I.                    Terms (5 pts. each/50 points): Ten of these terms will appear on the midterm exam. One point is given for definition and 4 points for both example (where appropriate) and most importantly significance to the study of International Affairs.

1.      Anarchy

2.      Balance of Power

3.      Liberalism

4.      Bandwagoning

5.      Anbar Awakening

6.      Hamid Karzai

7.      De-bathification

8.      Indirect counterinsurgency

9.      Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

10.  Stolen Iraqi Dinars

11.  Jihad

12.  Peshmerga

13.  Democratic Peace Theory

14.  Bipolarity       

15.  Montreal Protocol

16.  Signature Strikes

17.  Anwar al-Awlaki

18.  Waziristan

19.  Whistleblower

20.  WikiLeaks

21.  Credibility Gap


23.  NPT

24.  AQ Khan

25.  Chemical Weapons Convention

26.  Deterrence

27.  Uranium enrichment

28.  Muhammad Bouazizi

29.  "Hama Rules"

30.  Bashir al-Assad

31.  Democratic deficit

32.  Mohamed Morsi

33.  Anwar el-Sadat

34.  UN Resolution 242

35.  Balfour Declaration

36.  Lebanese National Pact

37.  Blowback

38.  Clash of Civilizations

39.  Sayid al Qutb


II.                 Essays (40 points): One of these questions will appear on the Midterm Exam. You will answer the question in your BlueBook using proper grammar, punctuation and spelling.


1.      Two major theories about the causes of jihad are blowback and Huntington’s (1998) argument regarding the ‘Clash of Civilizations.’ Which argument do you find more convincing as an explanation for Islamic Terror and why?


2.      Why has Tunisia been the only state to maintain a democracy out of the 12 Arab states to partake in protests during the Arab Spring?


3.      Why has the use of drones increased so dramatically in recent years, and are they effective in the War on Terror?


4.      Does a functioning democracy need whistleblowers to maintain governmental accountability, or do whistleblowers do more harm than good?


5.      The Israeli war of independence in 1948 created approximately 750,000 refugees from Arab areas. Describe where those refugees went and the impact that they have had both then and now. Why was the volume of refugees so large? How can the problem of those refugees be dealt with today?


6.      The War in Afghanistan has been the United States' longest standing war. Why has this conflict been so long, and largely unsuccessful? Discuss at least 3 challenges of this conflict (geographic, social, cultural, political, etc.) the United States military has encountered.


III.             Map (2 pts. each/10 points): You will be asked to identify five countries from this map.