About These Multi-color Laser Video Sequences
These images were created around sine and cosine functions. Each image was captureed from a color video sequence of three lasers projecting the same curve but at differing phases. More information concerning how the images were constructed is contained in the "About Laser Light Math" section of this site. To see the video images in action, just click on the selected image. All of the video sequences are done in MOV format. This means you will need to use Quicktime (7.1.6 or later) to view them. You will also need at least a G4 MAC or a fairly fast Windows machine. You Down load Quicktime at this site (for WIN 2K, download http://www.apple.com/support/downloads/quicktime716forwindows.html otherwise download latest version at http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/). Also, the files are about 7 Megs each, so it might take a few moments to download. Be patient, the files will arrive.
Click on a thumbnail to see a video sequence of that image.>>>Home