1. What is an ontological scheme? What does
it mean to say that the scheme has to be both "exclusive"
and "exhaustive"?
2. (a)
State the theory Typical Materialism (TM). Define all
technical terms.
(b) Give an example of a physical
object. Why is this thing a physical object?
(c) Give an example of a physical
property. What makes this property a physical property?
(d) Give an example of a mental
property. What makes this property a mental property?
3. PEE* the
Argument from Mindful Sentences Against TM.
4. (a) Define and explain the meaning of 'identity' as
we used it in class.
(b) Contrast this concept with
the concept of exact similarity.
(c) Give an example of a false
identity sentence. (An identity sentence is a sentence of
this form: "x is identical to y.")
(d) Give an example of a true and
informative identity sentence.
(e) State the Principle about Identity.
5. (a) Present
and Explain Descartes' Argument from Doubt Against TM.
(b) Present and Explain The Parody
Argument (the one involving Oedipus).
(c) Does The Parody Argument provide
support for of cast doubt upon Descartes' Argument from Doubt? How?
6. (a) State the theory Cartesian Dualism (CD). Define
all technical terms.
(b) State and discuss what you
take to be the strongest of the alleged advantages of CD.
7. PEE* both versions of the Problem of Other Minds
(against CD).