Computing and Cognition

Talk presented at the Greeno Fest, New York, May 28, 2006 [Note 0]

Clayton Lewis
Department of Computer Science
Institute of Cognitive Science
Coleman Institute for Cognitive Disabilities
Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center for Advancing Cognitive Technologies
University of Colorado
clayton dot lewis at colorado dot edu

In honor of Professor James G. Greeno, with warmest gratitude.

When I turn a new corner in my research, I often find Jim Greeno. Jim has covered a lot of ground in his career. But he has had a consistent focus on the most important problems. This keeps him out in front of many of the rest of us, as we bob and weave through the intellectual landscape. That's why we keep encountering him and his work.

It's been fun for me, and I hope will be fun for Jim, and maybe even for the rest of you, to review some of these encounters. Because of my own trajectory through life, the narrative will tend to highlight the relationship between Jim's ideas and computation.

The first time I encountered Jim was already a surprise.

I was working on the design of a comprehensible computing system at IBM Watson Research Center, and it had become obvious that none of us had the least idea what that would mean. We'd start our meetings determined to talk about comprehensibility, and in five minutes we'd be deep in discussion about optimizing compilers, something we did know something about. John Gould at Watson pointed out that cognitive psychology might be useful. Michigan accepted me, but the question was, who there could help understand the kind of complex cognition that's involved in computer use?

Jim sent me a paper, I think Mayer and Greeno 1972  [Note 1] about learning probability concepts. Intriguingly, they found that the exact wording of questions had a big influence on people's ability to answer. How could that be? This seemed like a really interesting problem. The work also addressed a domain of realistic complexity. I signed up, and just missed Rich Mayer on his way out of the Perry Building.

Jim's lab had a computer, unusual (and very expensive) then (this is 1973 we're talking about).  Dave Kieras, who wishes he could be here, had written an operating system [Note 2] for this thing, I believe he wrote it using a stylus and clay tablets.  This system could make it run a bunch of subject terminals. It was a great setup for collecting data from people pressing buttons.

But Jim was already moving on from this kind of data. Newell and Simon [Note 3], and protocols, were opening the way to new insights into thinking. Jim was collecting protocols from students solving math problems. He made sure his students got a good grounding in these techniques.

Jim may himself be unaware of the impact this work of his has had in the field of computer science. When I returned to IBM Watson, and was charged with developing a research and development strategy for more usable systems, thinking aloud protocols seemed the most promising tool. The tool paid off, in the form of a new approach to the evaluation of user interfaces.  The method often let designers determine not just that users were having trouble with a system, but why, which is what's needed for design improvement. Today, thinking aloud protocols are in everyday use in software development laboratories around the world.

A key component of usability of computing systems is learnability, and a key component of learnability is generalizability. At Colorado, my students and I explored the role of causal analysis in generalization, a line of inquiry that took us back to the work of Max Wertheimer. Here too we were following Jim, as this comparison of pictures from my 1988 paper on causal analysis and generalization, and Jim's 1968 book on theoretical psychology shows [Note 4].

diagrams of finding the area of a parallelograms from greeno 1968 and lewis 1988

Another line of research on comprehensible computing systems led to work on programming languages for kids as a knowledge medium. In our Science Theater/Teatro de Ciencias project grade school children created animated models of the processes and mechanisms they were studying in science. In the picture below the colorful disks are frictions, part of the explanation of lightning created by a trio of fifth graders.

shows kid's drawing of clouds, lightning, and small colored disks in the sky

This work, despite its somewhat idiosyncratic  origin, turned out to follow on lines Jim and his students had developed in their work on pedagogical uses of computers, as this picture from Roschelle's Envisionment Machine suggests [Note 5].

diagrams of moving object

At around this time Jim was playing a more and more prominent role in the development of the situative perspective. While Lucy Suchman and others were active in developing this view and its implications for computer systems, I have to confess that I did not get on board. Indeed, as the issues sharpened and blossomed into controversy, I felt some personal conflict. I had had the privilege of studying with John Anderson as well as with Jim, Jim's, and my office mate had been another controversialist, Lynne Reder. So I had strong intellectual allegiances on both sides; I'm sure others in this room felt the same.

Incidentally, remembering this controversy brings to mind an observation about Jim that I know all of us have made: what an outstandingly NICE person he is. Not many controversies as sharp as the situationist-cognitivist one close with a joint declaration [Note 6] that combines sweetness and light, mutual respect, and continued principled divergence the way that one did. It reflects enormous credit on all the participants.

