Academic Resources
Register for classes by adding classes to a shopping cart, add, drop and swap courses, 
see time assignments, any holds, course search, access registrar forms, access Degree Audit, transcripts, advising information, Faculty Course Questionnaire (FCQ), see your course schedule and course information, change your schedule, access the Online Student Center.
Financial Information
Billing: view and pay bills, authorize others to view and pay your bills, change bill payment options, apply for the College Opportunity Fund, print your 1098T tax form, more.
Financial Aid: check your application status, see and approve award assignments, review scholarship services and types of financial aid, access forms, more.
Student Employment: find employment on and off campus
Health Plans: select or waive a health plan
Student Services
Here you'll find links to campus websites with useful information about Academics (advising, graduation, libraries, study abroad), Campus Resources (book store, technology, UMC), Community, Entertainment & Recreation (sports, rec center, events), Financial (Buff OneCard, tuition, employment), Getting Around Campus (bikes, busses, parking), and Health & Safety (alerts, police, health center, alcohol), and more.
Student Information
Your personal info, including student ID, college and major on record, access to Gmail, along with links to change your permanent address, change your IdentiKey, and manage your email addresses.
Other Information:
Campus Alerts: sign up to receive emergency messages from CU-Boulder on your cell phone.
Academic Calendar: all the important dates for the year.
Registrar Forms: Selective Service
Advising Links: Links to your personal advisor
University Libraries: Search the Chinook Library Catalog; access all the libraries on campus
WebFiles: Login to WebFiles, a web-based file storage service for students at CU-Boulder.
Faculty Course Toolkit:
Link to the new Faculty Center where you can access your List of Courses and Course Roster. You will also find helpful links to resources available outside of MyCUinfo, such as Request Media Key, Request CUClicker receiver, Textbook Adoption and Library Course Reserves.
Profile Information
Your personal info, links to change your permanent address, change your IdentiKey, and manage your email addresses.
If you need further assistance with your IdentiKey or for other portal problems, please contact the IT Service Center at 303-735-4357 (5-HELP) or