Green Laser Video Clips in MOV Format To see these video clips in action, just click on a selected image below. All sequences are done in MOV format. You will need Quicktime (7.1.6 or later) to view them. You can download the appropriate Quicktime versions at the following links. For WIN 2K, download at , otherwise, download latest MAC version at The MOV files are about 2Megs each, so they might take a few moments to arrive. |
3D Wheel |
Cornucopia |
Deltoid |
Flower |
Hypotrochoid 13 |
Peacock |
Pineapple |
Rose |
Rose 34 |
Slinky |
Trisquare |
Wings 2 |
To see a curve as a moving laser image, click on a picture above.>>>Home