Anyway, I certainly wasn't prepared for the next corner around which I've found Jim, in my recent work on technology for people with cognitive disabilities. Unexpectedly, situationivity is right there!

The context is this. To develop supports for people with cognitive disabilities, at least that are more than palliative, we need to understand the mental mechanisms underlying the disabilities. But this understanding is elusive.

Our understanding of intelligence in typical people foreshadows the difficulty. As Ian Deary's review makes clear, cognitive reductionist approaches to intelligence, starting with Robert Sternberg's pioneering work, have been disappointing:

Differential psychologists' intercourse with cognitive psychology have been somewhat fruitful in producing interesting results, but not yet understandings. Individual differences researchers have, with touching and pious hope, brought back cognitive tasks and processes like medieval pilgrims amassing the relics of holy persons encased in sealed caskets. Opening the casket rarely has revealed the relics expected,  and often none at all. Nothing daunted, we have worshipped the casket. (Deary [Note 7])

Where cognitive impairment is concerned the situation is even worse. Common causes, such as Down Syndrome, can involve literally hundreds of developmental abnormalities in the brain, some of them quite sweeping. The challenge is, not just to understand cognitive impairment, but also to understand how the brain manages to function as well as it does under these conditions.

Nevertheless, I have followed mainstream thinking in assuming that cognitive disabilities would have to be understood, ultimately, in terms of the structures of individual people's brains, that is, in cognitivist terms. I had the beginnings of an argument with Graham Button, the ethnomethodologist,  over just this point, after hearing a talk in which he disparaged the standing of psychology as a science.

We cannot emphasize strongly enough the extent to which our arguments have been designed, not to advance any alternative 'theory of mind', nor any alternative 'philosophical psychology' in opposition to those positions which prevail in contemporary discussions,  but rather to undermine the very idea that there are genuinely scientific problems in this domain for which theoretical solutions could legitimately be sought. (Button et al., Computers, Minds and Conduct [Note 8])

In denying the scientific legitimacy of minds, beliefs, and the whole intellectual stock of psychology, how could someone like Button have any story to tell about cognitive disabilities?

My reductio was brought up short by the book, The Social Construction of Cognitive Disability, by Mark Rapley. Among many examples, Rapley shows how things said by someone assumed to have a cognitive disability are interpreted so as to confirm the diagnosis, while the same things, interpreted without the presumption of disability, don't suggest disability. Here's Rapley's manifesto:

Intellectual disability is usually thought of as a form of internal, individual affliction, little different from diabetes, paralysis, or chronic illness. This study, the first book-length application of discursive psychology to intellectual disability, shows that what we usually understand to be an individual problem is actually an interactional, or social, product [Note 9].

At about the same time, obituary notices for Urie Bronfenbrenner referred to his father's experience at an institution for children with cognitive disabilities. This quotation points up the power of the situation to create deficiency:

…[T]he New York City courts would commit to our institution...perfectly normal children. Before he could unwind the necessary red tape to have them released, it would be too late. After a few weeks... their scores on the intelligence test... proved them mentally deficient.

--Urie Bronfenbrenner (1979) The Ecology of Human Development [Note 10]

One more example: not very long ago children with Down syndrome were denied reading instruction on the grounds that they could not learn to read. So, of course, they couldn't learn to read. NOT, as we now know, because of their attributes as individuals, but because of the pattern of social interactions they were forced into, or out of.

I am unwilling to follow Button in ruling out any significant role for individual psychology in cognitive disability. But these examples, together with the lack of progress so far of cognitivism in this arena, have drawn my attention anew to situationism, that is, to Jim's ideas. I'll return to this theme shortly.

The latest turn I want to describe may seem to have nothing to do with psychology.

Many of us in computer science are confronting a failure to convey the intellectual interest and importance of our field to the public, including prospective students. During the dot boom, enrollments in computer science were overflowing, and the last thing we worried about was attracting students. As a discipline, we neglected our public face. We allowed our field to be identified simply with programming. Introductory courses in computer science, my own included, degenerated into skills courses. These courses provide hardly a glimpse of the big ideas in CS, even as these ideas are transforming the world.

So, what are those big ideas?

The best account (in my opinion) identifies computer science as the science of representations.

