Voting for President, 1956-1996:

Four Methods for Aggregating the Votes(1)

Year Candidate Electoral College Proportional Plan District Plan Direct Election 
1956 Eisenhower 457 296.7 411 57.4 %
Stevenson 73 227.2 120 42.0 %
1960 Nixon 219 266.1 278 49.5 %
Kennedy 303 265.6 245 49.8 %
Byrd 15 5.3 14 0.7 %
1964 Goldwater 52 213.6 72 38.5 %
Johnson 486 320.0 466 61.0 %
1968 Nixon 301 231.5 289 43.2 %
Humphrey 191 225.4 192 42.7 %
Wallace 46 78.8 57 13.5 %
1972 Nixon 520 330.3 474 60.7 %
McGovern 17 197.5 64 37.5 %
1976 Ford 240 258.0 269 48.0 %
Carter 297 269.7 269 50.1 %
1980 Reagan 489 272.9 396 50.7 %
Carter 49 220.9 142 41.0 %
Anderson 0 35.3 0 6.6 %
1984 Reagan 525 317.6 468 58.8 %
Mondale 13 216.6 70 40.6 %
1988 Bush 426 287.8 379 53.4 %
Dukakis 111 244.7 159 45.6 %
1992 Bush 168 203.3 214 37.5 %
Clinton 370 231.6 324 43.0 %
Perot 0 101.8 0 18.9 %
1996 Clinton 379 262.0 345 49.2 %
Dole 159 219.9 193 40.7 %
Perot 0 48.8 0 8.4 %

1. S. Wayne, "Road to the White House 2000; The Politics of Presidential Elections" Bedford, St. Martin's, 2000, pp, 313-314.