$TITLE Model M53-MPS: Oligopoly with free entry, MPS/GE version $ONTEXT Production Sectors Consumers Markets | X N Y W | CONS ENTRE ---------------------------------------------------------- PX | 100 -100 | PY | 100 -100 | PF | 20 | -20 PU | 200 | -200 PW | -32 -8 -60 | 100 PZ | -48 -12 -40 | 100 MK | -20 | 20 $OFFTEXT PARAMETERS SIGMA ENDOW; SIGMA = 1; ENDOW = 1; $ONTEXT $MODEL:M53 $SECTORS: X ! Activity level - sector X output Y ! Activity level - competitive sector Y W ! Welfare index for the representative consumer N ! Activity level - sector X fixed costs = number of firms $COMMODITIES: PU ! Price index for representative agent utility PX ! Price of good X (gross of markup) PY ! Price of good Y PF ! Unit price of inputs to fixed cost PW ! Price index for labor PZ ! Price index for capital $CONSUMERS: CONS ! Representative agent ENTRE ! Entrepreneur (converts markup revenue to fixed cost) $AUXILIARY: MARKUP ! Optimal markup based on Marshallian demand elasticity $PROD:X s:1 O:PX Q: 80 A:ENTRE N:MARKUP I:PW Q: 32 I:PZ Q: 48 $PROD:Y s:1 O:PY Q:100 I:PW Q: 60 I:PZ Q: 40 $PROD:N s:1 O:PF Q: (20/5) I:PW Q: (8/5) I:PZ Q: (12/5) $PROD:W s:1 O:PU Q:200 I:PX Q: 80 P:1.25 I:PY Q:100 $DEMAND:CONS D:PU Q:200 E:PW Q:(ENDOW*100) E:PZ Q:(ENDOW*100) $DEMAND:ENTRE D:PF Q: 20 $CONSTRAINT:MARKUP MARKUP*N =E= 1; $OFFTEXT $SYSINCLUDE mpsgeset M53 * Benchmark replication: PU.FX = 1; N.L = 5; PX.L = 1.25; MARKUP.L = 0.20; $INCLUDE M53.GEN SOLVE M53 USING MCP; * Counterfactual double the size of economy. ENDOW = 2; $INCLUDE M53.GEN SOLVE M53 USING MCP;