This picture shows computer science in the trunk of a tree of representations.

tree with branches and leaves, trunk, and roots

The representations near the top of tree are particular to the specifics of various application domains, like biology, for example. The representations near the bottom are those that link to physical implementations, whether electronic, photonic, or molecular. The province of computer science is those representations that are in the middle, connected above to those tied to applications, and below to those tied to implementations. Mathematics, and in fact telecommunications, share the trunk of the tree, because these disciplines, too, study representations with these same two forms of independence.

But what are representations?

Besides the chance to work with Jim and John Anderson another prized legacy for the Michiganders of my generation was an introduction to the theory of measurement, from Dave Krantz. This theory provides a framework for understanding representations that I can sketch for you quickly.

This picture explains how the measurement of length works.

concatenation of rods mapping to sum of numbers

You can stick two rods together, and measure the resulting rod, and get 5 cm. Or, you can measure the rods separately, getting 3 cm and 2 cm, and ADD these numbers, getting 5 cm. If you didn't get the same answer either way, the measurement system wouldn't be representing length.

This picture shows the perhaps surprising fact that addition is not uniquely required.

concatenation of rods mapping to product of numbers

There's a perfectly good system for measuring length in which you MULTIPLY the individual lengths instead of adding them. If you don't believe it, the picture shows the kind of ruler you have to use in this system, at the bottom.

I'll leave it as a problem for the audience whether you can make subtraction work [Note 11].

This kind of diagram, cleaned up a little,

mapping of A to B mapped to mapping of A' to B'

is central to the branch of mathematics called category theory. In that theory the focus is on morphisms, shown as arrows in the diagrams. Morphisms are mappings, or functions, that preserve the structure of objects that participate in them. Preserving structure is defined exactly in terms of these diagrams, where two orders of operation, operate first and then map, or map first and then operate, must give the same result. This framework is a natural generalization of the theory of measurement, as was recognized 25 years ago by Halford and Wilson in the context of developmental theory [Note 12].

Jim's ideas come into this picture in two ways. Here is a diagram of Jim's showing the mappings connecting the real world with a variety of mental representations [Note 13].

mappings among symbols, abstract entitities, and concrete objects and events

 Then here are two diagrams from an exposition by F. William Lawvere, one of the pioneers of category theory [Note 14].

mapping between thinking and the world

While the diagrams don't fully convey the thinking, it's closely related.

Because of this connection, I believe category theory offers a well developed intellectual setting for some of Jim's ideas. But there is another, deeper connection.

Category theory was developed by Eilenberg and Mac Lane in the 1940's [Note 15] as a tool for managing work in algebraic topology, a field few of us spend much time thinking about, I venture. But in the 1960's Lawvere, a student of Eilenberg's, astonished the mathematical world (or that part that was paying attention, anyway) by demonstrating that category theory could be used to represent all of set theory with no reference to the elements of sets [Note 16]. All of the necessary apparatus, including for example quantifiers, can be expressed entirely in terms of morphisms of objects and their relationships.

Gradually, the recognition has spread that category theory provides a radically new foundation for logic and the rest of mathematics. To mention just two examples, category theory naturally gives rise to a wide variety of unfamiliar logics, in which there are multiple, qualitatively distinct truth values [Note 17]. Less exotically, category theory enables a far simpler alternative [Note 18] to Abraham Robinson's nonstandard analysis [Note 19] as the basis for a treatment of ordinary calculus in which the infinitesimals that Leibniz used, and that are still represented in our dy/dx notation, are proper mathematical objects.

But why do we care?

Consider these quotations from Jim, in the midst of the situationist controversy.

The situative perspective adopts a different primary focus of analysis. Situativity focuses primarily at the level of interactive systems that include individuals as participants, interacting with each other and with material and representational systems (Greeno 1997 [Note 20]).

...[R]eferential meanings are characterized as relations between situations, rather than as properties of symbolic expressions. In a conversational interaction, the meaning of the utterance is considered, not as a property of the utterance itself, but rather as a relation, called a refers-to relation, between the situation in which someone makes the utterance and a situation to which the utterance is interpreted as referring (Greeno 1998 [Note 21]).

Now consider this one from Barry Mazur in a recent essay exploring category theory and its treatment of the natural numbers [Note 22]. The parallel is striking.

Since the "compromise" we sketched above has "mathematical objects determined by the network of relationships they enjoy with with all the other objects of their species," perhaps we can go to extremes within this compromise, by taking the following further step: subjugate the role of the (it) mathematical object to the role of its network of relationships-- or, a further extreme-- simply (it)replace the mathematical object by this network.

