Eldar’s
conclusion seems to sum up the prevailing thinking in the Israeli
government: “Keep the shelters clean.”