$TITLE Model M29: Closed 2x2 Economy -- Stone Geary (LES) Preferences $ONTEXT The observed data is: Production Sectors Consumers Markets | X Y W | CONS ------------------------------------------------------ PX | 100 -100 | PY | 100 -100 | PW | 200 | -200 PL | -40 -60 | 100 PK | -60 -40 | 100 ------------------------------------------------------ But calibrated to the model as: Production Sectors Consumers Markets | X Y W | CONS ------------------------------------------------------ PX | 100 -60 | -40 PY | 100 -100 | PW | 160 | -160 PL | -40 -60 | 100 PK | -60 -40 | 100 ------------------------------------------------------ $OFFTEXT PARAMETERS ENDOW; ENDOW = 1; $ONTEXT $MODEL:M29 $SECTORS: X ! Activity level for sector X Y ! Activity level for sector Y W ! Activity level for sector W (Hicksian welfare index) $COMMODITIES: PX ! Price index for commodity X PY ! Price index for commodity Y PL ! Price index for primary factor L PK ! Price index for primary factor K PW ! Price index for welfare (expenditure function) $CONSUMERS: CONS ! Income level for consumer CONS $PROD:X s:1 O:PX Q:100 I:PL Q: 40 I:PK Q: 60 $PROD:Y s:1 O:PY Q:100 I:PL Q: 60 I:PK Q: 40 $PROD:W s:1 O:PW Q:160 I:PX Q: 60 I:PY Q:100 $DEMAND:CONS D:PW Q:160 E:PL Q:(100*ENDOW) E:PK Q:(100*ENDOW) E:PX Q:-40 $OFFTEXT $SYSINCLUDE mpsgeset M29 PW.FX = 1; $INCLUDE M29.GEN SOLVE M29 USING MCP; * Counterfactual: double the factor endowment. ENDOW = 2; $INCLUDE M29.GEN SOLVE M29 USING MCP;