Current Trends in Harmonic Analysis and Its
Wavelets and Frames
Thursday, May 18, 2006
9:30 a.m. - 9: 50 a.m., ECCR-105
- Greetings from Dean of Research and Chair of the Mathematics Department
10 a.m. - 10:50 a.m., ECCR-105 -
Kathy Merrill: Smooth Single Parseval Wavelets from
Filters in L2(R2), an
Wavelet Set, and a Tribute to Larry Baggett
11 a.m. - 11:50 a.m., ECCR-105:
Keith Taylor: Groups with Atomic Regular Representation
12 p.m.- 1:30 p.m. : Lunch
1:30 p.m. - 2:20 p.m., ECCR-105
-Yang Wang : Denoising
Natural Color Images
2:30 p.m.- 3 p.m. - Tea Break
3 p.m. - 5 p.m.:
Parallel Sessions of 20 Minute Talks:
Session 1, in ECCR 105:
3:00-3:20: Joe Lakey: On Periodic
Non-uniform Sampling in Shift Invariant Spaces
3:30-3:50: Jeff
Hogan: Wavelets and Sampling in the Zak Domain
4:00-4:20: Casey Leonetti:
Non-uniform Sampling and Reconstruction from Sampling
with Unknown Jitter
4:30-4:50: Keri Kornelson:
Non-integer Translation Invariant Spaces
2, in MATH 350:
3:00-3:20: Chal
Benson: A Geometric Model for the Space
of Bounded Spherical
Functions on a 2-step
Nilpotent Lie Group
3:30-3:50: Wannapa Ruangthanakorn: Cross-sections and Continuous Wavelets
Associated with Matrix
4:00-4:20: Christopher Brislawn:
Recent research on multirate filter banks at Los Alamos National Lab
4:30-4:50: Dorin Dutkay: Oversampling Generates Superwavelets
5:30 p.m. - Cocktail Party at
the Baggett's House: 1407 Cedar Ave., Boulder
Friday May 19, 2006
9 - 9:50, ECCR-105 - Palle Jorgensen: From Signals to Operator Algebra to
10 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Coffee
10:30 - 11:20, ECCR-105 - Eberhard Kaniuth: Induced
Characters, Mackey Analysis and Primitive Ideal
of Nilpotent Discrete Groups
11:30 a.m. - 12:20 p.m., ECCR 105 -
Christopher Heil: The Density Theorem for Gabor Systems and Localized Frames
12:30 p.m. – 2 p.m. - Lunch
2 p.m. -2:50 p.m., ECCR-105 - David Larson: Wavelets, Frames, and Unitary
3 p.m.- 5 p.m. : Parallel
Sessions of 20 Minute Talks:
Session 1, in ECCR 105:
3:00-3:20: Bin
Han: The Projection Method in Wavelet
3:30-3:50: Kasso Okoudjou: Unimodular Fourier
Multipliers for Modulation Spaces
4:00-4:20: Jens
Christensen: Modulation Spaces and
Co-orbit Spaces
4:30-4:50: Demetrio Labate: Optimally Sparse Multidimensional
2, in MATH 350:
3:00-3:20: Marcin
Bownik: Recent
Progress on Baggett’s Problem
3:30-3:50: Xingde Dai: The Path
Connectivity of S-elementary Tight Frame Wavelets
4:00-4:20: Brody Johnson: Orthogonal Wavelet Frames and Vector-valued
Wavelet Transforms
4:30-4:50: Eric
Weber: My Failed Attempts at the HRT
6 p.m. - Banquet in Honor of Larry Baggett at Laudisio’s Restaurant: Iris and 28th St.,
Saturday May 20, 2006
9:00 a.m. - 9:50 a.m., in ECCR 105 -
Daniel Stroock: Some Queer Diffusions
10:00 a.m. - 10:50 a.m., in ECCR 105 -
Gerald Folland: The Discrete Heisenberg Group: The
Abstruse Meets the Applicable
11:00 a.m. - 11:50 a.m., in ECCR 105 -
Dennis Sullivan: Algebraic Topology of Functions on the Circle with Values in a
12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Lunch
1:30 p.m.-2:20 p.m., in ECCR 105 -
Herbert Medina: Challenges and Opportunities in Developing Some Heretofore
Mathematical Talent
2:30 p.m. – 3 p.m. - Tea Break
3 p.m. -5 p.m. : Parallel
Sessions of 20 Minute Talks:
Session 1, in ECCR 105:
3:00-3:20: Jonas D'Andrea: Fractal Wavelets of
Dutkay-Jorgensen Type For the Sierpinski Gasket Space
3:30-3:50: Myung-Sin Song:
Wavelet Image Compression
4:00-4:20: Amy Chambers:
Conditional Expectations onto Certain Subalgebras of Tensor Products of Graph C*-algebras
2, in MATH 350:
3:00-3:20: Alex Powell: Alternate Dual Frames for Sigma-Delta Quantization
3:30-3:50: Fumiko Futamura:
Symmetrically Localized Frames
4:00-4:20: Kuzman Adzievski: Non-isotropic Hausdorff Capacity of
Exceptional Sets of Pluri-Green Potentials in the Unit Ball of C^n