Seminar in
Ethics and Academic Integrity, University of Colorado at Boulder
Session I Pre-Work Questions
1. What is the stated purpose of the CU Honor Code?
2. What is the Pledge that students at CU will be asked to sign as associated
with many major assignments / tests?
3. What is the difference between “ethics” and “values”?
4. What were the three models for ethical decision-making identified in your
reading assignment?
5. What are the “Six Pillars of Character”?
6. Review the “Common Rationalizations” for unethical behavior, and identify
which of these (there may be more than one) is/are used in this quote from a
University of Maryland student*:
Q. Is engaging in cheating fair to honest students?
A. I don't think of it like that. I know some students do. But the attitude is
generally, this is the way it is. When they work, a lot of these kids, either
their fathers work in business, whatever they do, they get a shortcut--the other
guy doesn't. That's the way I look at it. If I'm sharp enough to know the right
people to get what I need, and he's not, then that's the point of the whole
*Used with permission from G. Pavela, University of Maryland
Prepared by: Jeffrey T. Luftig, Ph.D.
Leeds School of Business