$TITLE Model M43: Small open economy model with a benchmark tariff. * alternaive price normalization from M42 $ONTEXT This model is equivalent to M42 except that units are chosen such that all WORLD prices equal one initially. The benchmark domestic price ratio is then P2 = 1.2. Note that this changes the units of measurement in good 2. There are now 83.3333 units of good 2 consumed instead of 100, but this is simply a change in units of measure and has no welfare consequences. Production Sectors Consumer Markets | X1 X2 E1 M2 W CONS ------------------------------------------------------------------ P1 | 150 -50 -100 P2 | 40 60 -100 PL | -100 -20 120 PK | -50 -20 70 PW | 200 -200 PFX | 50 -50 T | -10 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------ $OFFTEXT PARAMETERS PE2 Export price of good 2, PM1 Import price of good 1, PE1 Export price of good 1, PM2 Import price of good 2, TM2 Import tariff for good 2; PE1 = 1; PM2 = 1; PE2 = 0.99; PM1 = 1.01; TM2 = 0.20; $ONTEXT $MODEL:M43 $SECTORS: X1 ! Production index for good 1 X2 ! Production index good 2 E1 ! Export level of good 1 E2 ! Export level of good 2 M1 ! Import level of good 1 M2 ! Import level of good 2 W ! Welfare index $COMMODITIES: P1 ! Price index for good 1 P2 ! Price index for good 1 PFX ! Read exchange rate index PW ! Welfare price index PL ! Wage index PK ! Capital rental index $CONSUMERS: CONS ! Income level for representative agent * Cobb-Douglas production in both sectors: $PROD:X1 s:1 O:P1 Q:150 I:PL Q:100 I:PK Q:50 $PROD:X2 s:1 O:P2 Q:33.33333 P:1.2 I:PL Q:20 I:PK Q:20 $PROD:E1 O:PFX Q:(50*PE1) I:P1 Q:50 $PROD:M2 O:P2 Q:50 I:PFX Q:(50*PM2) A:CONS T:TM2 $PROD:E2 O:PFX Q:(50*PE2) I:P2 Q:(50) $PROD:M1 O:P1 Q:50 I:PFX Q:(50*PM1) $PROD:W s:1 O:PW Q:200 I:P1 Q:100 I:P2 Q:83.33333 P:1.2 $DEMAND:CONS D:PW Q:200 E:PL Q:120 E:PK Q:70 $OFFTEXT $SYSINCLUDE mpsgeset M43 PW.FX = 1; * Benchmark replication E1.L = 1; M2.L = 1; E2.L = 0; M1.L = 0; P2.L = 1.2; M43.ITERLIM = 0; $INCLUDE M43.GEN SOLVE M43 USING MCP; M43.ITERLIM = 2000; * Counterfactual experiment is free trade TM2 = 0; $INCLUDE M43.GEN SOLVE M43 USING MCP;