Planning to take a class or two this summer?
Here's what you need to know.

If you are attending Summer Session at CU-Boulder  (
Registration for Summer Session 2012 begins March 7th. Freshmen and sophomores can register starting March 9th. You can register for summer courses (including online coursework) right through

Summer Session is comprised of five different terms.
Maymester (Term M) -- May 14 - June 1
Term A -- June 4 - July 6
Term B -- July 10 - August 10
Term C -- June 4 - July 27
Term D -- June 4 - August 10

Important things to know when registering for summer
Tuition, Deadlines and more can be found at

If you are attending another institution other than CU-Boulder (including CU-Denver and CU-Colo. Springs)...

The best thing to do is to determine, in advance, if and how your planned course(s) will transfer.

1) Look up it up on (
You should look here FIRST because you'll get your answer much quicker than the next step. You'll need to know where you'll be attending for summer.
  1. Go to
  2. Click on Quick Equivalencies
  3. Follow the steps on the next page.
You can look up a course using the catalog information from the transfer school or you can look up a CU-Boulder course and find its equivalency at the transfer school.

Example 1:  I want to take a course or two at Irvine Valley College. I search on the Irvine Valley College website and find an astronomy course I would like to take. I use to see if this astronomy course will transfer.

By using the drop down menu circled above, I can find out if Irvine Valley College courses that will transfer back to UCB. I also know from these results that this astronomy course can be applied to the Arts and Sciences Core as Natural Science Non Sequence.

Example 2: I am heading back to Texas and want to take Calculus 1 (MATH 1300) at a nearby school, Rice University. This time I use to see if Rice offers a course that is the equivalent to MATH 1300.

By using the drop down menu next to University of Colorado at Boulder, I can see if there is a course that will transfer to UCB as MATH 1300. I find that there is and that the course will also fill Core: QRMS (see Glossary Messages).

2) What if I cannot find the course or school I am looking for on
No problem. We have a Transfer Pre-Approval form that you can fill out and submit to determine if and how courses will transfer.
The form can be downloaded from the AAC website ( or you can pick up a copy in Woodbury 109. Fill the form out completely and follow all of the instructions. Make sure you indicate how you wish the transfer course to count (elective or core). It typically takes 3-5 weeks for the transfer unit to process your request so plan ahead!

3) What do I do once I finish my summer coursework?
If you are taking courses through CU-Boulder, you don't need to do anything. Grades show up automatically on your transcript. If you are taking courses elsewhere, you'll need to have an official transcript sent directly to CU-Boulder once your grades have been posted. Transcripts should be sent to:

Office of Admissions
University of Colorado
UCB 552
Boulder, CO 80309

You could also hand deliver the official transcript to Admissions when you return. Just make sure not to break the seal on the envelope or Admissions will not accept it as official.

Some final things to remember about transfer courses:
  1. Courses must be taken at an accredited university or college.
  2. All transfer course must have a grade of C- or higher to transfer. 
  3. Transfer credit grades are not calculated into your CU GPA unless the courses are taken at CU-Denver or CU-Colo Springs.
  4. If you are open option, courses can only be evaluated as electives or core credit. Only academic departments can determine if transfer courses will fulfill major requirements. Academic departments will only evaluate credit for student in their majors only.
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