The lesson of category theory is that mathematical entities are best thought of strictly in terms of their relationships to one another, and not in terms of their individual identity or internal structure. In fact, thinking of entities as bundles of morphisms gives immediate uniqueness results for structures like the natural numbers [Note 23]:

The beauty of this result is that it has the following decidedly structuralist, or Wittgensteinian language-game, interpretation: (it) an object X of a category C is determined (always, up to canonical isomorphism...) by the network of relationships that the object X has with all other objects in C.

 In contrast, trying to think about what individual numbers "really are" yields incoherence, not uniqueness.

This point was made in 1965 by Paul Benacerraf in his paper, "What numbers could not be," [Note 24] in which he showed that the existence of many different, equally adequate, ways to represent numbers as sets means that numbers cannot be any of these sets. Our knowledge of numbers is not of things but of relationships.

Related points have been made over the years by critics of various accounts of knowledge representation.

Searle's Chinese Room critique of artificial intelligence, to which Jim has referred in his work [Note 25], as well as arguments within the philosophy of mind, such as Putnam's Twin Earth construction [Note 26], also come to bear.

Efforts to pin down the "meanings" of symbols, or  networks, or other representations, in isolation, have run into the sand.

As Jim has argued, these problems with attempts to represent meaning in isolated structures are central inspirations for situationism. Category theory provides a clear framework not only for understanding these problems, but also, potentially, for solving them. The approach it suggests, as also suggested by Jim's diagram that we looked at earlier, is to focus on identifying and characterizing the mappings among individual minds, and between individual minds and the world. 

The intellectual quest to which Jim has provided such inspiring leadership has seemed to some critics to carry us away from the clarity of mathematical and computational models into a tangle of mere metaphors, vague and wishful. Jim has himself vigorously disputed this, making clear the continued role he sees for such edged tools as computational modeling.

But critics do still call for a conceptually clearer framework for this work. Perhaps this new math, in the good sense, can provide it.

The mathematics concerned takes some getting used to.  At first it can be as unfamiliar as the world of quantum physics. It lacks the homely furniture of sets, just as the quantum world lacks the familiar behaviors of ordinary medium-sized things. But like quantum physics, it may reveal to us a reality behind our supposed reality. The revealed reality, the reality of set theory without elements, of relationships without things, accords remarkably with the situationist picture Jim and his colleagues are developing for us.

What could be more exciting?


[Note 0] Many thanks to Valerie Shalin for organizing the fest.

[Note 1] Mayer, R.E. and Greeno, J.G. (1972) Structural differences between learning outcomes produced by different instructional methods.  Journal of Educational Psychology, 63(2), 165.173.

[Note 2] Kieras, D. (1973) A general experiment programming system for the IBM 1800. Behavioral Research Methods and Instrumentation,  5(2), 235-239.

[Note 3] Newell, A. and Simon, H.A. (1972) Human Problem Solving. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

[Note 4] Greeno, J.G. ( 1968) Elementary Theoretical Psychology. Reading, MA: Addision-Wesley, fig. 5, p 223.
Lewis, C.H. (1988) Why and how to learn why: Analysis-based generalization of procedures. Cognitive Science 12, 211-256, figs 9a, 9b, p 252.

[Note 5] Teasley, S. D., & Roschelle, J. (1993). Constructing a joint problem space: The computer as a tool for sharing knowledge. In S. P. Lajoie & S. J. Derry (Eds.), Computers as Cognitive Tools. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum,  229-258, fig 1.

[Note 6] Anderson, J.R., Greeno, J.G., Reder, L.M., and Simon, H.A. (2000) Perspectives on learning, thinking, and activity. Educational Researcher, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 11-13

[Note 7] Deary, I. (2000) Looking Down on Human Intelligence: From Psychometrics to the Brain. Oxford: Oxford University Press, p 181.

[Note 8] Button, G., Coulter, J., Lee, J.R.E., and Sharrock, W. (1995) Computers, Minds and Conduct. Cambridge: Polity Press, p 211.

[Note 9] Rapley, M. (2004) The Social Construction of Intellectual Disability. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p i.

[Note 10] Bronfenbrenner, U. (1979) The Ecology of Human Development : Experiments by Nature and Design. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

[Note 11] You can't. Concatenation of rods, in the relevant interpretation here, is commutative, but subtraction isn't.

