
Airship (UK)

Quarterly illustrated magazine sent free to all members (by airmail to overseas members). Originally known as The Phoenix Newsletter, it has been published continuously since 1971 and has become a leading publication of the airship community. It contains conference and technical papers, world-wide news, letters, book reviews, general articles and a photo feature. From edition No 136 (June 2002) it has been produced in A4 format with 32 pages, several of them in colour. Published by the Airship Association.


AirshipWorld Journal (NZ) ISSN 1175:5024

Quarterly. Formerly: Gasbag. Incorporates Aerostation, the Journal of the Association of Airship and Balloon Constructors (ABAC). Since 1989, the Lighter-Than-Air Institute has published AirshipWorld Journal, a roundup of current and historic information and news on LTA happenings, mainly airship-related. Typically about 50 pages per issue, US A4 size (275mm x 215mm), laminated colour cover,
many photos (some colour) & diagrams, with occasional larger fold-out plans or drawings

The Lighter-Than-Air Institute
PO. Box 74-420

Published since 1989

Bouyant Flight (US)

Monthly. A benefit of membership in The L-T-A Society. Regarded as one of the most technically correct and authoritative publications available on the subject of LTA. Buoyant Flight presents articles on lighter-than-air history, news of recent developments in lighter-than-air aviation, book reviews and summaries of the Society activities. Since 1954, it has provided informative reading for the serious student of LTA flight, the newcomer to the field, and the retired airship crew member.

The L-T-A Society
526 S. Main Street, Suite 232
Akron, OH 44311

Office: 330-535-5827
Museum Workshop: 330-535-0100


Last update: 14 October 2003