$TITLE M6-2a.GMS: 2x2 Economy with labor supply and income tax $ONTEXT Production Sectors Consumers Markets | X Y W TL TK CONS ---------------------------------------------------------- PX | 120 -120 PY | 120 -120 PW | 340 -340 PLS | -48 -72 120 PKS | -72 -48 120 PL | -100 -80 180 PK | -80 80 TAX | -40 -40 80 ---------------------------------------------------------- $OFFTEXT SETS S /1*6/; PARAMETERS TXL Labor income tax rate, TXK Capital income tax rate, WELFARE(S) Welfare, LABSUP(S) Labor supply INCOME(S) Money income = consumption of X and Y CAPTAX(S) The level of the capital tax TAXREV(S) Tax revenue generated; POSITIVE VARIABLES X Activity level for sector X Y Activity level for sector Y TL Supply activity for L TK Supply activity for K W Activity level for sector W PX Price index for commodity X PY Price index for commodity Y PL Price index for primary factor L net of tax PK Price index for primary factor K net of tax PLS Price index for primary factor L gross of tax PKS Price index for primary factor K gross of tax PW Price index for welfare (expenditure function) CONS Income definition for CONS; EQUATIONS PRF_X Zero profit for sector X PRF_Y Zero profit for sector Y PRF_TL Zero profit for sector TL PRF_TK Zero profit for sector TK PRF_W Zero profit for sector W MKT_X Supply-demand balance for commodity X MKT_TK Supply-demand balance for commodity TK MKT_TL Supply-demand balance for commodity TL MKT_Y Supply-demand balance for commodity Y MKT_L Supply-demand balance for primary factor L MKT_K Supply-demand balance for primary factor K MKT_W Supply-demand balance for aggregate demand I_CONS Income definition for CONS; * Zero profit conditions: PRF_X.. 80*PLS**0.4 * PKS**0.6 =G= 120*PX; PRF_Y.. 80*PLS**0.6 * PKS**0.4 =G= 120*PY; PRF_TL.. 80*PL*(1+TXL) =G= 80*PLS; PRF_TK.. 80*PK*(1+TXK) =G= 80*PKS; PRF_W.. 340*(PX)**(12/34) * (PY)**(12/34) * PL**(10/34) =G= 340 * PW; * Market clearing conditions: MKT_X.. 120*X =G= 340*W*PW * (12/34)/PX; MKT_Y.. 120*Y =G= 340*W*PW * (12/34)/PY; MKT_W.. 340*W =G= CONS / PW; MKT_L.. 180 =G= 80*TL + 340*W*(10/34)*(PW/PL); MKT_K.. 80 =G= 80*TK; MKT_TL.. 80*TL =G= 48*X*PX/PLS + 72*Y*PY/PLS; MKT_TK.. 80*TK =G= 72*Y*PY/PKS + 48*X*PX/PKS; * Income constraints: I_CONS.. CONS =E= 180*PL + 80*PK + 80*TL*TXL*PL + 80*TK*TXK*PK; MODEL ALGEBRAIC /PRF_X.X, PRF_Y.Y, PRF_TK.TK,PRF_TL.TL, PRF_W.W, MKT_X.PX, MKT_Y.PY, MKT_L.PL, MKT_TK.PKS, MKT_TL.PLS, MKT_K.PK, MKT_W.PW, I_CONS.CONS /; X.L =1; Y.L =1; TK.L =1; TL.L =1; W.L =1; PL.L =1; PX.L =1; PY.L =1; PLS.L =1.5; PKS.L =1.5; PK.L =1; PW.FX =1; CONS.L =340; TXL =0.5; TXK =0.5; ALGEBRAIC.ITERLIM = 0; SOLVE ALGEBRAIC USING MCP; * Lets do some counter-factual with taxes shifted to the * factor which is in fixed supply: ALGEBRAIC.ITERLIM = 1000; SOLVE ALGEBRAIC USING MCP; LOOP(S, TXL = 0.60 - 0.10*ORD(S); TXK = 0.40 + 0.10*ORD(S); SOLVE ALGEBRAIC USING MCP; WELFARE(S) = W.L; LABSUP(S) = TL.L; INCOME(S) = ((PX.L/1.5)*X.L + (PY.L/1.5)*Y.L) /((PX.L/1.5)**0.5*(PY.L/1.5)**0.5)/2; CAPTAX(S) = TXK; TAXREV(S) = (TXL*PL.L*TL.L*80 + TXK*PK.L*TK.L*80) /((PX.L/1.5)**0.5*(PY.L/1.5)**0.5); ); DISPLAY WELFARE, LABSUP, INCOME, CAPTAX, TAXREV; PARAMETER RESULTS(S, *); RESULTS(S, "WELFARE") = WELFARE(S); RESULTS(S, "LABSUP") = LABSUP(S); RESULTS(S, "TAXREV") = TAXREV(S); DISPLAY RESULTS; TXL = 0; TXK = 0; SOLVE ALGEBRAIC USING MCP;