[Note 12] Halford, G.S., & Wilson, W.H. (1980). A category theory approach to cognitive development. Cognitive Psychology, 12, 356-411.

[Note 13] Greeno, J.G. (1989) Situations, mental models, and generative knowledge. In D. Klahr and K. Kotofsky (Eds.) Complex Information Procession: The Impact of Herbert A. Simon. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, 285-318. fig. 11.5, p 307.

[Note 14] Lawvere, F.W. and Schanuel, S.H. (1997) Conceptual Mathematics: A First Introduction to Categories. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p 84.

[Note 15] Eilenberg, S. and  and Mac Lane, S. (1945) General theory of natural equivalences. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 58, 231-294.

Category theory has an interesting history, with slow uptake outside the upper reaches of mathematics, and in some respects there as well. But recently two relatively elementary treatments, suitable for undergraduates, have appeared, by Lawvere and coauthors, cited here. The paper by Mazur, cited below, is also reasonably accessible. While not very accessible on technical material, the book by David Corfield [Corfield, D. (2003) Towards a Philosophy of Real Mathematics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) gives a very interesting discussion of the status and potential of category theory, and much else of interest to cognitive scientists.

The World Wide Web seems to be providing a way around the traditional reticence of many mathematicians in revealing what they are thinking, rather than just the usually rather sterile distillation of their thoughts, and in the related matter of communicating with non-initiates. Corfield maintains an interesting blog; the paper by Mazur cited below is available from his homepage. Lawvere's homepage includes some interesting historical commentary on the material considered in this talk.

[Note 16] Lawvere, F.W. (1964) An elementary theory of the category of sets. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 52(6):1506-11.  See also [Note 15].   

[Note 17] Lawvere, F.W. and Rosebrugh, R. (2003) Sets for Mathematics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

[Note 18] Bell, J.L. (1998) A Primer of Infinitesimal Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

[Note 19] Robinson, A. (1974) Non-Standard Analysis. Amsterdam: North Holland.

[Note 20] Greeno, J.G. (1997) Response: On claims that answer the wrong questions. Educational Researcher, 26(1) 5-17,  p 7.

[Note 21] Greeno, J.G., and Middle School Mathematics Through Applications Project Group (1998) The situativity of knowing, learning, and research. American Psychologist, 53(1), 5-26,  p 9.

[Note 22] Mazur, B. (2006) When is one thing equal to some other thing? Ms downloaded from, p 6.

[Note 23] Mazur op cit p 18.

In discussion after the talk, Professor Greeno expressed interest in Mazur's treatment of the role of different representations in highlighting some aspects of a subject while muting others. Here are quotations that bring this out:

The easiest way of comparing the Peano axioms with the Peano category as modes of defining natural Numbers , is to ask what each of these formats

*shines a spotlight on?

*keeps in the shadows?


*keeps in the dark?
(p 14)

The lights are dimmed on mathematical objects and beamed rather on the corresponding functors, that is, on the network of relationships entailed by the objects (p 20).

With the other lights low, the mathematical concepts shine out in this new beam, as pinned down by the web of relations they have with all the other objects of their species. What has receded is are set theoretic language and logical apparatus. What is now fully incorporated, center stage under bright lights, is the curious class of objects of the category, the template for the various manners in which a mathematical object of interest might be presented to us (p 23).

[Note 24] Benacerraf, P. (1965) What numbers could not be. Philosophical Review, 74, 47-73.

I was led to this paper by the discussion in Makkai, M. ( 1999) Structuralism in mathematics. In R. Jackendoff, P. Bloom, and K. Wynn (Eds.) Language, Logic, and Concepts: Essays in Memory of John Macnamara. Cambridg, MA: MIT Press, 43-66.

There is a discussion of the relationship between Benacerraf's paper and Lawvere's on the category of sets [Note 16] in the introduction to a reprint of Lawvere's paper by Colin McLarty:

Lawvere, F.W. (2005) An elementary theory of the category of sets (long version) with commentary. Reprints in Theory and Applications of Categories, 11, 1-35. Available at

[Note 25] Searle, J. R. (1980) Minds, brains, and programs. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (3), 417-457. See Greeno, op cit. 1989 [Note 13].

[Note 26] Putnam, H. (1975/1985) The meaning of 'meaning'. In Philosophical Papers, Vol. 2: Mind, Language and Reality. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.