Phil 164

What We Did Each Day

Topics Covered

Reading Assigned
(readings always due by next class meeting)

Important Announcements Made

W 1/28

 - Introductions
- Went over Syllabus

 - Rachels, "What Is Morality," (handout) Get the textbook (Kuhse and Singer (eds.), Bioethics: An Anthology, which is available at the Textbook Annex.  Send me an email with your name, level, major, previous philosophy courses (if any), and why you chose to take this course.
F 1/30 - The Fundamental Project of Medical Ethics
- Some Medical Ethics Questions
- What Moral Questions are Not
 - Kuhse and Singer, Introduction to Bioethics (pp. 1-6)  

M 2/2

- What Moral Questions are Not (continued)
- The Method of Reflective Equilibrium
   - Check the "What We Did Each Day" page of the website (this very page) if you ever need to know what we covered on a given day and what reading was assigned.  Do this, e.g., if you were absent, or if you've got a really bad memory.
W 2/4 - Particular Moral Judgments
- General Moral Principles
- The Case of Baby Theresa
 Feldman, "What Is Philosophy?" (website)  
F 2/6 - The Case of Baby Theresa
- The Benefits Argument
   Book is available on reserve at the library. (Or it should be -- please notify me if it is not.)
M 2/9 - What Is Ethics?
- What Is Normative Ethics (10C, GR, CR, Utilitarianism)
W 2/11 - Utilitarianism  Feldman, "Playing God: A Problem for Physician Assisted Suicide?" (website)  Please *print out* this Feldman reading and bring it to class.
F 2/13 - Logic     
M 2/16  H O L I D A Y   --   N O   C L A S S  
W 2/18 CLASS CANCELED DUE TO ILLNES    (today is a Monday schedule)
M 2/23 - Playing God
- Intro to Abortion (FQA and some possible answers)
 Noonan, "An Almost Absolute Value in History" (website)  
W 2/25  - Intro to Abortion (The Traditional Debate, Side Issues, Some History)  Stott, "Does Life Begin Before Birth?" (website)  
M 3/1 A Brief History of Abortion, Noonan's Main Thesis    
W 3/3

- Noonan's Main Argument
- An Improved Version of Noonan's Main Argument
- Two Concepts of Personhood

F 3/5 - Noonan’s Equivocation
- Started Stott
 Harthshorne, "Concerning Abortion: An Attempt at a Rational View" (website)  
M 3/8 - A Third Concept of Personhood
- Stott’s Argument for Fetal Personhood
 Marquis, "Why Abortion is Immoral" (Bioethics, pp. 46-57)  
W 3/10 - Other Views about Moral Personhood (Life, Psychological Personhood as Moral Personhood)  Thomson, "A Defense of Abortion" (Bioethics, pp. 36-45)  
F 3/12  - Other Views about Moral Personhood (Birth, Viability)
- Marquis (his general strategy, The Desire Theory, The Future-Like-Ours Theory, Consequences of the Future-Like-Ours Theory)
M 3/15  S P R I N G   B R E A K   --   N O   C L A S S
W 3/17  S P R I N G   B R E A K   --   N O   C L A S S
F 3/19  S P R I N G   B R E A K   --   N O   C L A S S
M 3/22 - review of Marquis
- Thomson's Violinist
W 3/24  Review for Midterm  
F 3/26  First Midterm Exam (in class; bring blue or black ink pen -- no pencil, no red pen)
M 3/29 - return bluebooks
- Taboo
 Gay-Williams, "The Wrongfulness of Euthanasia" (website)  
W 3/31 - Taboo    
F 4/2 - Intro to Euthanasia
- Aquinas's Arguments Against Suicide
Rachels, "Active and Passive Euthanasia" (Bioethics, pp. 227-230)  
M 4/5

- Aquinas's Natural Law Argument Against Suicide
- Suicide and Self-Interest

W 4/7 - Gay-Williams's Argument from Nature  - Callahan, "When Self-Determination Runs Amok," (especially the section "Calculating the Consequences") (Bioethics, pp. 327-331)
- Brock, "Voluntary Active Euthanasia" (website)
F 4/9  - The No-Moral-Difference Argument    
M 4/12  - The No-Moral-Difference Argument    
W 4/14  - Brock  - Harris, "The Survival Lottery," (pp. 399-403 in Bioethics)  
F 4/16 - Brock
- The Survival Lottery
M 4/19  H O L I D A Y   --   N O   C L A S S    
W 4/21 - Intro to Resource Allocation
- The Case of the Runaway Trolley
- The Survival Lottery
Th 4/22 - The Survival Lottery
- Objections and Replies
  (today is a Monday schedule)
F 4/23  C L A S S   C A N C E L E D
M 4/26  - Objections and Replies to the Survival Lottery - Kant, "Duties Towards Aninmals," (p. 459 in Bioethics)
Bentham, "A Utilitarian View," (p. 460 in Bioethics)
Singer, "All Animals are Equal" (pp. 461-470 in Bioethics)
W 4/28  - Introduction to Animal Experimentation
- Some Opinions on the Moral Status of Animals from the History of Philosophy
 - Cohen, "Why Animals Have No Rights" (website)  
F 4/30  - Some Background on the Concept of Moral Standing
- Some Sample Theories
- Kantian Rationalism
 - OPTIONAL READING: Gruen, "The Moral Status of Animals" (website)  
M 5/3 - Benthamic Utilitarianism
- An Argument Against Animal Experimentation
- An Objection to the Argument
- Modified Kantian Rationalism
W 5/5  <course evaluations>
- An Argument Against Animal Experimentation
- An Objection to the Argument
- Modified Kantian Rationalism
- Singer’s First Reply: An Argument Against Modified Kantian Rationalism
 John Harris, "'Goodbye Dolly?' The Ethics of Human Cloning" (Bioethics, pp. 143-152).  
F 5/7  - Singer’s Second Reply: A New Argument Against Animal Experimentation    
M 5/10  
W 5/12  Review for Final    

Final Exam: Thursday, May 20, 8:00 a.m., HASA 126 (Hasbrouck Lab. Addition 126) (Map: C4)